Child of Destiny

Chapter 379 Logging Out Of The Game

Chapter 379 Logging Out Of The Game


It took Shin quite some time before he could recover himself after seeing all of the new details of the 'Regan's Method' Legacy Skill. At the same time, he also started making some plans on how he was going to properly add this skill on his arsenal.

Originally, he was using the set of sword spells under the Regan's Method as supplements for his attacks or to land some surprise attacks hidden in his other skills.

"Looks like I need to find some time to practice these skills one I come after my training," muttered Shin while closing the virtual screen in front of him.

After that, he turned his attention to the other rewards that he got. The first one was a tier 2 class-specific skill with epic rank while the other was a seven-piece specialized equipment set.


Class Specific Skill: Grim Reaper

Skill Name: Doom Verdict

Skill Level: Tier 2

Skill Rank: Epic

Skill Details:

Call the power of hell from the ground to summon a powerful pillar of fire. All of the enemies inside the pillar would suffer a continuous burning damage for the entire duration of the skill.

At the same time, all of the enemies inside the pillar of fire would suffer a huge decrease in their movement speed that would increase every 10 seconds.

If they failed to get out of the range of the pillar, all of them would suffer a 'fear' status effect that would paralyze their bodies for 2 seconds.


Castin Range: 10 meters

Pillar Radius: 20 meters

Damage Over Time (DoT): 0.5% of the total opponent's HP per second. (Can be decreased by healing and protective skills.)

Duration: 100 seconds

Movement Speed Decrease: 10% per 10 seconds

Mana Cost: 20 000

Cooldown: 10 hours



Shin didn't know how he was going to feel after seeing the details of the skill. "D*mn! This definitely an OP skill, but it also has quite a lot of hidden restrictions."

"If my target here is a group of magical classes with an instant-teleportation skill, this skill is going to be useless. It is the same if the targets have a very high movement speed. Though, it is definitely going to be a killer skill against the slow-poke classes."

He thought for a moment before muttering. "I guess this skill will show its greatness in a war battlefield; especially if it is used against the frontline of the opposing side."

After that, Shin turned his attention at the details of the class-specific equipment set. He just swept his gaze at it since he still preferred the skills attached on the [Dusk and Dawn Equipment Set].

They were both a class-specific equipment set but the skills on this new set were not suitable for either of his fighting styles.

After some thought, he decided to disregard it. And while he was thinking about that, he suddenly remembered something. "Ah! That's right! I can ask 'Black Hand' to use this set to create the other pieces that my [Apocalypse Set] are lacking."

Thinking about it, he suddenly started grinning evilly while saying. "Heh! I now have a good bargain chip to watch a top-class blacksmith in action."

Then he took a quick look at the special skill 'Learn and Copy' that he learned before adding. "I'm sure that I will pick up some techniques from him. Maybe I can also ask him a few things about his battle style."

"Though, it will wait for some time before I can deal with it. After all, I need to deal with some important things in the real world."

After that, he stood up from his seat and immediately went to the mayor's office to tell a few things to Ribbit. He also ordered him to make some preparations for the adjustment on their plans.

He also told Ribbit he was going away for quite some time, so he asked the latter to oversee that development of the town. If ever there were some critical things that needed his consultation, he gave Ribbit a full authority to solve the problem.

Together with those instructions, Shin also gave Ribbit some extra funds that he could use for the further development of the town.

Next, he summoned both Captain Jack and Felix to pass them some instructions. He also ordered them to make the security around the mayor's residence higher. After all, his Hidden Quest linked with was still ongoing. So, he couldn't lower his guard yet.

After making sure that he didn't forget anything, Shin went back to his room before logging out of the game.


Shin immediately hopped out of the Gaming Cabin the moment it opened its door. Then he did his usual routine and tapped a few buttons on it to activate its self-cleaning feature before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After wearing some light clothes, Shin immediately went out of his room to do some light exercises before cooking something to eat. But he was still walking down the stairs when he heard a 'commotion' coming from the living room.

He raised one of his eyebrows a little before deciding to take a look on it. And the moment he arrived there, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched as he looked at the scene in front of him.

In there, he saw Lorraine pulling a luggage bag while bickering with another girl who was unfamiliar with Shin. Leonard was standing in between the two as if he was trying to solve their 'problem'.

On the other side, Laura was looking at Leonard with a glaring pair of eyes as if he committed something unforgivable. Beside her, a maid kept on urging her to put down the figurine that she was holding on her hands – she seemed to be planning to throw it at Leonard at any given moment.

Aside from that, Shin also saw David 'lifelessly' lying on the ground. He didn't know he was sleeping there, but he was sure that this guy was completely exhausted and didn't have enough strength to stand.

There was also a pair of a butler and a maid crouching beside him as they were trying to wake him up.

"What the heck is going on?" muttered Shin as he stared blankly at the scene.

A moment later, Nathan appeared beside Shin and said. "It has been a while since the house became this lively."

