Child of Destiny

Chapter 1064 Forming A Club

Chapter 1064 Forming A Club


"Come on~! Let's make a club of our own and challenge those already established clubs!" said Arthur continuing to urge the group, particularly Shin.

In the meantime, the rest turned to Shin waiting for his decision. It was clear that they were going to follow him on whatever he was going to choose. Aside from Alice, who already decided to join a music club.

Molton and Jillian also turned to Shin. The two of them already knew that Shin was the heart of this group. They knew it since the special mission that they did, stopping the plot that the Shadow Alliance was scheming in the Main Region. He was also their captain during their time on the Prison Island, the practical exam to join the special program of the academy.

Since they were planning to join their group, it was natural for them to also wait for his decision and follow him.

Shin fell into deep thought as he was trying to consider the suggestion. Their main purpose in looking for a club was to participate in the Club Exhibition and gain a good ranking so that they would be able to get a good amount of merit points.

They knew that facing the established clubs would be challenging, especially when they encounter the members of the elite clubs. But that was a good chance for them to accumulate battle experience, facing powerful and elite students.

It would also make his special task easier. Professor Plum had given him the insane task of challenging the top prodigies of other countries, who were on David and Shiella's level and put up a good fight.

He was not sure if those guys would be participating in such a simple competition between clubs, but if there was an even bigger competition with a bigger benefit, then he was sure that those top prodigies would have no choice but to join it.

If Shin joined at least one of the elite clubs, then he could only freely challenge the top prodigies, who were members of his club. Then he had to wait for the bigger competition to take place before he got the chance to face the others.

It was no different from making their own club.

His other choice was to join the Sleeping Dragons. He knew that his seniors from the Research Department were strong. He even suspected that some of them were as strong as those top prodigies of different countries.

The problem was he was the only one who was qualified to join. Arthur and the rest of the group would not be able to join the club despite their strengths and talents since they were not a part of the Research Department.

Shin was already a member of the Research Department. He could always ask for some guidance from his seniors any time he wanted, so he did not particularly need to join the Sleeping Dragons.

It was the same for the others since each of them was from the special program of the academy.

One of the goals that they had when joining a club was to make connections that would benefit them when doing missions. But given their background, such a thing was unneeded, especially when most of them were members of powerful families and the military.

The other was for them to form a group for the missions that they were going to accept for merit points. They were already thinking of accepting a group mission for the monthly task that their class adviser, Professor Kyrie, had told them.

Considering all of it, Shin thought that making their own club was their best choice. He put more thought into it before nodding his head and agreeing with Arthur, finally. "Alright, let's our own club. We have enough members for it anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"But first, let's consider what kind of club are we making," he added before the others could even rejoice.

Arthur knitted his brows and suggested. "Can't we just make it combat club? Their regular tasks are pretty simple. They just have to participate in different kinds of competition."

Hearing that, Shin and the others could not help but roll their eyes at him. Even Leonard, who was looking forward to fighting anyone strong, was shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

It was Cloe who reprimanded him. "Do you think it is that simple? Participating in any kind of battle competition is very time-consuming. You have to prepare for every competition aside from participating in it."

"There is also the schedule for the battles. You have to consider that too! What are you going to do if it coincides with our important classes? What are you going to do if its schedule clashes with the missions that we are going to do?"

"Are you going to throw it and drop the competition? Huh? The academy will obviously punish you for tarnishing its reputation, especially if it is an external competition!"

Arthur could only scratch his head when he heard that. He did not like thinking about complicated stuff, so he always left it to Shin since he was the smartass.

"So, what do you suggest?" he asked in an awkward manner.

Cloe thought for a moment before saying. "Since it is a school club, it is better if it is something that interests us. Or at least a common interest of our group."

"How about a cooking club? Let's leave all the cooking to Shin while we enjoy every cuisine he makes. I don't mind doing the paper works if it is the case," suggested Lorraine in a joking manner.

It might be a joke, but it fully drew the interest of the others, especially since all of them already tried his cooking. Even Alice was tempted to join them after recalling the food that Shin had made.

It was the same Jillian and Molton. They already tried the food that he made once. It was during the time they were invited by the group after the special exam. They had to admit that it was a heavenly experience.

The group could not hide their thoughts as they looked at Shin with shining eyes. It was as if they were urging him to do it.

Obviously, Shin would not be going to comply, which was completely unfortunate. At least for them.

Shin sighed and waved his hand, indicating that he was not going to do it. And when the group saw that, they could not help but click their tongue. Regardless, they still continued to give suggestions.

