Child of Destiny

Chapter 234 Start Of The Raid

Chapter 234 Start Of The Raid


Saint Heaven Kingdom

Inside the branch of the Church of Light in the Holy City, Cloe was currently walking along the corridor when she bumped into a high-priest that was the right-hand man of Archbishop Hervil.

She looked at the high-priest and asked. "Is Archbishop Hervil inside his room?"

The high-priest was taken aback when he saw Cloe, which made him a little daze. Then he immediately relied the moment his regain himself. "Ah! Young Saintess! The Archbishop was not in there. He is currently in the throne room to fix somethings."

Cloe nodded her head after hearing that and said. "Is that so? I'll go greet him there then."

Then she started walking towards the throne room as the high-priest moved to the side and gave way for Cloe to walked through while having a deep bow for her. And when Cloe was already out of his sight, the high-priest suddenly formed an evil grin with his lips.

At the same time, he turned his head a little to the right before opening his mouth to say something. "The Saintess really come. Lock the whole church and don't let anyone to get in and out. Also activate the Church's Formation to prevent some guys from sneaking in."

A moment later, Cloe finally arrived at the throne room. And it did take her for long to find the Archbishop, it was because he was currently sitting on the throne comfortably.

"So, your really did come, huh? Saintess Arielle," said Archbishop Hervil when he saw that Cloe entered the room.


And that was when the door of the room closed with a loud sound. Then the atmosphere inside the room suddenly turned heavy. It was as if the throne room suddenly turned in to a gravity training room.

But Cloe seemed to be fine; it was as if she didn't get affected even for a little bit. Then she looked at the Archbishop before sneering at him. "So, you are showing your true colors from the get-go?"

Archbishop Hervil smirked at him and said. "Heh! What is the point of hiding it, knowing that you are already done with your investigations? And, isn't it your reason for coming here? To apprehend me?"

"Since you already admitted your wrongdoings, how about you surrender yourself voluntarily? That way, we can save both of our precious time," said Cloe while flashing her charming smile at the Archbishop.

,m And when Archbishop Hervil heard it, he couldn't help but started laughing loudly as he found her words very funny. "Hahaha… And what makes you think that I will do that? You might me strong, but you are still alone. You can't beat me all by yourself. Especially when I have my guards with me."

Then three Paladin Guards appeared on the room. One walked out from behind the throne where the Archbishop was currently sitting while the other to revealed themselves by walking out from behind of the stone pillars on each of her sides.

Then Cloe pouted her lips when she witnessed that and said. "Hmph! Bullying a pretty and charming girl like me with that number of yours? What a cruel bunch of b*st*rds! Just you wait, I am going to tell my fiancé about this."

"Whatever you are saying, no one can save you," said Archbishop Hervil when he heard that. Then he immediately added after that. "Let's end this useless talk. Guards, take her down but don't kill her. These Otherworldly Individuals have an Immortal Soul so we can't kill them completely. Just capture her and lock her in the prison."

And without further ado, the three Paladin Guards immediately started rushing towards her in a simultaneous manner.

"Hmph! Do you think that I am that dumb to come here without making any preparations?" said by Cloe before taking out a seemed to be ordinary stone from her inventory bag, and sending a message to Shin.

Then she immediately crashed it with her one hand, illuminating the whole place with a blinding light. And that made the three Paladin Guards to halt their steps.

Archbishop Hervil squinted his eyes while making them to release a blinding light of their own. It was also for him to have an ability to see what's inside that blinding light, and that was when he saw a bunch of silhouettes standing in the middle of it.

"Careful!" – Is the word that the Archbishop wanted to say. But before he managed to voice it out, those figures were already making their moves.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

There were two battle-axes that was thrown at the Paladin Guards that were on each of their sides. At the same time, a pair of sword waves were sent flying towards the paladin on their front.

And because those attacks came a with a surprise, the three Paladin Guards failed to either block or dodge in time when it came after them. And those attacks sent them sliding backwards after getting hit.

Bang! Bang!


When the blinding light finally subdued, Shin and other others were also been reveal at the others, with the real King Cassius standing in the middle of them.

Simba and Lawless simultaneously caught their battle-axes that bounced back at them while Shin and the mysterious hooded guy was still maintaining the ending postures of their previous attacks. And with that, the latter two took a look at each other while having similar thoughts in their minds.