Hearing that, Shin finally snapped out of his dazed state and looked at Nathan. "Uncle!"

Nathan started at Shin for a moment while trying to observe the state of his body. 'This kid is growing at an even faster rate that I have expected. His body is also starting to adapt to his new Internal Qi. Is it because of the twin core that his father had given him?'

After that, he patted Shin's shoulder while saying. "Go asked them to calm down a little. Your grandfather is coming home, so make sure that they are going to behave once he arrives."

Then he started walking towards his room while adding another reminder. "And make sure to drop by my office later. I need to discuss a few things regarding your special assignment."

Shin stared at Nathan's back for a moment before releasing a helpless sigh. Then he turned his head back to their 'lively' living room, before walking towards them.

He first walked towards Laura to calm this little girl down. After all, she was currently holding a quite expensive antique. And if she really failed to control her temper and threw it at Leonard, he didn't know what was the consequence once that antique was broken.

Seeing that Shin was walking towards her, Laura immediately came back to her senses and ran towards him.

"Big Bro Shin! Big Bro Shin! Can you chase those two away from my big brother? They keep making troubles for him which is why I can't spend some time with him," said Laura when she arrived in front of Shin.

Then she suddenly turned her head at Leonard while looking at him with a fierce glare. "And that stupid big brother of mine is so dumb! It's been a long time since we last met yet he chooses to flirt with them instead of taking care of me? Hmph!"josei

Shin suddenly chuckled when he heard it and said. "Alright, alright. I'll chase those vixens away from your big brother. So, calm down a little and put that antique down. Those maids are going to have a heart attack if you break that thing accidentally."

Then he gently patted Laura's head as he watched her pass the antique to one of the maids before walking towards Leonard and the two bickering ladies.

"It's been a while since we saw each other yet you already chance this much, Leo?" said Shin after arriving beside Leonard.

Leonard suddenly became overjoyed after hearing Shin's voice. He suddenly turned his head to his side and looked at Shin as if finally found a savior that would free him in this situation.

He then quickly leaned his head towards Shin a little while whispering. "Can you help me calm these two down? They started being like that the moment Arthur left me behind earlier. Lorraine even picked up some of her luggage, saying that she is going to stay in here too."

"Who is this new girl first?" asked Shin with a soft voice.

"She is Elder Hermit's disciple. She is also going to be our teammate for our new special assignment," answered Leonard almost instantly.

Hearing that, Shin immediately nodded his head before planning to interrupt the two girls. He didn't even ask why they were acting like that.

On the other hand, the two girls seemed not to notice Shin's arrival as they continued bickering with each other. But when Shin was about to open his mouth and planning to say something, both of them suddenly turned theirs at him and simultaneously said.

"Mind your own business!"

The expression on his face suddenly turned stiff as he was caught a little off-guard. And when he saw that the two started bickering once again, his face suddenly turned solemn before saying with a deep tone.

"Lorraine, if you don't stop right now, stop thinking that you will get my blessing."

"As for you, new girl. If you don't zip your mouth, then I will kick you out of my house!"

Lorraine suddenly shut her mouth the moment she heard that. Then she looked at Shin with a sweet smile before saying. "You are right, Shin. I should lower my standing to argue with this b*tch!"

After that, she didn't wait for Shin's reply and immediately turned around and asked one of the maids as if it was her own home. "Can you please pick up my luggage? I am going to rest in my room." Then she started following that maid who was leading her towards one of the guest rooms.

On the other hand, Angela looked at Shin with a raised eyebrow while saying with a provoking tone. "Oh~! This handsome here is quite gutsy. Want to exchange some martial insight?"

Unfortunately, Shin just ignored her and started walking towards David who was still lying on the ground.

Seeing that, Angela wanted to say something more but she immediately prevented herself from talking when she saw some faint black gases leaking out from Shin's body. Those black gases were unseen by naked eye, but she could somehow see it due to the special pair of eyes that she possessed.

She squinted her eyes a little while muttering to herself. "What are those? Why do I feel that I saw something like that before?"

Meanwhile, Leonard was looking at Shin fully impressed at what he saw. He did everything he could just to calm those girls down but he still failed. Instead, he kept being scolded by those two every time he tried to cut in their 'conversation'.

On the other hand, Shin only took a couple of phrases to make them stop. After that slight pause, Leonard immediately walked towards his little sister who was still glaring at him very fiercely.

At the same time, Shin finally arrived beside David and crouched down a little. He squinted his eyes a little, checking if the latter was really sleeping.

A moment later, he suddenly started grinning before saying with a soft voice. "Senior Brother, my Big Sis is coming home. Are you sure you are going to let her see you like that?"

The moment those words left her mouth, David's eyes suddenly opened widely as if he was drugged by something. After that, he immediately stood up and started running towards his room.

Seeing that, Shin couldn't help but chuckled a little while muttering to himself. "This place is surely going to be lively."


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