Child of Destiny

Chapter 1278 Tier 3 Skills

Chapter 1278 Tier 3 Skills

Chapter 1278 Tier 3 Skills


Shin walked out of the Church of Sun and Moon with a frown on his face. He felt that something strange was going on.

He came here to accept the blessing of the church and for him to officially get promoted to tier 3.

He was expecting that he would meet Archbishop Ronald, who would conduct the ceremony once again for the inheritance process and the bestowal of the powers of the Nephilim Race. But to his surprise, not only he did not meet the archbishop, but he had also been instructed to conduct the ceremony himself.

This surprised him greatly as he was not expecting such a thing to happen.

There was a bishop that seemed to have been expecting him. He was greeted by the bishop at the front door of the church who welcomed him with his arrival.

Shin had not even voiced out the purpose of his arrival when the bishop had told him that Archbishop Ronald was currently not present due to important business that had to be dealt with. The bishop had also informed him that the archbishop would not be able to come back for quite a long time, especially when an important ceremony was about to be conducted in the headquarters of the church.

That ceremony was for Archbishop Ronald to be promoted to a cardinal.

This news surprised Shin a little but he somehow expected it since he was somewhat aware of the true strength of Archbishop Ronald. He could also guess the amount of contributions that the archbishop had, so it was not that surprising for the old man to be promoted.

For him, it was just a matter of time.

But he still did not expect that it would come this soon. Moreover, at the time when he just reached the third tier of his class.

Then the Bishop had led him to the ceremonial room where he received his first two blessings. The Bishop had told Shin that he was already strong enough to communicate with the ancestors of the Nephilim Race and could now conduct the ceremony alone before leaving.

Shin was at a loss for quite some time before he stood at the center of the room and 'prayed' just like how he remembered.

After accepting the blessing, Shin walked out of the room and closed it carefully before leaving the church.

Standing outside the church, Shin knitted his brow a little before he looked back. He felt that this might be his last visit to this branch, and he would not be able to come back here again in a long time since he would be heading to the Awakened Continent next.

Of course, he would not forget the branch that he wanted to build in the city that they were building in his territory.

After shaking off that feeling, Shin went straight to the Teleportation Hall, intending to head to the Sacred Light Kingdom as soon as possible.

While walking, he also used that time to check on the new skills that he had received. However, he was not sure when will be the chance he would be able to use them.

Even his tier 2 skills were rarely used now as he was mainly relying on his Class Fighting Style Skills and the others that could be used as a model for his sword techniques from the real world.

Although, he was suspecting that Uno had used them during the previous battle against Lucy, the Fallen in his Class Promotion Quest, particularly that move where the world turned black and white for an instant before annihilating everything around him.

He suspected that Uno must have used the 'Monochrome Field', a domain skill, as the main model to use that incredibly powerful move.

Moving on, Shin opened his skill window and directly looked at the tier 3 skill panel. He then saw that there were only two skills under it.


Class Specific Skill: Grim Reaper

Skill Name: Hell's Inferno and Heaven's Paradise

Skill Level: Tier 3

Skill Rank: Epic


- Hell's Inferno: Call upon the power from the depths of hell and summon it into the physical realm, creating a domain filled with its powers.

Everyone in this field would randomly suffer different random crowd control effects such as charm, stun, paralyze, dizzy, shock, slow, fear, etc., which would last for at least 2 seconds.

These effects would cycle through each other every five seconds.

The affected opponents would receive a curse status that would earn stocks that would be detonated once the domain was released.

The damage that the affected opponents would receive would be multiplied according to the stocks that they received during their presence within the domain.

Base Detonation Damage: 0.05% of the total HP of the targets.

- Heaven's Paradise: Call upon the power from the highest Heaven and summon it to the physical realm, creating a domain filled with its powers.

Every ally who was within the domain would be able to receive random blessings such as boosts in attack speed, movement speed, casting speed, skill cooldown reduction, physical and magical power, defensive power, healing power boost, and health and mana regeneration depending on their classes.

Every ally could only receive random buffs at most that would last for the entire duration of the skill as long as they stood with the effect range of the domain.

Domain Range: 100 Meters

Duration: 30 Minutes

Mana Cost: 50,000

Cooldown: 6 hours

Note: Only one of these two domains could be used upon activation. Once used, the other domain could not be used until the next activation of the skill.


Class Specific Skill: Grim Reaper

Skill Name: Doom Blade and Aegis Shieldjosei

Skill level: Tier 3

Skill Rank: Epic


- Doom Blade: Activating this skill would enfold the sword of the user with divine and demonic flames, converting all kinds of attacks into 'True Chaos Damage' that would bypass any kind of deference and cut through anything.

Duration: 10 seconds

- Aegis Shield: This skill would summon a spherical barrier that would block all kinds of attacks directed at the user. The barrier had an absolute defense that could block anything during the entire duration.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 3 hours/ 6 hours

Note: These skill effects could be used together but the duration would be doubled once they were used.

