Child of Destiny

Chapter 376 The Reason Of Growth

Chapter 376 The Reason Of Growth


Right after killing one of the five remaining clones, Shin immediately took the initiative to attack instead of waiting for the other side. At this point of time, it was better to be the one dictating the rhythm of the fight instead of being in the passive position.

Shin had no plan of activating his 'Mondi's Style' legacy skill this time since he wanted to limit the consumption of his concentration for the rest of the fight.

After all, he was already reaching his limit. So, if he kept on insisting to use both his 'Eclipse Wielding Style' and 'Elemental Possessions' on top of the 'White Dawn Boundary' that he was currently using, then he would surely be going to exhaust himself first before he could even take down his opponent.

Due to that, he chose to activate just one of the two specialized mana from his arsenal; lessening the consumption of his concentration without losing much power from his attacks.

He enfolded his sword with the specialized power of the Sun to activate the enhanced version of his 'Sunlight Wielding', making the blade of the [Yamato] to suddenly be set ablaze by a white flame that had some shades of black color flashing on its surface from time to time.

Together with that, he also maximized the ability of his 'Sensing Circle' extra skill to lock on the remaining clones before starting to sprint towards them.

In response to his actions, the four clones also started making their moves. They spread out to create a formation before attacking Shin from different directions.

Shin waited for the first clone to arrive in front of him before swinging the [Yamato] at it in a very powerful manner.


After that, Shin took advantage of the slight pause of their collision to turn his wrist in circular motion, controlling the spear of the clone in front of him while guiding it to collide against the spear of the other clone who was coming from his side.

Then he used the momentum of his actions to turn his body along with the movements of the first clone before swinging his leg at the exposed abdomen of that clone.


Due to that, the two clones collided with each other, making them to stumble on the ground.

Immediately after doing those actions, Shin quickly used the momentum of that kick to jump in the air while also doing a spin roll at the same time. And that was when a flying mana spear flew past Shin, barely missing his body.

While Shin was still in the air, the last clone fell from above him while swinging its spear at him in a very powerful manner.

But before it could even land on him, Shin quickly twisted in waist to forcefully spin his body in the air even faster. At the same time, he was also swinging the sheath of his sword at the falling spear to redirect its trajectory towards the ground.



After successfully deflecting that spear, Shin forcefully did another spin in the air while slashing the [Yamato] at the clone who threw that previous attack before following it with a powerful kick that landed at the back of the clone's neck.


​ That clone was slammed on the ground after getting hit by that kick. And it was unable to stand up once again because Shin landed on its black while impaling its body on the ground with a powerful stab by the [Yamato].

"That's two," muttered Shin before pulling his sword up while backflipping at the same time. And that was when a pair of spears slammed on his previous spot which killed the clone lying on it.

When Shin landed back on the ground, he quickly switched the enhanced 'Sunlight Wielding' into the empowered version of his 'Moonlight Wielding' – transforming the white flame on the blade of his sword into a black glow that had some specks of silver light on its surface.

After that, he quickly turned his body to his back while thrusting the [Yamato] at the same time.


The tip of Shin's sword and jade spear coming from his back, didn't collide since there was an invisible force that was preventing them from touching each other. But a powerful explosion was created and sent a successive shockwave in all directions.

After a brief moment of pause, Shin and that clone were sent flying backwards due to the repelling forces from that collision.

When Shin regained his footing, he quickly raised his head and looked at that particular clone, thinking that it was the Demon's real body. But didn't have enough time to dwell on that since the other two clones were already back on their feet and were currently running towards him.

Seeing that, Shin quickly regulated his breathing before getting ready for another round.


Meanwhile, the audience were currently doing their best to keep up with the fight. Everything was happening a little too fast, so they didn't know which scene to react. Their heads were still processing what they just witnessed when another thing suddenly occurred.

Especially that scene that recently occurred. From that first collision, to redirecting the spear of his opponent, to that crazy aerial maneuvers, to that flawless execution of one of the clones – those series of movements were insanely fast to the point where the audience was unable to completely process what had happened.

