Child of Destiny

Chapter 1058 Rankings And Clubs

Chapter 1058 Rankings And Clubs


Merit Points Class Ranking.

1. Shin Kinghad – 10 800

2. Jean Camus – 9 800

3. Diel Hendrickson – 9 700

4. Dylan White – 8 200

5. Arthur Springfield – 8 000

6. Leonard Fireheart – 7 800

7. Simone Bartolomeo – 7 700

8. Thomas Brook – 7 200

9. Falcon Hawkins – 6 900

10. Ezio Williams – 6 500

11. Cloe Cilvana – 6 300

12. Alice Stuart – 6 200

13. Lorraine Goldstein – 6 000

14. Jillian Potter – 5 900

15. Molton Potter – 5 800

There was a total of fifty students that were accepted for the special program of the school after a series of exams and all of their names were ranked based on the merit points that they had accumulated.

There was a noticeable gap between the top-rankers and the lower-ranked ones. It was because of the individual assessment of the professors and instructors given to each student. It was based on the overall performance that each student had shown during the entirety of the exam.

The duels during the final stages of the exam also affected their scores and gained them a lot of extra merit points, especially the ones who won over their opponents.

The gap between the top rankers might be noticeable, but the scores of the lower rankers were tightly packed together. Some of them earned the same number of merit points, making them occupy the same ranking.

Professor Kyrie let the students look at the merit points ranking for a few moments before continuing. "These are your current merit points. Some of you may be confused about how you earned them, so I will explain it to you."

"Most of the merit points came from the number of prisoners that you and your group have killed during your time in the Prison Island."

"Some of you even killed a huge gang or someone with a very high ranking on the island. Some even killed a notorious prisoner with a lot of criminal charges. Each prisoner had a bounty on their head, so there is no need to explain much about it."

Pausing for a moment, the professor cleared her throat while sweeping her gaze at a couple of remarkable students. "But killing the prisoners is not the only criterion for earning these points. There are a few students among you who perform well and showcase their wise thinking. In this area, the captains of each group scored an extra number of points."

She even gave Shin a meaningful look before continuing. "There are also the monster beasts that you have hunted during that time. Those savage creatures also have a corresponding score when taking them down, so the merit points that you have earned majorly come from them."

With a flick of her wrist, the virtual screen projecting the names of the students suddenly disappeared as she continued. "You may have earned quite a lot of merit points from that event but don't expect that you will easily earn more just because of it."

"Earning merit points is much harder than you think and the missions that you are going to do just to earn them will wake you up from reality."

"Normally, we are refraining students from partaking in any kind of mission until they are in their sophomore years, ideally in their junior years. But since you are chosen to be in this special program, the academy has no other choice but to let you accept certain missions to accelerate your growth."

She paused for a moment to wet her drying throat by drinking the bottled water on the table before continuing. "Speaking of the mission. We will also have a corresponding ranking board for it. The criteria for this particular ranking will be the quantity and quality of the missions that you are going to accept. Whether it is a group or individual mission, you will receive a corresponding grading for it."

"The success rate will give you more score obviously, but it is not the only one that you need to consider. How well and how well you performed during the missions will also affect your scores. This will reflect from the reports that you are going to make after every mission as well as the intelligence network that the academy has."


She slammed her hand on the table as she gave everyone a warning looking before adding. "Do you dare give us a false report or some sugarcoating to look yourself well during the mission since the academy will verify each of your reports after you submitted it?"josei

"Of course, you are more than welcome to try to test our intelligence network if you want, but make sure that you are ready to face the consequences once everything has been verified."

The threatening aura instantly disappeared as she quickly retrieved it after saying those words. She then recollected herself before continuing. "You are required to finish a number of low-grade missions every month or one middle-grade mission. It is to make sure that you are making progress."

"You have the entire month to prepare for your missions, so you can't say that you are too busy to do them. You can also communicate with your respective departments to ask for leave when you are doing your missions."

"Personally, as your class adviser, I suggest you form a group and pick one or two middle-grade missions at the start of the month. Then make your preparations and discuss with each other during your free time before tackling the mission at the end of the month."

"This is the most ideal way of doing missions when you are still students. Most of the famous groups within the academy are doing their mission like this."

"You can also do it individually, but it is more ideal to do it in groups," she added before proceeding to the next topic. "Next is the combat rankings."