Using just one of them would only result in the regular cooldown time that they shared.


There might be just two skills under his Tier 3 Skill panel of Grim Reaper Class, but the effects that they had were much crazier than any skill that he had ever seen.

The first tier 3 skill was a domain skill that could either be used offensively or supportively.

The first effect, the 'Hell's Inferno', could be used as a form of annihilation skill that would make all his enemies tremble in terror. With such an overpowered domain, anyone who was trapped there would surely be in utter despair.

This was a perfect skill for large-scale offensive, especially when he entered a huge number of opponents, particularly an army.

As for the second effect, the 'Heaven's Paradise', was a large-scale domain that would buff his allies. This alone would make his side invisible during any battle.

Both effects could be used in war or large-scale battles, but this particular effect was more perfect when his team was fighting a powerful enemy, more specifically a powerful boss monster.

The former effect was perfect for one-against-many battle while the latter one was more fitted for a many-against-one battle.

And with such a large range of this domain skill, it was not an overestimation to call it a broken skill.

As for the second tier 3 skill, it was rather plain and simple given the description that it had. But those two effects were as broken as the domain skill to a certain degree.

One was meant for an impossible-to-block attack while the other was an absolute defense that could not be penetrated – both effects were crazy. But what was even crazier was he could use them together if he wanted to.

Just imagine how scary it was when he could attack freely for the whole ten seconds without worrying about his safety and focus only on offense.

That was way too scary!

And given how fast he could attack with his current attack speed along with the Reality Manifestation, he was like a walking disaster when used this skill.

The cooldown might be long, but if he used the skill at the right moment, it would not be a problem.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Shin could only click his tongue repeatedly as he could not say anything about these skills.

He was too speechless to comment on anything. He was pretty much satisfied with these two new skills that he had gotten. Even if he could not use them as a model for a real-life skill or technique, he would still use them in the battle regardless of whether he was in the state of Reality Manifestation or not. They were too useful to be neglected.

Aside from these skills, another skill astonished Shin greatly.

It was another Tier 3 Skill, but it was not Grim Reaper Skills. Instead, it was from his secondary combat class, the Phantom Swordsman Class.

He was surprised since he had not gotten any tier 2 skills from this class when he got promoted at that time. But the moment he received his blessing after reaching the third tier of his skills, he surprisingly received a skill as broken as the other two.

Or it was even more broken than them.


Class Specific Skill: Phantom Swordsman

Skill Name: True Phantom

Skill level: Tier 3

Skill Rank: Transcendent Legendary

Description: Create a clone that can be summoned permanently.

- This permanent clone would start from level upon creation, but it could level up and grow infinitely along with the main body.

- This clone could live on its own and had its own 'consciousness' (AI) matching the level of the main body after meeting certain conditions and could level up and grow on its own.

Note: If the clone's rank is 'Perfect', then it could bypass the rest of the conditions and have a 'soul' of its own.

- This clone could wield and wear its own weapon and armor.

- The main body could transfer some of its skills to the True Phantom.

Note: The transferred skills would be considered as 'transferred items' and would disappear from the main body's skillset unless it was returned.

Skill overall note 1: You can only have a single 'True Phantom' at a time.

Skill overall note 2: Once the 'True Phantom' died, all the skills that transferred to it would return to its main body along with all the experience points, achievement points, and reputation points that it earned, but all the items and equipment that it had would be dropped.

Skill overall note 3: The 'True Phantom' could only be revived through 'Phantom Ceremony'.

When the 'Phantom Ceremony' was conducted, everything that the 'True Phantom' earned could be transferred back by the main body aside from the dropped items, returning it to its previous state and level.


When Shin first saw this skill, his mind turned blank. He could not believe that such a skill existed. But he quickly recovered himself when he recalled the time when Kentas showed him that powerful clone during their last meeting.

According to Kentas, Shin had yet to touch the real strength of the 'Phantom Swordsman Class', which was quickly proven when he saw this particular skill.

It was a skill that went beyond being broken. It was a complete cheat!

When Shin tried to recall more of Kentas' words, he seemed to remember that the latter had mentioned that he had multiple phantoms scattered all over the world. Although Shin doubted that all of them were 'True Phantoms' given the final notes that the skill had in its description.

Moreover, creating a phantom clone would never been easy.

Looking at the conditions of how to create it, Shin realized that it was like forging a piece of overpowered equipment since the materials needed for it were of the same quality as some of the materials that he needed for the 'living armor' that Berlin had mentioned.


True Phantom Creation

Materials needed:

0/1 Black Heart

0/1 Soul Stone

0/1 A liter of Dragon's Blood (Best Choice, Green Dragon)

0/1 Essence of Nine Constellations

0/1 A hundred grams of Star Dust

Note: The grade of the True Phantom is dependent on the quality and quantity of the materials collected.


Looking at the list, Shin quickly noted all of them as it would be one of his priorities in the future.

He felt that something mysterious was going to happen once he had collected them and created his 'True Phantom.'


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