Child of Destiny

Chapter 392 Meeting Enemies

Chapter 392 Meeting Enemies


Blessed Luck Hotel was one of the best hotels around the Main Region of the Soaring Continent. They were known for being a top-class hotel who hosted a lot of successful parties. And due to that, a lot of people wanted to host their respective parties in this place despite it being quite far from the City.

With all of that, this hotel was currently hosting its 'liveliest' party that they could have for their entire history.


A loud explosion could before from one of the facilities of the Hotel near their control room. And that was because this place was currently the 'liveliest' spot of the hotel due to the ongoing 'party' being held there.

"D*mn! Who is this kid? How come he is so strong to repel all of us," said by one of the agents while looking at Molton full of caution.

Beside him, the other agents were also looking at the young man in front of them with a pair of cautious eyes.

At first, these agents were too skeptical about Molton when they saw his lean body and nerdy appearance. But too much of their surprise, this guy was actually able to repel their attacks despite not moving from his current position. His overwhelming Mental Energy was more than enough to block all of their attacks.

Molton knew that he couldn't fight all of these agents simultaneously given their numbers. But blocking their attacks and buying some time for Shin to arrive was a whole different matter.

Martial-Artist might have a slight edge in a one-on-one battle against a Mentalist. But in this kind of group battle, a Mentalist was going to be much harder to be taken down; especially if the Mentalist job was to just hold his ground as soon as possible.

With Molton's techniques together with the natural sensing ability that a Mentalist had, guarding the opposing side's attacks was quite easy for him. What's more, he was also using his opponents' numbers against them – he was perfectly positioning himself on the angles where those agents would have a hard time attacking him.

His positioning greatly helped him in this fight because not only he could block his opponents' sights by hiding behind their allies, but he was also able to kill the angles where those guys good attack him.


Right behind Molton, another fight was currently ongoing.

Arthur and Nicolas were currently 'enjoying' their 'time' together. And this time, both sides seemed to be quite ready for this fight.

Arthur was currently wearing a special mask, making sure that he was not going to inhale an 'unpleasant' substance once again. Meanwhile, Nicolas already got used to wielding his 'Devil's Eyes' and 'Evil Qi' to counter his opponent's 'Foresight' and 'Eternal Flame Internal Qi'.

In this fight, Arthur was quite confused how did Nicolas manage to get used to wielding those evil powers in such a short amount of time. But after observing the latter in a few more exchanges, he got a slight idea on how Nicolas was able to do that. And that was most probably because of a special drug.

He remembered hearing Shin mentioned such things before when they were studying some files on their previous missions. He heard that the underworld organizations were using some drugs due to how harsh their training was. It was for them to quickly recover their muscle strengths after being damaged from those training sessions.

At the same time, those underworld organizations also possessed some special drugs that they could use to suppress the drawbacks of the evil powers and artificial talents that they had.


Arthur and Nicolas separated from each other due to the strong impact of their previous attacks. Both of them didn't immediately attack as they stared at each other.

'This is going to be a drawn-out battle if we maintain this status. If I don't use more of my powers then this fight is going to last even longer,' thought Arthur to himself while using this window to regulate his breathing.

Then he swept his gaze on his surroundings and added to his thoughts. 'What's more, I also can't afford to reveal most of my cards when there are a lot of guys watching from the dark.'

After that, he took a quick look at Molton before muttering. "At least, that kid is doing a fine job dealing with those guys."

Meanwhile, Nicolas was currently having an internal struggle on his side. 'The hell? How come he became stronger again? I am already using the 'Shadow Vaccine' yet we are still in equal footing.'

'I can even feel that he is still not using his full strength. Are all the data that we have regarding him too inaccurate?'

While he was thinking about that, he suddenly heard an order from the earpiece that he was wearing. "Nicolas, use the 'A+ Vaccine'."

He was suddenly taken aback with those orders. "But, Sir! If I use that now-…"

He was still in the middle of talking when he heard the cold voice from the other side of the line. "We don't have much time left. If you can't take down that guy right now, things are going to become even more conflicted later. There is another troublesome fellow coming in your way, so you better hurry and finish your job before he arrives."