"Who is this guy? He seems to be the weakest on the group but it seems that his reaction speed is quite faster compared to the others."

"Huh? This guy must be really strong. That brief change of his auras is quite something. It is as if he can turn on and off his battle mode at any given time."

And that was also when Archbishop Hervil finally have a good look at these intruders. Then he squinted his eyes and said. "Now this is a surprise. To think that you are going to bring such an interesting lineup? An Envoy from the Sun-Moon Church, a Warlord from the Temple of the War God, a Ghost from the Order of the Shadows, and the Sword of the Supreme Temple. What an interesting bunch of youngsters."

Then he smirked at them and a sneered. "Heh! But you are still infants that are yet to achieve greatness. You guys are still face from attaining your even forms."

After that, he tapped the bottom of his staff on the ground. Then a magic circle was suddenly illuminated from the ground covering the whole floor of the entire floor of the throne room. And that was also when a powerful aura tried the pressure the whole group.

But before that aura managed to completely subdue them, Cloe immediately said to the group. "You can now use that talisman that I give to you!"

At the same time, she casted a barrier around them to buy them enough time for it. And the others would naturally respond at her almost immediately; they instantly crashed the talismans the moment they took them out.

Then a golden light enfolded the body of each of the members of the group. And those lights prevented the foreign aura from pressuring them.

And that sight would naturally make the Archbishop to frowned his brows. And since things reached this point, he had no other choice but to go all-out from this point of time. "Guards! Reveal your true forms! There is no point at hiding them now."

Then the three Paladin Guards complied with his orders without having any second thoughts. And immediately after that, those three guards suddenly started mutating with a great speed.

And on the next instant, the three of them became monsters with a size of 3 meters each and an appearance of lizard-like creatures that have jet-black scales. There was also some mass of black smokes that were coming from their bodies

Meanwhile, the group seemed not to be bothered by them. They were just too busy at dividing their works.

"So, which one are we going to take?" asked but Lawless.

"I can take care the right side, just give me Morgan for my range assistance," said by Simba.

"Shin, let's take on the monster on our front. I will focus at supporting you. We can leave the remaining one to the others," said Cloe, which gotten Shin a little off-guard.

And before he even voiced out his concerns, Cloe immediately beat him on it. "You don't have to worry much about anything else. This is how these kinds of raids works out. Our main jobs are to hold the other monsters while the others will burst damage the remaining ones."

Then Shin immediately nodded his head and asked. "And the Archbishop? Who is going to hold him down and prevent him from casting any heals at the others?"

Cloe didn't immediately reply at him but she turned her head at the mysterious hooded person. And when she saw that Shin was also looking at the same direction, she said. "That guy is more than enough to handle it."

And when the hooded guy felt their gaze, he turned his head at them and asked. "Can we start the raid now? Because it is going to become too boring if we keep standing on here."

"Hahaha… Yeah, we should start now. How about you do the opening? I know that you are itching for another battle," said Simba when he heard that.

The mysterious hooded guy nodded his head and started walking towards their front after saying. "Let me do the honors then."

And when he was already few meters away from the group, Simba suddenly tapped Shin's right shoulder and said. "Shin Bro. Since you are walking on the path of the sword in this game, you should watch that guy closely for he will show you the current pinnacle of the swordplay in the gaming word."

Shin was taken aback at what Simba had said. He wanted to something about it, but failed to do so. It was because of what he witnessed on the next instant.josei

The mysterious guy swung the sword on his right hand with a simple and natural swing to send a colorless sword wave towards the direction of the Archbishop sitting on the throne.

The lizard-like monster quickly responded at that attack and blocked the path of the sword wave. But that was also the time when the hooded guy swung the same sword for another time and in opposite direction. Then another sword wave was sent forward, together with a much faster speed.

And due to the sudden change of tempo, the lizard-like monster failed to react in time and that sword wave get past it. Or even if that monster wanted to block it, it would also fail because the previous sword wave landed on its body and forced it to take a few steps backwards.

Meanwhile, the second wave continue at moving towards the Archbishop. But before it managed to reach the 5-meter mark away from him, a golden barrier suddenly blocked it and prevented it from moving.

Then the Archbishop stood up from the throne since he knew that this was going to be a little troublesome matter when he saw that simple combo of the hooded guy.

And those series of attacks we the signal of the start of the battle.


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