Child of Destiny

Chapter 367 Trouble

Chapter 367 Trouble


Leonard was waiting at the Eastern Sea Port for more than one hour already but the guys that he needed to pick up still hadn't arrived yet. He even lost count of how many times he looked at his advance watch to check the time.

"The heck? Master keeps on urging me to hurry earlier, yet Elder Hermit and his disciple are the ones who are late," muttered Leonard while arching his eyebrows with slight annoyance.

While he was complaining about that, he suddenly noticed a person in maroon hoodie walking towards him.

He raised his eyebrows further while observing the incoming person – this person was mostly a girl given her petite figure and slender legs. And when she finally arrived in front of Leonard, she raised her head a little to have a good look at his face.

"Curly red hair, sharp eyes with crimson pupils-…" the girl started muttering on herself as she looked at Leonard. And when she was done, she immediately asked. "Are you the little lion cub of Master Galileo?"

Leonard was suddenly taken aback at her, but he immediately recovered himself a moment later.

Then he nodded his head responding to the question before asking carefully. "Are you Elder Hermit's disciple?"

Then the girl with a hoodie nodded her head in response. Seeing that, Leonard also nodded his head before starting to look around. And when he couldn't find the one that he was looking for, he looked at the girl in front of him once again and asked. "But where is Elder Hermit?"

Hearing that, the girl suddenly became dejected and sighed helplessly. Then she lowered her head while saying. "My master said that is not going to accompany us since he knows that Master Galileo is also not coming."

"Huh~!?" Leonard's face suddenly turned weird the moment he heard that. Then he suddenly realized something. "So, the reason-…"

But before could finish his worlds, the girl immediately beat him into it. "Yeah. I am one hour late because that old man left me right after we disembarked from the ship."

Leonard closed his eyes in annoyance when he heard her confirmation. 'What kind of Elders do we have here? Why are they so carefree and irresponsible?'

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down before looking at the girl while saying. "Alright, let's introduce ourselves properly first."

He extended his right hand at her while saying. "I am Leonard Fireheart, the first disciple of the Blood Slaughtering Fist – Galileo Freeman."

The girl was suddenly caught off-guard at Leonard's sudden polite introduction before introducing herself. "Angela Silva, the eight and youngest disciple of the hermit," while shaking Leonard's hand.

As they were shaking hands, Leonard suddenly noticed that she seemed to be laughing at him inside. So, he couldn't help but ask. "Why? Is there something wrong with what I said? Isn't that how Martial Artists introduce themselves to a fellow Martial Artist?"

This time, Angela couldn't contain her laughter anymore, especially when she saw the innocent look at Leonard's. "Yeah, you are right about that. But that kind of introduction is only being used when you are inviting someone into a sparring match."

She was even embracing her stomach while laughing very hard. "Master is right. You are really clueless on most of the important Martial-Artist's etiquette since you are quite new on this circle."

Leonard crossed his arms in front of his chest while watching her laugh to her heart's content. And when Angela felt Leonard's gaze, she immediately forced herself to stop saying. "Krum! Sorry… It's just this is my first time seeing someone so clueless regarding such things."

After that, she cleared her throat before asking. "Anyway, you sure are an odd Bloodline Possessor. What's more, your bloodline is supposedly a berserk one. How come you are still able to hold your emotions so well?"

Hearing that, Leonard shrugged his shoulders before saying. "Let's say I just learn from someone I know. That guy is like a robot who is always calm most of the time."

'Though, he is like an erupting volcano when he fails to control his emotion,' he added in his mind.

After that, he picked his language from the ground before turning around while saying. "We should be going now."

'Or~, maybe I am wrong,' thought Angela the moment she saw the sudden change of attitude of Leonard.

Then she immediately chased after him before saying the moment she caught up. "Hey, I heard from my master that you are sworn brothers with the 'twin monster' of the Springfield Family. They didn't tell you about any basic etiquettes?"

Leonard didn't pause his steps while replying to her. "They did teach me some but they didn't specify most of them. After all, they only help me learn Martial-Arts so that I can protect my sister and myself properly when the situation calls for itself."

"I see-…" Angela wanted to say something more but she suddenly stopped herself from talking when she realized that they were actually heading towards the bus stop.

She slowed her steps down before looking at Leonard's back while saying. "Hey! Are you telling me that you don't have a personal car yet you are still thinking of picking us up?"

Hearing that, Leonard suddenly halted his steps to look at her before saying. "What's wrong with that?"

He paused for a moment before adding. "And don't get the wrong idea. My master told me that your master is going to take us to the Capital City after I receive you as a guest of our country. But since your master is not here, we have no choice but to take a bus to get in there."

Angela stared at Leonard with a weird expression on her face as if she was saying. – "You are kidding right?" –

But when she saw Leonard turned around once again and resumed walking towards the bus stop, she couldn't help but become dumbfounded while muttering to herself. "Nope, he is not kidding."

Accepting the reality, all Angela could do was to sigh helplessly before chasing after Leonard. And when she caught up, she immediately asked. "At least you are paying, right?"

Hearing that, Leonard turned his head at her before saying. "Are you broke?"

Angela was suddenly frozen in her place the moment she heard that. She stared at Leonard full of disbelief.

Seeing that she was not talking, Leonard started walking once again and left Angela who was completely speechless at his actions.josei

A moment later, Angela started smiling bitterly before muttering to herself. "I guess he is someone who holds grudges. Maybe I need to restrain myself a little."

After that, she followed after Leonard once again. "Hey! At least wait for me!"

Meanwhile, there was a very beautiful young lady with a stunning figure, standing a distance away from Leonard and Angela. She couldn't hear what the two were talking about, but she at least saw everything unfolded on her eyes – though, there was a huge misunderstanding on her part.

This girl was Lorraine Goldstein – and Laura was calling her succubus due to her deadly figure despite her being in the middle of puberty.

Lorraine immediately went to this place after hearing from one of her 'informants', that Leonard was going to pause his training for a moment due to some special mission assigned by the military.

She also did her utmost to arrive here for as fast as possible so that she could fetch Leonard back to Capital City. But on the exact moment that she arrived – she saw the man in question 'laughing' with another girl.

Her eyebrows arched into a frown as she watched them from a distance. Though, her face immediately became at ease when she saw Leonard started to walk away and left the girl behind. But the girl seemed to be quite 'persistent' and chased after him.

Lorraine's biological weapons started to move up and down as her breathing started to become heavy. She tried to quell her anger as she chose to continue watching them a little more.

But when she saw that the girl chased after Leonard for the third time, she started losing herself as she gripped her right hand, squashing the empty can of soda that she was holding. "Who the hell is this b*tch flirting with my man?"

A moment later, she started walking towards the two with a heavy expression on her face. There was even an invisible aura coming out from her body as she walked towards them.

Due to that, a sudden chill was running through the spines of every person that she was passing by. "You dared to flirt with my man in public – especially with my presence? You are a dead meat, b*tch!"

The guards who were secretly following Lorraine wanted to stop her when they saw her walking towards Leonard and Angela in a very aggressive manner. But they immediately rejected the idea since they knew that they were going to lose their jobs if they dared to do so.

All they could do for now was to come up with a tacit agreement. – "I guess it is better if we start evacuating the civilians now." –

Then they immediately started moving.


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