If not for the separated screen replying to the series of events in slow motion, then the spectators on the audience stand and the viewers online would not be able to understand what just happened.

Though, that was also the very reason why the audience suddenly burst in an intense uproar!

Those crazy maneuvers greatly shook the hearts of everyone; especially the average players of the game. In fact, they were even suspecting if they were still playing the same game.

On the other hand, the expert players watching the fight were able to see more deeply compared to them. And they were actually quite shocked at what they were seeing.

It was not because of how crazy were those maneuvers, but because of the rate of growth that Shin was making during this whole battle.

They were already aware of Shin's Battle Genius talent given that they already saw his previous matches before. But what they were seeing in this particular fight was beyond what they knew about that talent. Even Owen who was a Battle Genius himself couldn't believe how fast Shin was growing.

In fact, the more he got cornered, the more improvements he was making.

Since the beginning of the fight, Shin was cornered for quite a lot of times already. But every time they thought that he was done for, he would always survive that predicament in the most unexpected ways. Just like those consecutive maneuvers earlier.

Most of the expert players were still confused about this matter, but the experts who already exchanged a few blows with Shin suddenly discovered the real reason of his insane growth.

"F*ck! This guy is crazy! So, he is not getting cornered earlier! He is purposely putting himself in that situation to stimulate his other talent!" said Owen the moment he realized what Shin was actually doing.

Hearing those words, Joyce suddenly her head at him while having a confused look on her face. And when she saw Owen still immersed in the fight, she couldn't help but ask. "What do you mean?"

Owen heard her but didn't immediately give his reply as continued to observe Shin for a few more moments. And after making sure that he was right, he suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly while explaining.

"That crazy guy is purposely getting himself cornered so that he could stimulate his 'Immediate Repose' talent. No… It should be in its evolved state right now since it is his current personal trait, the 'Ultra Instincts'."

He then paused for a moment to direct his eyes back on the fight before continuing. "That 'Personal Trait' is similar to my 'Super Sensitivity'. Though, mine focuses on my 'senses'; while that talent focuses on 'reflexes'."

"From what I know, the 'Ultra Instincts' is very responsive to danger. Whenever the possessor of this particular talent encounters a very dangerous threat or predicament that is supposedly impossible to escape, this talent reaches its peak 'sensitivity'."

"And in this 'peak state', the Ultra Instincts talent was urging the body to move towards the most optimal way to escape that particular predicament. Just like what you saw just now."

He then squinted his eyes while adding. "Though, the 'options' the body has on that state was fully dependent on the 'moves' that the processor can currently do."josei

With another pause, he pointed at Shin while saying. "And that guy right there is someone who has a very rich experience in such situations."

Hearing all of that, Joyce suddenly came in a realization and unconsciously blurted out. "You mean to say-… this guy is purposely putting himself in danger to make his body become accustomed to his 'Ultra Instincts' talent?"

Then she turned attention to Shin before adding. "But that is dangerous! Just a single mistake is enough for him to kill himself, or lose this battle."

Owen started smiling bitterly when he heard that and said. "That is why this guy is crazy."

After that, he looked at Shin with meaningful eyes before continuing. "But as you can see, that crazy guy is still alive and seems to be doing fine."


Going back in the battle arena, Shin is currently doing his best to hold himself against the three remaining clones. He kept on moving backwards as he tried to ward off the assaults of those clones from three different directions.

At this point of time, it was clear that Shin was currently reaching his limit. What's more, the attacks of the three clones were perfectly synchronized which forced Shin to keep on backpedaling so that he could get some space to catch his breath.

But even if that was the case, the three clones were still unable to completely break through Shin's defense. He kept on swinging the [Yamato] and the sheath on his left hand to repel the jade spears of those clones.

Seeing that, the audience couldn't help but anticipate another turnaround that Shin was going to do. But they suddenly gasped the moment they saw another 'Demon' appeared right behind Shin was currently thrusting his spear.

"That was a good fight. Though, it is time to end this," said 'Demon' as thrusted his jade spear at Shin's back.



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