"I know that most of you will love this since this is a straightforward way to know your progress. You can also compare yourselves to your classmates with this and have a clear understanding of the gap between you and the others."

"Every start of the month, we will be having a special sparring session designated just for the combat ranking. Each of you can challenge anyone you want to snatch their ranking from them. You will only have two chances every month, so think wisely about who are you going to challenge."

"Of course, if you are satisfied with your current rankings, you are more than welcome to not use your chances of challenging someone."

"You are also forbidden to challenge anyone who has a lower ranking than you for obvious reasons, but you can't refuse the challenges that are issued to you by the ones who are from the lower ranking."

"And to be fair, everyone can only be challenged twice. It will be too unfair of anyone to get challenged repeatedly and exhaust themselves after each match."

Professor Kyrie thought for a moment before continuing. "For the Mission Rankings, we will obviously not have one yet. I will give you some consideration and let you adjust to the current rules of the academy for a month, so you can have more time to prepare for your first missions."

"The compulsory missions will only start for the second month, so don't complain that I am not considerate, alright"

"As for the Combat Rankings, we will go with our current Merit Rankings. We will use the same set of arrangements for that one. When the next month starts, the sparring session will follow these arrangements."

Shin could only help but raise his brows when he heard those words. He was currently the first ranker for the merit points, so he would obviously be the target for everyone. Fortunately, they could only be challenged twice, so it would still be manageable.

Well, it was not he was complaining about it. He would welcome every challenge with open arms since he was confident with his current strength, especially since he now gained a new form of power for his Mentalism.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Professor Kyrie suddenly remembered something. "Ah! I almost forgot! Since you guys are being threatened as college students, you are required to join a university club and partake in club activities."

"The Magic Ace Academy is encouraging everyone to socialize and build up some good connections. The real world is harsher than you think, so it is better to have more connections with different people from different fields."

"You can also ask for some help from certain people when you are out for your missions. If you have a better connection, then you will be able to do more missions and accomplish more feats."

"The Club Recruitment Fair will be held later in the afternoon. I can cancel your classes later for you to participate in them and choose a club that suits your tastes or matches your skills and talents."

"Don't neglect this since you will also gain a lot of merit points when you are doing some club activities. The benefits that you will get from the clubs are much better than you can imagine."

Professor Kyrie could not help but furrow her brows slightly when she saw that none of her students were showing any kind of enthusiasm or excitement when she mentioned the matter about the clubs.

But when she thought more about it, she found it quite reasonable. If this class was a normal group of students, then they might feel a little excited about that topic. But since they were elites who were meant to participate in the upcoming Battle for Supremacy, then it was pretty normal for them to not feel anything about such 'trivial' things.

"Anyway, this is one of the things that you are required to do, so make sure to choose a club. The academy will give some demerits if you refuse to join any."

She paused for a moment before quickly adding. "Well, if you are not interested in the already existing clubs, then you can make one your own. Just make sure that you have enough members and merit points to create one."

"But let me be clear. A club is like a little organization within the academy. They will get some funds and support from the school as long as they are regularly doing your responsibilities and club activities. And if you neglect even that, then not only your club will be dissolved, but you will also pay a huge amount of compensation for your negligence and score some demerits."

Seeing that she could still not get any reaction from her students, Professor Kyrie tempted everyone more. "And one more thing. Every semester, the academy is having a semi-annually competition and the only ones who are qualified to participate are students affiliated with clubs."

"It is a Club Exhibition Matches. Each club will send their representatives to the competition who will be facing the other representatives. The club that will be crowned as the champions will have a lot of prices such as merit points, more funding, and special entry for special facilities or cultivation areas."

"So, I encourage you to partake in such an event," she added with a pleased tone since she was finally able to get some reaction from her students. Some of them were even considering which club were they going to choose.

She then nodded her head before clapping her hands to gather their attention. "Alright, that is for today, I guess. Since this is your first day of school, I will dismiss you early and let you visit the Academy Square to check on the clubs recruiting there."

"The Academy has a lot of clubs, so you have a variety of choices. But you still have to choose wisely since it is ideal to join a club where you can showcase your talents, which will also give you more chances to earn merit points.

"I wish you all the luck," she smiled at them before quickly gathering her things and leaving the lecture hall.


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