Child of Destiny

Chapter 350 The Unlucky

Chapter 350 The Unlucky


While Shin was still looking at his new title, he suddenly got a message from Owen. He knitted his eyebrows for a moment since he rarely got a message for anyone. And when he took a look at it, he couldn't help but become even more confused.

"Huh? And why is this guy looking for me? We just fought earlier," muttered Shin before looking at it.

Owen: Hey! Are you going to watch the next battle? If you are, then let's watch it together to exchange some insights regarding the battle. And watching a match alone is too boring.

"Oh~! That is a good idea. Watching the battle while exchanging some insights regarding it is going to be helpful," said Shin before agreeing with Owen. And after seeing that the latter sent a thumbs up for conformation, he immediately closed the message window and looked at the game clock.

"I still have 30 minutes free time, huh? Hmm… if that was the case, then I still have enough time to evaluate my performance on the previous battle," after saying that, Shin immediately looked for a corner to sit on and re-watch the recorded video of his battle against Owen.


Real World, Soaring Continent, Main Region

The was a 'beggar' walking on the streets of the Capital City. And like a usual beggar, this guy was currently wearing a ragged set of clothes with a lot of dirt in it. His hair was also messy as if it was some sort of bird nest.

At the same time, the odor that was coming from his body was too unpleasant for the nose. Even the person from a few distances away from him could smell this foul smell. So, before he could brush past anyone, all those people were already running away from this guy.

But even if that was the case, no one dared to tell him to go somewhere else. It was because of the very threatening aura emitting from his body. His smell aside, just looking at the glaring eyes that he had was more than enough for anyone to distance themselves away from him.josei

It was until a group of armored vehicles suddenly stopped in front of him and blocked his path. A moment later, a bunch of people suddenly came out from the armored vehicle before forming a defensive formation a few distances away from that guy. The other guys, on the other hand, went for the civilians and distanced them from the scene.

These people were obviously military people. These guys were also wearing a full set of military suits which indicated that they were from special forces. On top of that, each of them were also wearing a gasmask to protect themselves from the 'special barrier' surrounding their target.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

After taking positions, these guys simultaneously pointed their guns at him. And when everything was ready, the leader of the group used a megaphone and said to the 'beggar'. "Stop right there! Don't make any unnecessary moves before you regret the outcome."

The 'beggar' seemed to comply with them as he suddenly halted his steps. He then took a very deep breath before muttering to himself. "What the hell, I even alerted a special force unit? Is walking on the streets in this country considered as a crime?"

After a helpless sigh he started raising his hands in the air to say that he had no intention of fighting. But he was still in the middle of his actions, when he suddenly heard a bunch of clicking sounds of guns.

"Freeze! I said you can't make any unnecessary movements!" shouted by the leader.

Hearing that, he had no other choice but to pause his movements while cursing inside. "What a bunch of paranoid individuals. Am I not even allowed to raise my hands?"

While all of these were happening, a very expensive-looking car was suddenly stopped by military personnel in a distance. Inside it, a beautiful woman couldn't help but frown her eyebrows after seeing that. "What's with the commotion? I really want to get home now."

Drive responded to her while looking in front. "The military seemed to be apprehending someone, young miss."

"In the middle of the street?" asked by the girl with annoyance.

She then looked at another beautiful woman sitting beside her and said. "Auntie, can you take a look at it and resolve the issue if possible?"

The woman beside her, who was wearing a formal suit, nodded her head before going out of the car. She planned to resolve this issue as soon as possible, so she immediately went to the main scene while ignoring the military personnel in front of her.

On the other hand, one of the military personnel wanted to prevent her from going, but one of the persons accompanying him prevented him from doing so. From the look of it, that guy knew the identity of this woman.

At the same time, another guy walked towards her and said. "This way Miss Anna."

A moment later, the woman named Anna arrived at the main scene and immediately asked the leader of the group. "What is the situation?"

"Miss Anna!" the leader was suddenly taken aback when he saw her. It took him a few seconds before he recovered himself and gave his reply. "We received a repeated report about this suspicious guy walking on the streets of the Capital City. It is also reported that he is disturbing some business in the area. So, we immediately come here to resolve the issue."

Anna couldn't help but frown her eyebrows after hearing that. After a second, she asked full of doubt. "Isn't sending a special force unit a little too much for this?"

The leader smiled bitterly after hearing that and said. "That is also what we thought after hearing that. But from the reports that we got from the scouts that we have sent – this guy is at least as strong as a Martial-Artist who is at the peak of the Ethereal Opening Stage expert."

Anna further frowned her eyebrows after hearing that. She then nodded her head and said. "Alright, let me handle this personally then. I'll make it fast and clean as much as possible."

But before going, she looked at the other military soldiers of the group and asked. "And why are your people wearing a gasmask?"

The leader took another bitter smile before replying. "It is quite complicated, but it is better if you use one too, Miss Anna." while giving her another gasmask.

Anna didn't take her gasmask and just said. "I don't need it."

After that, she suddenly disappeared from her spot and reappeared a few meters away from the 'beggar'. And right after arriving there, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitched after due to the foul smell that assaulted her nose. "Now, I know what they mean by disturbing the business in the area."

Given that she was already at the 'Void Manifestation Stage', creating an invisible barrier around her that filtered the air on her surroundings.

But too much of her surprise, her barrier couldn't remove the foul smell surrounding her. What's more, the smell seemed to already stick on her clothes.

"This smell… It is from a Demon Skunk monster beast! And given the level of this smell, it should be at least a monster beast with a 5-star level threat," muttered Anna while waving her hand to summon a bunch of blue flame around her.

That flame mysteriously didn't burn anything even if it touched a flammable thing. Instead, the air around her was suddenly cleanse as if that flame burned the foul odor mixed in it.

A moment later, the blue flame created a ring of fire around her and the 'beggar', preventing any foul odor from leaking out from it. Then Anna looked at the man standing in front of her to observe.

And when she saw that the 'beggar' seemed not to have any intention of fighting back, she couldn't help but frowned her brows a little. So, she squinted her eyes a little to further observe the 'beggar'.

After a few seconds of observing, she seemed to recognize this guy a little. And after a few more seconds, she finally remembered who this guy was. "You! You are the Wanderer David Solomon!"

Hearing that, the 'beggar' who turned out to be David, couldn't help but rejoice that someone finally recognized who he was. 'Finally! Someone who is reading some news.'

"But what happened to you?" asked Anna after confirming that it was really David.

That kind of question was like rubbing some salt on his wounds. So, he couldn't help but grunt a little when he heard a question from Anna. And after a helpless sigh, he suddenly said painfully. "Can we not talk about that?"

Anna turned silent for a moment before becoming serious. And when David felt the sudden change in her mood, he suddenly turned his guards up out of instincts.

A moment later, he heard Anna's next words that sent chills down his back. "Alright, then let's talk about the time when you attacked my Young Miss."

Feeling the heavy atmosphere surrounding him, David's face suddenly turned weird as he said to himself. 'I guess it is better if I deal with those soldiers rather than facing her.'

And after a slight pause, he suddenly cursed in his heart. 'And why the f*ck is my luck become so terrible after coming on this continent? Is this place a curse land or something?'

He then forced a stiff smile with his lips before asking. "Can big sis clarify what is she are saying? I can't seem to understand it."


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