Child of Destiny

Chapter 248 Day 1(Part 4)

Chapter 248 Day 1(Part 4): Last Boss Of The Day


As the battle progressed, Shin was able to adjust and familiarize himself with his new battle style. And as he faced more waves of monsters from this horde, he was able to adapt to this style with a great speed all the way until he was already proficient enough to wield this style as well as his other battle style.

And even if he preferred using his other battle style where he could do a lot of variations of skill combinations, he could somewhat see that his current battle was more suited to the current him.

If he really combined the Assassination Methods that he learned from the Black Serpent Mafia Training Ground, and the Fatal Techniques that he got from the Military Discipline, together with the Martial-Arts and Swordsmanship that was thought to him by the Old Monster named Plum, then he would most probably get a style that was similar to the one that he was currently using.

Appearing and disappearing like a ghost, hit the target on the most fatal parts and end them with the most effective way, while also using the unpredictability of his mysterious swordsmanship.

No matter how Shin looked at it, this was really the style that could be considered a perfect match for him. And with this style, he was quite confident that he could even stand against some Peak-Rankers or even a few numbers of weaker Godlike Players that were at the bottom of the list, especially now that he was currently at Level 101.

The entire waves of monsters were not certainly some average monsters. And due to that, the experience points that a player could get from killing them would surely be generous. So, it was even stranger for Shin not to reach this level, especially that the trio of him, Cloe and Simba were almost monopolizing more than half of the monsters that were attacking this place.

And after a few more waves, the tenth and last wave of the day finally arrived. The monsters of this wave were still werewolves and corrupted monsters with different variety. Some were too fast while the others were somewhat slower but had a powerful strength.

In the middle of this monster wave, Shin was leisurely killing a couple of werewolves as if they were just some random dogs in the forest. He already adapted to fighting them so he was now very familiar with killing them; dodging their sneak attacks were also easy for the current him. Well, that was to be expected. He was a Battle Genius after all, so battling the same type of monsters was too easy for him.

"Looks like this day is going to end like this, Huh? Even though it is somewhat boring, I at least harvested a lot of experience points and levels. Though leveling up after Level-100 becomes a hell," said Shin as he killed another pair of werewolves.

Even if Simba was standing quite a distance away from Shin, he was still able to hear what the latter had said and clicked his tongue before yelling. "Tsk! What are you talking about? Of course, this is going to be a boring grinding as we are only repeatedly killing these monsters. If only we are in the spots where the boss monsters are spawned, then that is going to become a little interesting because we can join the fun of stealing the last hit on those monsters."

Hearing that, Shin thought for a moment before saying. "Brother Lawless gave me some updates regarding the monster bosses. He said that the four Powerhouse monopolized the monster bosses on their sides. So far, Wing's Alliance got 5, same goes for the Titan Guild and Dragon Pavilion while the Hydra Guild manage to take down 7. The Blood Carnival got 4 while the remaining 10 are divided to some other Guilds or Adventurer Teams."

He paused for a moment and clicked his tongue before saying. "I wonder what kind of drops they got. Now, I am starting to regret not going to those places."

Simba suddenly started laughing when he heard the latter part of what Shin had said. "Don't worry, we are still in the first day of the monster horde. So, we still have a lot of chances to steal the other bosses. Though those wave bosses are actually not that important. Aside from the large amount of EXP that you can get from those monsters, the item drops that you can get from them are not that rare."

"The real deal here is the final bosses of the last wave of the day. Those monsters will not only give you a massive amount of EXP and points, but they will also give you some item drops that will even make those Powerhouses crazy."

Hearing that, Shin instinctively asked. "A single boss?"

Then Simba answered almost instantly. "Yeah, just a single one. Though the strength of that monster boss will not be too easy. After all, it is a boss possessing a strength that is comparable to 4 monster bosses combined."


Shin curved his mouth upward after hearing that and muttered to himself. "I wonder where that monster boss will spawn."

