Child of Destiny

Chapter 308 Shin's Decision

Chapter 308 Shin's Decision


"Continue using two sets of battle styles that will give him a fatal flaw, or abandon such an idea and choose the better style that can make him strong."

After being asked such an expected question, Shin was still not sure how he was going to respond. Even if that was an indirect message, he could tell that Faker was expecting something from him. And even if he was confused at why Faker was doing this, he could at least see that the latter didn't mean any harm.

Seeing that Shin was still unable to respond even after quite some time, Faker couldn't wait anymore and asked. "Still not sure what to do? Then how about asking yourself the reason why you are sticking to such styles."

Shin was suddenly taken aback after hearing that question. 'Huh!? Why? Am I doing it wrong?'

With that, Shin was stunned once again after realizing this. In truth, he himself was also unsure why he was sticking to wield a dual style of battle. Hiding his identity to his Big Sister was one of the reasons, but that was just secondary, there was something else in it.

If Shin was asked what battle style suited him better, then he would answer without hesitation that it was the twin sword style or also known in his Yin-Yang Arts as the Flying Swords Style since it was the sword style that he trained since he was young.

And if you considered the training that he got from the Black Serpent Mafia, then the current battle style of his 'Sickarius' identity was the one that he was going to choose without a doubt. Especially that it was the ideal style that he was targeting in the real world; the style with the combination of Swordsmanship and Assassination.

This was the style that Shin originally planned for himself since the time he joined the game. But something unexpected happened. The moment his hand touched the katana inside that special dungeon, he felt something that he couldn't explain. It was as if that katana talked to him and said. – ��You should be using me instead" –

He wanted to stick on the plan and continue using his original style of fighting, but there was also something inside him that wanted to continue using the katana and explore more about that style. And that was when that path that he was originally taking was suddenly split into two.josei

Seeing that Shin was still lost in his thoughts, Faker could only shake his head and sighed helplessly. Given that, he raised his head and looked at Shin before saying. "If you are still that confused, then let me help you find your true self."

After saying that, Faker immediately launched himself towards Shin with a great speed. And when Shin saw that, his body immediately moved based on his instincts. He quickly put his right hand on the hilt of his sword and backpedaled, planning to gain a little space so that he could throw some counter attacks.

Unfortunately, the same thing happened; he was unable to pull the sword out of its sheath because Faker was already right in front of him and was already swinging the daggers towards his neck.

Being forced in a tight spot once again, Shin was left with no other choice but to move away from Faker for another time. So, he used another 'Void Steps' since its cooldown was already done.

But right after materializing a few meters away from his previous location, Faker appeared in front of him like a ghost while thrusting his right-hand dagger forward.

Fortunately, Shin was already expecting that and quickly swung his sheathed sword at Faker's arm as he tried to redirect the trajectory of the incoming attack.

Seeing that, Faker immediately responded at Shin's counter. He folded his right arm and did a quick spin to dodge the swing of his opponent. At the same time, he was also extending his left arm so that he could use the momentum of his spin to stab his other dagger at Shin.

At this point of time, Shin already recovered himself and finally calmed down. So, he also used the momentum of his previous move to lean sideways, dodging Faker's counter quite easily. And with the same momentum, he did a quick turn to face his back at Faker while switching his sheathed sword towards his other hand. Then he suddenly stabbed that sword backwards even though it was still in sheath.

Shin was able to execute those series of movements quite flawlessly as if he already did those multiple times. On top of that, he also did it in a very fast manner, giving an impression that it was natural for him to move that way.

Faker was caught a little off-guard by those sudden movements. But given that he already possessed a vast amount of in-game battle experience, he was able to maneuver his body with great familiarity. And that was why he was able to hop backwards right after missing to his target with his previous attack.

But even if he was able dodge perfectly and avoided that unexpected attack, it was him who was put in the tight spot this time. Because Shin finally got enough space that he was waiting for. And what he just did was actually just a setup.

So, right after missing to hit Faker, Shin suddenly slid his left foot backwards before pulling the [Yamato] out from its sheath for as fast as he could. At the same time, he was also turning his body around while also swinging his sword at Faker using the momentum of his spin.

