Child of Destiny

Chapter 15 'Dark Swamp Equipment Set'

Chapter 15 'Dark Swamp Equipment Set'


Shin walk beside the Swap and stops when he is 10 meters away from it. He is trying to measure the Aggro-Range of the 'Dark Swamp Snakes'.

"Ten meters is still good? Heh! Then this is going to be interesting." Shin smirks when he see that the Snakes didn't attack him at 10 meter range.

Then he take a step into the 9 meter range and when he do all the Snakes in that range simultaneously look at him. Shin froze because of that sight, then he brace himself and take another step forward. When the Snakes see that another step, they simultaneously throw themselves to Shin.

Shin hurriedly use his new Skill.

'Crescent Cleave'

- 6 400

- 6 290

- 6 124

- 6 312




A bunch of damages pop-up on the heads of Snakes and their movement speed slow down drastically.

He try to fight the leading Snakes head-on. He sheath his Katana then use 'Quick Draw' on the first Snake then a 'Triple Slash' on the second follows by 'Solar Cut'.

'Quick Draw'

- 17 212(Killed)

'Triple Slash'

- 2 391

(Burned -50)

- 2 987

(Burned -60)

- 3 585

(Burned -71)

'Solar Cut'

- 2 800(Killed)

After Shin killed the two Snakes, another one try to bite him from the back. As if Shin have eyes on the back of his head, he turn his body then use a 'Destructive Slash' on that Shake stunning it.

'Destructive Slash'

- 1 547

(Burned -31)

At this time Shin is being surrounded by Snakes and the slow effect is running off, so Shin use 'Half-Moon Slash' to slow them again.

'Half-Moon Slash'

-2 315

-2 361

-2 902




Another string of damages pop-up on the Snakes' head. Then Shin use 'Charge' at the second nearest Snake and stunned it, after that Shin jump on its head and use 'Moonlight Steps'. He use the heads of the other Snakes as his platforms.

When he steps on the head of the last Snake, he use the momentum of the dash to lands 7 meters away from the crowd of Snakes. Then he take advantage of the slow effect of his Attack and continue to run away until he is out of the Aggro-Range.

"Huu~, that was close. Good thing I have my 'Talent' here or else I will become the dinner of these Snakes. Heh the EXP here sure are generous." Shin sigh a relief when the Snakes stop chasing him and return to the Swamp.

Then Shin sit for a while and wait for his Skill to be cooled down before starting round 2.josei


Shin farm for entire 2 days(Real World Time) and manage to raise his level to 35. Aside from eating and doing his daily routine in 'Real World' he spend the rest of his time inside the game.

He didn't go to the other places since the 'Dark Swamp' is enough for him, the Snakes here are leveled from 25 to 50, what's more they are all Elites and Special Elites.

He also get another bunch of items, even though it is not as many as the items that he got in the cave, the quality are obviously higher and he also get another 2 Skill Books. Together with the Skill Books that he get in the Beginner's Village, he now have 3 White(Basic) Skill Books and 3 Yellow(Rare) Skill Books.


Another 'Dark Swap Snake' is killed and drop a Black Cloak. Shin pick the cloak up and equip it immediately.

"Yeah! I manage to complete the 'Dark Swamp Set' now I don't look like a Newbie." said Shin while taking another look at his equipment set.


[ Dark Swamp Armor ]

Item Type: Upper Armor(Light Armor)

Rank: Bronze

Durability: 200/200


Level 30


Physical Defense: 250 - 260

Magic Resist: 190 - 210

+500 HP

+40 VIT

+35 AGI

Additional Skill:

Iron Scale:

Increases Physical Defense by 20%

and Magic Resist by 10%

Details: A set of armor Craft using 'Dark Swamp Snakes'.

Set Effect: 5/5

2 - Increase Movement Speed by 30%

3 - Increase Physical Defense by 20% and Magic Resist by 10%

4 - Every Basic Attacks have Poison Damage (5% Physical Damage)

5 - Additional Skill 'Snake Regeneration' (+50 regen/sec)


[ Dark Swamp Leg-Guard ]

Item Type: Lower Armor(Light Armor)

Rank: Bronze

Durability: 200/200


Level 30


Physical Defense: 250 - 260

Magic Resist: 190 - 210

+400 HP

+25 VIT

+35 AGI

Additional Skill:

Iron Scale:

Increases Physical Defense by 20%

and Magic Resist by 10%

Details: A set of armor Craft using 'Dark Swamp Snakes'.