And when Cloe heard their exchange, she couldn't help but complain to herself in a helpless manner. "What a pair of battle hunger guys. They always love looking for trouble. Good thing that Arthur is not here, or else the three of them will surely cause more havoc wherever they go."

Then this tenth wave continued. But even if everything was going smoothly, the atmosphere of the whole battlefield was becoming even more tense as this wave approached its end. It was because everyone knew that the most intense battle of his day was about to arrive.

Given that, the most powerful guilds sent a bunch of thieves to scatter on different battlefields of the Holy City to look for the place where the last wave boss of the day would appear.

But against all of their expectations, that last wave boss appeared in the most unexpected place, which was also why the news arrived late in their ears.

,m Meanwhile, that place was right in front of the trio of Shin, Simba and Cloe.

"Well~, well~, look at what we have here. Looks like we are a little lucky and unlucky at the same time," said Simba as he looked at the huge werewolf that was standing a few distances away from him.

After that, he quickly retreated a little to put a more distance between him and the monster boss. It was for him to widen his field of view and gained more space where he could observe this werewolf more carefully.

Contrary to what he did, the other players present in the vicinity quickly rushed towards that werewolf, the moment it made its appearance. They couldn't hide their inner desires when they saw the monster boss. Greed filled their eyes as their minds were overtook by a thought of getting everything.

Unfortunately, reality immediately slapped them almost immediately, waking them from their fantasies.

All of those players were killed instantly by the huge werewolf the moment they entered its attacking range; not a single of them survived. And the scariest thing of it was they didn't even see the werewolf moved.

Seeing that, the other players that was currently rushing towards the monster, immediately halted their tracks, shaking with mix feelings of fear and confusion. They finally came back to their senses and stared dumbfoundedly at the werewolf who was currently looking at them arrogantly.

And when Simba saw them standing stupidly, he couldn't help and said. "Tsk! What a bunch of idi*ts."

And the moment those words left his mouth, the huge werewolf suddenly looked at the sky and started howling.


After that, the huge werewolf disappeared from its spot, making the players standing dumbfoundedly to have an intense chill on their backs.

They wanted to do something that could help them escape their current predicament, unfortunately it was already too late to anything as the werewolf was already starting to slaughter them one by one.


Meanwhile, that howling sound resounded on the whole battlefield as it could also be heard in the entire Holy City. And that was immediately followed by a lot of wolf howling as Holy City was attacked by an even more powerful army of wolves from all directions. What's more, this wave of monsters was even larger than the previous waves that the City had experienced so far.

Given that, the powerful guilds were placed on a very troublesome spot. Even if they knew the exact direction of the last wave boss, they still couldn't send their people to that place because of the sudden surge of an even more powerful wave of monsters.

Fortunately, they heard from the report of their scouts that that place was quite secluded and no one was capable enough to hold the boss in place.

Or at least, that was what they thought…

Because not everyone in this place was simple.

While the werewolf boss was busy harvesting the lives of players in the vicinity, a huge crescent sword Qi with black blazing flames flew towards it from a tricky angle.


The werewolf boss was gotten off-guard by that strike as that blazing sword Qi successfully landed on its body. Even though the damage it received was quite negligible, the werewolf boss was too annoyed from getting hit.

It turned its head at the direction where that sword Qi came from and saw a group of three players looking at it provokingly.

One of them was a hooded swordsman with black and white sabers on each of his hands while walking towards the werewolf calmly. There was another hooded guy walking beside him while holding a large double-headed battle-axe that was resting on his shoulders.

On the other side of the hooded swordsman was one more hooded figure, the color of the hood that this figure was wearing was pure white. There was also a holy staff that was being held by both of this person's hands.

Walking along the trio was a huge golden bear that was releasing some holy aura that was making the werewolves in the vicinity to stay away from it.

The leading figure was naturally Shin.

He raised his head a little to look at the werewolf and flashed a smirking smile at it before saying. "Hey, Little Dog. How about picking a good master that will discipline you?"


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