Child of Destiny

Chapter 397 The Three Wolves Vs The Monster Trio (Part 2)

Chapter 397 The Three Wolves Vs The Monster Trio (Part 2)


Enrico Chaves was one of the most promising young agents of the 'Roku Prefecture', a direct subordinate organization of the Shadow Alliance.

He was known for being ruthless and doing all of his missions very fast. During one of his missions, he managed to meet a pair of agent brothers; Mario and Marcus. And due to that, all of his preceding missions all became a huge success.

Starting at that time, the brothers started following him and became his subordinates. They swept in the younger generations' ranking list of their organization and became the famous groups within their circle called 'The Three Wolves'.

They had never suffered a defeat since then. And with the previous battles that they had gone through together, their teamwork became even more flawless. And together with the current Martial-Art attainments, the three of them could be ranked high up in the younger generation even compared to the other organizations.

But currently, this trio were having a great trouble against a trio who were much younger than the three of them. And what's even more humiliating, the Martial-Art attainments of these three were also below them.

On the other hand, the opposing trio were actually having a slight pressure when dealing with the so-called 'three wolves' of the 'Roku Prefecture'. But on the contrary, the three used that pressure to boost their confidence instead. It was as if they were taking it as a challenge to hasten their growth; like a fuel being added on a raging fire and a delicacy to fill their hunger.

What's more, the three of them also have full confidence in their teamwork. Being together since they were young and doing a bunch of special missions as a team, their understanding of each other would surely not be going to lose compared to their opponents.

Meanwhile, the three of them managed to lessen the gap in terms of Martial-Art attainments with their respective talents.

Arthur already attained the understanding of 'being one with the spear'. So, each of his attacks with his spear were deadly enough for their opponents to be wary of him. And if you add the 'Foresight' talent that he had – the opposing side also needed to be more careful on picking their moves since Arthur might be able to turn their plans around.

Adding these together, Arthur was currently a deadly threat for the three wolves even without the help of his 'Eternal Flame Internal Qi'.

Making this even more troublesome for the 'three wolves', an 'oddity' called Leonard was giving them a lot of problem. This guy was the one leading attacks on the trio. He aggressively attacked the opposing side as if their Martial-Art attainments were not higher than him.

At first glance, his attacks seemed to be too random. It was as if he was not thinking when attacking; there was even a time where he was going to attack Enrico but suddenly changed his target when he saw Mario coming after him from the side. And naturally, the opposing side was going to become off-guard after seeing such a sudden shift.

Such a reckless behavior during a life-and-death battle like this was unquestionably a foolish move to take. After all, it was going to cause his life if something went wrong. But since the opposing side was not expecting an unexpected move like that, such randomness put the three wolves in a very awkward position – their battle rhythm kept on being thrown in a mess every time Leonard did a random attack like this.

In their eyes, Leonard was like a beast who randomly fought according to his instincts. Well, they were not that wrong about that since he was pretty much moving according to his instincts. It was an instinct which was different to the one that Shin possessed from his 'Immediate Response' Talent, but an instinct similar to a beast – an instinct that could sense danger.

Leonard awakened this talent when his thin bloodline was 'awakened' in the laboratory after being abducted. This talent didn't have an official real name, but he heard from his master that it was known in the Martial-Arts' Circle as the 'Bestial Instincts'.

He really liked this talent since it perfectly fit his battle style which was a random style fighting actually. Leonard grew up in the streets where a lot of unexpected things happened. And with this kind of cruel environment, an abandoned kid like him needed to do a lot of things to survive; especially that he also needed to support his little sister while doing all of that.

In this concrete jungle, there were also a lot of predators lurking around. So, Leonard also had to learn a way to protect himself as well as his little sister. And regarding a thing called 'street fighting' where there was no such thing called 'rules', Leonard forced himself to learn how to fight in different kinds of situations – whether it was a one-one-one fight, a group fight or one against many.josei

Due to all of that, Leonard built up his current battle style. And adding the 'Bestial Instincts' that he currently possessed, it was not that strange to treat him as a real beast.

With Arthur pressuring their opponents with his strong spearmanship together with his 'Foresight' talent that could read the opposing side's movements, the three wolves were forced to be wary at taking their next moves.

And if you add the randomness of Leonard's style of fighting which was breaking their opponents' rhythm time and time again, the opposing side was forced to become even more careful at making their moves.

In fact, they were being forced to change their plans repeatedly to adjust at Leonard's fighting style which pretty much frustrated them. They were a well-known trio in their organization, yet they were having trouble dealing with a group of kids who were years younger than them and had a lower Martial-Art attainment compared to thiers.

But their frustrations didn't just end in there. Because there was an individual who was making their problems very hard to be solved.

Arthur's spearmanship and 'Foresight' talent might be very hard to deal with but it was not impossible to be countered. After all, the three wolves were still a trio of experienced agents. So, they still had some tricks under their sleeves.

On the other hand, Leonard's random and aggressive style of fighting could actually be a double edge sword. He could throw the rhythm of his opponents with his style but it could also be true for his teammates. So, the three wolves could actually use that into their advantage. They could just set up a trap and lure Leonard in, before taking him down.

But it was easier to be said than done. It was because no matter how hard they try to set it up, Shin was able to see through it.

Shin was actually the real reason why the three wolves were having a hard time dealing with Arthur and Leonard. He was keeping the balance between the attacks made by the two. And he was also preventing the other two, from falling to the traps set up by the three wolves.

And what's made him even more troublesome was the fact the Shin was actually a Dual-Practitioner. His Mental Energy was keeping the three of them in check, while he was making up for the mistakes that Arthur and Leonard had committed.

Due to him, there seemed to be a strange rhythm with Arthur's systematic attack and Leonard's random style of fighting.

Moreover, Shin was also throwing an unpredictable attack of his own so the three wolves were kept being forced to abandon the plans that they had set up for the other too.

With all of this, the three wolves were forced into their wit's end. And because of this, they now had no other choice but to reveal all of their cards.

They simultaneously jumped backwards surrounding the other three once again before exchanging gaze with each other. After sending some eye signals, the three of them nodded their heads as they decided to use their 'Natural Forces' this time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three powerful auras were released from Enrico, Mario and Marcus the moment they released their respective 'Natural Forces'. There were some noticeable differences to their released 'Natural Forces'. After all, those clearly reflected their nature and style of battle.

But at the same time, there was also a district thing which was similar to each other and that was the evil aura mixed in those 'Natural Forces'.

And now that they released their real powers, the three wolves now regain the confidence that they originally had since the start of the battle. And together with that, they now looked at the young trio with a savage look on their eyes. It was as if they were hungry wolves who were ready to hunt for their prey.

But those looks only lasted for a moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was because the trio of Shin, Arthur and Leonard simultaneously released their respective Internal Qi. And the moment they revealed their fangs, a powerful pressure negated the pressure released by the opposing side.

Seeing that, the faces of the three wolves suddenly turned solemn, as they felt that there was an even more troublesome fight waiting for them at the next round of battle.

– "Such a bunch of young monsters." –


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