Set Effect: 5/5

2 - Increase Movement Speed by 30%

3 - Increase Physical Defense by 20% and Magic Resist by 10%

4 - Every Basic Attacks have Poison Damage (5% Physical Damage)

5 - Additional Skill 'Snake Regeneration' (+50 regen/sec)


[ Dark Swamp Combat Boots ]

Item Type: Foot Armor (Light Armor)

Rank: Bronze

Durability: 200/200


Level 30


Physical Defense: 160 - 170

Magic Resist: 140 - 150

+50 AGI

Additional Skill:

Serpent Pass: Dash on any distance inside the 10 meter radius from you. You can also do it in a zigzagged motion.


[ Dark Swamp Combat Gloves ]

Item Type: Hand Armor (Light Armor)

Rank: Bronze

Durability: 200/200


Level 30


Physical Defense: 120 - 130

Magic Resist: 110 - 110

+100 HP

+25 STR

+35 AGI

Additional Skill:

Serpent Bite: Throw a dagger made of poison in any single target, 5 meters away from you.


[ Dark Swamp Cloak ]

Item Type: Cape (Leather Armor)

Rank: Bronze

Durability: 200/200


Level 30


Physical Defense: 100 - 110

Magic Resist: 120 - 120

+35 AGI

Additional Skill:

Serpent Camouflage(Passive): You can become invisible every time you get near a vegetation.

Note: You will revealed once you attack or have been attacked.


"With this I don't have to worry about items until I reach Level 50." said Shin while smiling ear to ear.

The equipment set is colored black with some dark green linings on the surface, what's even more badass is his 'Nephilim's Gemini Mask' perfectly match the set, then together with his Katana hanging on is waist he looks like a hermit that travels around the world.

"To bad I can't recreate those 'Sword Drawing Skills' of that Statue. Well this should be enough for now, I should go back to the City to sell these stuffs." decide Shin then he pull the hood of his cloak down to hide his Mask underneath it, after that he take out the return scroll from his inventory and use it.

Shin is enfold by a white light and teleported back to the City. And when Shin is gone a group of Players arrive at the 'Dark Swamp'.

"Boss are you sure that this place is a good Leveling Spot?" said a WolfKin on the group.

A middle-age LionKin in the group frown his brows, if Shin is here he will recognize this LionKin, He is 'Dan'. Then 'Dan look at the WolfKin and yell at him. " F*ck! Are doubting my knowledge? This place is most famous place before! Its just that a lot other places are been discovered, that's why this place have been forgotten."

"But it is good for us since it also mean that this place have a lot monsters now, so we can grind a lot of EXP here. We need to compensate our losses. Especially that we have wasted a lot of time in that Stup*d Village."

They continue to walk towards the Swamp, but when they arrive at the scene they where greeted by a desolate place.

'Dan' stare blankly at the desolate Swap and mutter to himself. "Did a storm pass though this place? Why are the monsters here are missing?"


Meanwhile in The World Gaming Corp. Headquarters in Real World, the main Developers of «Destiny's Fate» are having an emergency meeting.

"Another one have created a Cheat Skill, we should Nerf it as soon as possible or else he will take more advance of that 'BUG'." said a man in one of the meeting room.

"A 'BUG'? Miguel, The game is being decided by 'AI Chronos' and he accepted the Skill so it is not considered as a BUG." said by the in front of Miguel.

"Carlos, this is not the first time that we do this. The other guys also created such skill and we also degrade it a little, so if we didn't Nerf the skill of this new guy it is going to become unfair to the others." said a man sitting beside Miguel.

"That is what I'm talking about Benjamin! If we keep on being involved on the game, then the purpose if this game will be useless." yell by Carlos.

The man named Benjamin look at Carlos skeptically and said. "Didn't our job is to be involve in the game if we find a BUG in the System? That's why we are doing our Scheduled CheckUp."

A man sitting beside Carlos calmly open his mouth. "That is Right, our job is to find the BUGs on the System and not to Degrade the Skills of the top Talents. Let me remind you that the Players should be the one that decide the direction of this game, and our main job is to suggest an extra path for them to take, and not to close their chosen path."