'Class Fighting Style: (Modified) Quick Draw'


While he was watching the incoming blade of the sword, Faker's mind was running with a great speed as he was trying to figure out how to get out of his current predicament. But as he thought about this, he realized that he didn't have much choice for dodging.

Given that he was still in the middle of the air due to his previous hop, it was impossible to dodge to either his left or right. Especially when he knew that it was already too late to dodge on either side the moment his feet managed to land on the ground.

Moving backwards was also out of question since he could already tell that the sword would still reach him even if he hopped back right after his feet touched the ground.

Seeing that he was forced in a very tight spot, Faker couldn't help but praise Shin for this seemingly perfect move. "Quite clever, huh? That backward step that he took earlier is a very beautiful setup."

But that was all of it. Faker was still a Godlike Player after all, and that was not an unfound reputation. So, given that, he should be able to do some things that were supposedly impossible for others.

Faker took a deep breath while he was still in the air, and right after his right foot landed on the ground, he immediately concentrated a lot of force in it and quickly jumped in the air with that foot and did a quick spin roll midair, barely dodging the sword slash.

Faker was planning to do an immediate counterattack right after landing on the ground once again. But he quickly rejected the idea when he suddenly felt an immense threat coming from Shin. And the moment he got that warning signal from his senses, he immediately hopped backwards and retreated right away.

But how could Shin let that opportunity slip from his hands? Especially now that he finally got a slight advantage. So, he immediately made his move.

The moment Faker hopped away from him, Shin suddenly threw the sheath of his sword and sent it straight to his opponent. And immediately after that, he quickly leaped forward and turned his body midair while also switching back the [Yamato] on his right hand.

Faker was still midair when Shin threw the sword-sheath, so he had no other choice but to swing one of his daggers on it and defected it upwards. Even though that attack didn't give him much problem, it still messed up his form in the air and made his control over his descent to become a little off.

Faker was trying to regain his balance in the air when Shin suddenly came falling towards him while swinging his sword downwards.

'Extra Skill: Falling Lightblade'


At this point of time, Faker knew that there was no way for him to either dodge or block this attack with just simple movements. So, he had no other choice but to use one of his lifesaving skills.

'Extra Skill: Shadow Escape'


With a 'puff' sound, Faker suddenly transformed into a bunch of smoke that suddenly exploded the moment the [Yamato] landed at his body. Then he materialized few meters away while looking at Shin with a fair of eyes that were full of excitement.

"It is really impossible to underestimate a Battle Genius. They always came up with crazy ideas during the battle," he muttered to himself, seeing that he was forced to finally use a decent skill since the start of this battle.

At the same time, Shin slowly stood up and caught the falling sheath of his sword right after standing straight.

After that, he looked at Faker and said. "Sorry, but I still can't choose either of the styles yet. So, I still insist on walking on these two paths for now until I find my way of fighting," while putting the [Yamato] back to its sheath once again.

Then he added in his mind. 'Or worse, I will just find a way to somehow combine the two, just like what I did to my Swordsmanship and Assassination Arts; even though it is a very tough path. I know that it is the only way left for me to take, but that is only the way that I can think off if things suddenly went off my road.'

With all of these things to consider, Shin finally steeled himself and looked at Faker with a determined face before taking yet another sword-drawing stance while saying. "So, please lend me your guidance."

And right after those words left his mouth, he suddenly released his Aura Manifestation with the image of the White Tiger with two pairs of angelic wings on its back.

Seeing the determined look on Shin's face, Faker couldn't help but see Shin as a resemblance of someone he knew. And remembering that person made Faker smile a little, but it also gave him a bitter feeling along with it.

Then he quickly brushed it off and put it at the back of his head before responding at Shin in kind. He suddenly let loose an immense killing intent and spread it in all directions. A moment later, his Aura Manifestation was also suddenly formed behind him. It was a huge silhouette of a hooded figure while holding a large scythe on both of its hands.

And at the moment of its appearance, an intense feeling of impending doom suddenly engulfed the whole training room.


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