After a long time without any result, Arthur had grown frustrated. "Let's just make it a virtual organization club! We are Empyrean Talons after all!"

Shin sighed helplessly and explained, once again. "As I said, it is not appropriate. Not all of us are part of Empyrean Talons."

It would be fine for Lorraine as she would not mind it, but it was a different case for Jillian and Molton. Even if they said that it was alright, they would still feel a little uncomfortable and would feel out of place when the time came.

"Tsk!" Arthur could only click his tongue in resignation.

Then the group continued to think as Shin swept his gaze at everyone. He was thinking of something that was supposed to be an obvious choice but he needed clarification on it. But after thinking more about it, he found that it might be their only choice.

First, he looked at the twin and asked. "The two of you are from a wealthy background too, so I am guessing that you are able to play an instrument or two, right?"

The others could not help but pause when they heard him before coming to a realization. Then they whipped their heads toward the twin and waited for them to reply.

Jillian and Molton were caught off-guard at the sudden question and looked at Shin with puzzlement. Then they saw the others looking at them with great expectation, seemingly waiting for a positive response.

It was even more true for Alice. She could instantly tell what Shin was thinking, so she was quite excited about it.

She already decided that she would join a music club because of her background in singing, especially when he liked doing it. But it was still undecided which club she was going to join, she already got a lot of invitations from various clubs, so she could just freely choose from them.josei

Though, she still refrained from choosing and waited for the club that would truly make her join them.

But if Shin and the others planned to make their own club, she would be willing to join them. She did not know about the others but she knew how good Shin was. That time, when he sang a song that captivated everyone in the special gathering that the madam of the Springfield family had organized, was still in her mind.

Then there was also the song that the Empyrean Talons had used in their music video. She even heard that it even attracted a lot of music and recording companies.

Seeing that Jillian and Molton were slightly confused, Shin started explaining. "I can't say that I am actually good, but I know how to play all kinds of instruments. I can also sing decently."

He ignored the looks that the others were giving him before pointing at Alice and continuing. "There is no need to say anything about her, right? She is an idol, so that explains a lot."

Then he pointed at Leonard. "This guy knows how to play the saxophone. He claims that he is pretty average but people will flock together whenever he does a street performance."

Shin was pretty confident at Leonard especially when he was the one who taught the guy how to play. It was the time when Leonard was looking for a sideline job that he could freely do while also taking care of his little sister. And most importantly, something that an underage kid like him could do.

Shin thought that being a street performer was good and perfectly fit what Leonard wanted, so he taught the guy to play an instrument. Leonard took a liking to playing a saxophone and he was pretty talented at it too. The rest was history.

After that, he proceeded. He pointed at Arthur. "This guy likes to play the drums and his somewhat skilled at it."

Arthur glared at Shin because of such an introduction. Unfortunately, the latter ignored him and moved on to the next. "Cloe can play the violin. She can also dance and sing. She is pretty good at it, enough to be contacted by any music company. She just doesn't like the idea, so she doesn't join any."

"Lorraine is good at playing an electronic keyboard. She can also do second voices and adlibs very well," Shin said as he pointed at Lorraine, who gave him a satisfied smile.

At this point, Arthur could not help but add. "We are playing together just for fun before. And when the teachers in our school heard it, they insisted that we perform during the school festivals and other school programs."

"We only did it once since Shin hated being at the center of attention," commented Lorraine while giggling.

"I am surprised that Shin Bro wants to form a music club," commented Leonard as he crossed his arms.

Cloe looked at Shin before started giggling. "I guess we can finally make the dream band that Arthur is talking about."

"D*mn right!" said Arthur as they turned back to the twin once again. They were waiting for their positive response full of anticipation.

Alice did not say anything and smiled from the side. But it waws obvious that she was pretty excited too.

Shin then quickly added. "It is like we are going to regularly perform. We are just using the club as a front for the group that we are going to make for our collaborative missions."

"We can just perform whenever we need to meet the quota that the academy is giving us. The same for the Club Exhibitions," he added, clarifying his thoughts and the plans that he was thinking.

Hearing that, the group could not help but click their tongues and roll their eyes at him for spoiling the mood.

Molton turned his head to his twin sister and waited for her to answer. Jillian, on the other hand, fell into deep thought as she found the plan that Shin was proposing was pretty good.

She then turned to her twin brother and smiled. After that, the two of them nodded their heads as they answered at the same time.

"We can play a couple of instruments too."

"It shouldn't be a problem."

Hearing their responses, the group quickly became overjoyed.

Arthur even swung his arm and made a snap while saying. "Alright! Then it is finalized! A music club it is!"


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