Hearing that, the expression on Nicolas' face suddenly became solemn. But after a few more seconds of hesitation, he finally gave up and decided to use the so-called 'A+ Vaccine'.

He gritted his teeth as he took a small cylindrical object from his pocket before stubbing it on his neck. And when the green liquid in it was emptied, Nicolas suddenly felt that his heart started pumping very hard.



At the same time, he suddenly felt that his body became even more powerful than before. And alongside it, the 'Evil Qi' enfolding his body suddenly became wild as if it was a raging flame in the middle of a grass field.

Arthur wanted to stop Nicolas from using that vaccine as he could feel that this fight was going to be even more troublesome if he let the latter use it. But before he could even make his move, he suddenly felt a killing intent being locked on him which made him to stand still on his place.

'D*mn! So, those guys really want to observe me in this fight and see my limits!' cursed Arthur to himself while being in high alert against any ambush that might come anytime.

A moment after that, he saw that Nicolas was not done with his 'transformation'. The latter seemed to be much taller from before while his muscles seemed to be much bulkier than their original shape.

On the other hand, his eyes looked much fiercer than before. The crimson part of his eyes was now much deeper in color; it was even closer to black right now. Alongside it, the 'Evil Qi' surrounding his body also had an even darker color with some crimson shades on its surface.

'F*ck my hidden cards! There is now time to think about those cowards hiding in the dark right now. I need to take down this Gorilla first,' cursed Arthur when he saw changes that Nicolas currently had.

After that, he controlled his breathing once again while calming his mind at the same time. At this point he wanted to use his calming technique, the 'Dragon Solence'. And when he entered that tranquil state, the atmosphere surrounding him suddenly changed.

Then he placed his right foot in front of him while squatting his hips at the same time. Alongside those movements, he lowered his arms and positioned his fists on each side of his waist with the left one pointing at this opponent while the other was hidden from his opponent's point of view.


On the very next instant, Nicolas suddenly appeared right in front of Arthur while swinging his right-hand fist forward.

But before he could even throw that punch, Arthur already threw a liver blow while was still in the middle of swinging his arm.

Nicolas' body froze for a moment after he was hit by that strike. Though, he immediately recovered himself after a second and resumed swinging his arm. It was as if he didn't get affected by Arthur's punch at all. But that was only a set up for Arthur's real strike.

When he successfully made his opponent freeze for a second, Arthur's right-hand fist was already fully charged with his accumulated Internal Qi. And when Nicolas was about to swing his arm once again, Arthur was already in the middle of throwing a rotating punch at his opponent's abdomen.

'Advance Military Arts: (Modified) Meteor Shotgun'


Nicolas' entire body was greatly shaken by Arthur's punch, making his body to be frozen in place once again.

But Arthur was not done yet.josei

Right after throwing that attack, Arthur clenched his other hand and gathered a lot of Internal Qi in it before throwing an uppercut straight to Nicolas' face while also jumping in the air at the same time.

'Nine Dragon Arts: Flying Dragon'


After that, Arthur immediately used the momentum of his previous actions to do a quick spin in the air. And while he was turning midair, he was also gathering a bunch of Internal Qi on his leg before swinging it at Nicolas head with an axe kick.

p 'Advance Military Arts: Meteor Kick'


Nicolas was smashed on the ground after getting hit by that kick. Meanwhile, Arthur was planning to do another follow up attack after successfully knocking his opponent on the ground. But before he could even execute his plan, a powerful shockwave suddenly exploded from Nicolas' body and sent him flying backwards.



Arthur quickly did a couple of quick flips in the air to relieve the force that he got from that shockwave before landing on his ground steadily. Then he looked at Nicolas who was in the middle of getting back on his feet.

At the same time, he also saw that the injuries that Nicolas suffered from his previous attacks were regenerating with a great speed.

"F*ck! That is a disgusting healing ability!" cursed Arthur with his twitching mouth.

Then he took his battle stance once again muttering to himself. "Looks like I need to use that new trick that Uncle has taught me."

And right after he muttered those words, the multicolored Internal Qi suddenly blazed even fiercer as if they were waiting for his commands.


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