The debate continues for a few minutes until the man sitting on the head seat open his mouth. "That is enough, We are going to the usual, but remember we are going to do this because it is unfair to the others. And I heard it is a New Player this time, so I want you to compensate him properly. That's all, meeting adjourned."


Shin walks out the Teleportation Hall and directly go to City Square to sell his stuffs. But he pause his steps when he see the sudden System Notification.


System: Player, the System have detected a BUG on one of your skills so we have decided to Nerf it a little.


Self Created Skill (Personalized)

Skill Name: Quick Draw

Rank: Special (Class Fighting Style)

Details: Draw your sword with a quick motion and dealing (2% P.damage)• 1/2(AGI).

Consume 50 Stamina

Cool Down: 25 sec

Note: This Skill can be only use when the sword is sheath.


Shin frown his brows and said. "What the hell are the developers doing?" But before Shin manage say more complaint another System Notification ring on his ear and pop-up on his Notification Window.


System: As a competition we give you a bonus Skill-Combination Coupon(1).

Shin stare blankly at the System Notification before forming an satisfying smile. "That's how should be it, with this I can instantly create a powerful skill."

Then he form a mysterious grin before saying "I'll make sure that you will regret Nerfing my favorite Skill." After that he continue walking to the City Square.

The Square is bursting as usual. This time Shin didn't go find a stall blindly, he just wait for a Player to keep their stall so that he can take over.

While he is waiting, he try look around the Square if there are some suitable auxiliary items that he can buy. Then an item caught his eyes. No a Skill Book to be exact.


Skill Name: Flame Burst

Rank: Rare

Details: Swing your Sword Horizontally and release a 'Flaming Sword Wave' dealing 200% more Physical Damage and extending up to 5 meters in front of you.

Extra Effect: Deal extra burning damage(5% P.Damage) for 5 Seconds.

Consume 200 MP

CoolDown: 25 sec


300 STR

Can only be learn by Swordsman related Classes


Shin look at the stall owner and ask. "Brother, can I trade a Skill Book of the same value?"

The owner is a Berserker TigerKin named 'Lawless', he look at Shin and said. "Bro, I will only trade it if the Skill is suitable for me."

Shin calmly show the details of the 'Stamp' Skill that he got from the Golden Boar. When 'Lawless' saw the Skill he hurriedly accept the deal.

But before they manage to finish the trade, a Hunter WolfKin interrupted them. "Hey, that Skill should be ours."

Shin turn his head and take a look at the WolfKin's chest. He see a familiar 'Crimson Skull' emblem on it, it is the same emblem that LionKin wearing that he killed before. He frown his brows and mutter to himself. "These guys again? Did they think that this place is theirs?"

"What? Do you have a problem?" said the WolfKin fiercely while taking the daggers on his waist.

Shin is about to step forward when a group of five Players arrive at the seen, they are wearing a Six-Wing emblem at their chest, the Players at the crowd are making a way for them to walk through.

The leader of the group a Berserker TigerKin, he look at the Hunter WolfKin of the opposing group while saying. "Gray Fangs, are you that bored to bully the Players of this Square? Let me remind you 'Holy City' is not your turf."

'Gray Fangs' glared at the TigerKin and said. "S.Tigris, this is not your business so stay away from here."

'Raven' the Twilight Dark Elf of 'S.Tigris' group steps forward and said. "Heh, Do you think that we from 'Wing's Alliance' are afraid of you Scums form 'HeadHunter Guild'?"

Shin is a little confuse on what's happening but he still did not forget about his main objective and whisper to 'Lawless'. "Hey Bro, let's forget about them and continue our trade."

Lawless look at Shin with a 'Is this guy is an idiot?' face before asking. "Don't you know who are those guys?"

Shin stared at him and said. "Are those guys famous? Well that's not my concern, so are still continuing this trade or not?"

Lawless looked a Shin and replied. "Heh, Bro I'm starting to like you, so let's be friends." Then he accept the trade with Shin before sending a friend request.

Shin is startled at first because of the sudden friend request, then he finish the trade and accept the friend request . After that he hurriedly learn the 'Flame Burst', same goes for Lawless.

When Gray Fangs' colleagues see that, they become enrage and fiercely said. "You two have the guts to ignore us?" Then they take out their weapons simultaneously.

Shin hold the sheath of [Yamato] with his left hand and send a message at Lawless. "Bro, I'll make the first move on these guys, are you with me?"

Lawless look at Shin and reply with a message. "Are you not afraid of being arrested by the City guards? And how about being hunted by those 'HeadHunter' Guild? "

Shin smirk and said. "City Guards? I'm a Noble of any City so the guards will side with me, and as for being hunted by them? I'll deal with it myself, I'm not afraid of trouble actually." Then he take a step forward and face the 'HeadHunter' Guild people.

When Gray Fangs see that forward step of Shin he form an evil grin with his mouth and said to his colleagues. "Show that kid that he shouldn't mess with us."

The Berserker LionKin and a Human Knight in Gray Fangs group simultaneously use a 'Charge Skill' at Shin.

Shin bends his knees and use a 'Moonlight Steps' forward. He get through the middle of the two opponents coming at him.

The Berserker LionKin and Human Knight are surprise at what have happen, then they immediately cancel their skills and go after Shin. But they are too late, Shin is already in front of their Human Priest and quickly drawing his Katana.

'Quick Draw'


(Burned Damage - 274)

Shin frown and mutter to himself. "Tks, the devs. rob a lot of damage on my favorite Skill if it is before I can kill this guy with one hit." Then he follows with an 'Solar Cut' and basic attack killing the Human Priest.

'Solar Cut'

- 4823

(Burned damage -96)

- 2122

(Burned Damage - 42)

(Poison Damage - 120)

The entire bout last for a few seconds, even the Human Magician beside the Human Priest is staring blankly in the air, when his comrade dies. Then Shin turn his head and look at him before throwing an 'Destructive Slash'.

When the Human Magician see Shin swing his Katana, he panicky use 'Blink' to get away from Shin. He is about to take a sigh of relief when he see Shin is coming at him with a 'Charge' Skill, so he hurriedly use an 'Arcane Wall' in front of him to block Shin's path.

At the same time the Berserker LionKin and Human Knight are almost at Shin's back, but before they manage to step 5 meter from Shin, they felt a dangerous feeling coming from behind them.

They hurriedly turn around and see Lawless is coming at them with a 'Berserker Jump'. The Human Knight step forward and raise his Shield, then use 'Bulwark' a defensive skill.

Lawless Battle Axe collides on the Human Knight's Shield causing an small shockwave. Lawless is send backwards, when he lands on his feet, the Berserker LionKin is already upon him and using a downward 'Berserker Chop'.

Lawless raise his head and look at the incoming 'Chop', then he use his 'Racial Trait' 'Tiger's Shout'.



TigerKin Racial Trait:

1. Tiger's Shout: Release a powerful shockwave through your mouth, immobilizing all enemy 3 meters in front of you.

Extra effect: Increase your movement speed by 30% and attack power by 50%.


The Berserker LionKin is frozen in his place and when he is about to use his own 'Racial Trait', Lawless is already using 'Berserker Chop' in front of him.

'Berserker Chop'

- 8835

Lawless is doing a follow up move when the Human Knight come at him with a 'Shield Throw', he have no choice but to move away and dodge the Skill.

Meanwhile Shin cancels his 'Charge' and use the 'Dark Swamp Combat Boots' extra Skill, 'Serpent Pass'! Shin curve his path and go around the 'Arcane Wall'.

The Human Magician is shock by Shin's unbelievable movement, so he stop chanting his Spell and run backwards. When Shin sees that he smirks because his 'Moonlight Steps' have just cooldowned.

Shin use 'Moonlight Steps' and arrive in front of the Human Magician in just blink of an eye. Then he use 'Triple Slash' together with a basic attack.

'Triple Slash'

- 4580(Burned Damage - 92)

- 5729(Burned Damage -115)

- 6890(Burned Damage -138)


(Burned Damage - 45)

(Poison Damage -120)

After killing the Human Magician, Shin sheath the [Yamato] and take a look at the a Battle between Lawless and the other two 'HeadHunter' people. He is about to help Lawless when he feel a killing intent being directed to him.

Shin frown and look at the source of the Killing intent, then he see Gray Fangs is looking fiercely at him.

"You dared to kill my subordinates in front of me? I'll make sure you'll regret playing this game." said Gray Fangs while raising the dagger with his right hand and point it to Shin.

When Shin sees Gray Fangs action, he release a mocking sound, then he form a fist with his right hand and raise it to Gray Fangs. After that he raise his middle finger while twisting his wrist clockwise.


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