Child of Destiny

Chapter 401 Their Respective Battles

Chapter 401 Their Respective Battles


On the side where the escort group was, the agents immediately started attacking the moment their targets entered at the ambush point.

At first, they managed to deal a huge blow at the opposing group due to their ambush. Most of their targets suffered some serious injuries because of the surprise attack. And together with the unexpected move of their hidden spies in the group, the opposing side couldn't fight back.

But that only lasted for a moment. Because the moment those so-called targets started to fight back, the agents couldn't properly defend from their counter assault. And that was because of the four noticeable individuals.

The first reason was the Potter siblings; these two overwhelmed the opposing side due to their powerful Mental Techniques. And when their group started to lose its footing due the previous losses that they had suffered, Jillian immediately sat down on the ground with her legs crossed at each other, casting one of their family's Secret Arts.

Right after she sat on the ground and put her palms together, a transparent black flame suddenly came out from her body and quickly spread in the entire battlefield. And when everyone saw that, they started panicking due to it. But the group on Jillian's side immediately calmed down when they realized that this flame was actually only harming their opponents. In fact, they were even being healed by that strange flame.

The agents immediately realized their current situation, so they quickly started moving to take down this unexpected threat that would risk their mission into a failure.

Unfortunately, they were unable to get near Jillian due to Molton who was protecting her from any harm. And even if the agents tried to resort to eliminating her with their hidden snipers, not a single bullet managed to get near her because of Molton's absolute defense.

No matter how strong and powerful those bullets were, the transparent wall that Molton had set up with his Mental Energy was strong enough to block all of them. Though, there were still some bullets that were able to break through his Energy Wall because they were reinforced by an Internal Qi.

But every time a bullet like that came, Molton was able to respond in time and sent a barrage of Mental Energy Waves to counter it.

Meanwhile, Lorraine was eliminating those snipers every time they exposed themselves. She was able to pinpoint their locations whenever they were trying to snipe out Jillian. And every time she found one, she would immediately return the favor in kind.

Well, she was not killing them on the spot. She was just making sure to hit those snipers on their vital spots which was enough to make them a cripple and were unable to pose any threat at them on this mission. After all, she was still not ready to kill anyone.

Fortunately, those snipers and these agents attacking them didn't possess any kind of evil powers since only chosen individuals were the ones who were qualified to wield those powers. After all, creating an evil core was quite costly and was not something that could easily obtain.

Even if the Shadow Alliance was a gigantic organization in the underworld, they still couldn't afford to exhaust all of their resources just to create a large number of incomplete products.

Meanwhile, the final factor who was making the opposing side suffer was Angela. She was like a ghost in the battlefield who kept on disappearing right after eliminating her targets.

At first, she didn't put much threat at the opposing side since her presence was not as strong as the other three. In fact, the agents didn't notice her at all.

But that was the main job of an assassin in the very first place; taking down their targets without being noticed. And when the opposing side realized what was happening, it was already too late for them to recover.

To make the matter worse, Angela was even targeting the agents who were posing a dangerous threat to their side. But just like Lorraine, she was not totally killing her targets. She was just going to deal a suffering blow which was more than enough to neutralize those agents. After that, she was going to move towards her next target.

Fortunately, the guys on her side were not as 'kind' as her. They were more than willing to finish her job for her. After all, they quite understood their current situation. It was to kill or be killed.

But that didn't mean Angela couldn't kill these guys, it just she knew that these people from lesser aristocratic families were all ruthless. So, she didn't feel a need to dirty her own hands in the first place. After all, she was still not sure on how she was going to feel after she experienced her first time killing someone.

With all of these factors, it was time for the agents of the opposing side to start panicking. They were informed that there was a group of young monsters escorting their targets, but they still didn't expect that those so-called monsters were this strong.

"D*mn! If this goes on, we are going to lose sooner or later!" said one of the leading agents of the 'Roku Prefecture' (direct subordinate organization of Shadow Alliance).

"Yeah! Where is Code by the way? He is supposedly leading us in this ambush," said by an agent standing beside him.

"What about the 'Three Wolves'? Those guys should have arrived here right now. And they should be attacking their backlines at this point of time, aren't they?" said by another agent.

While they were at their wit's end, a pair of agents walked past them. One of the pair even pushed two of them to the side to make way while they were passing through.

"Sh*t! Who the f*ck-…" one of the agents who was pushed to the side wanted to curse the guy that pushed him since stumbled on the ground due to it. But he immediately swallowed back his words the moment he saw the face of that person.

The other guy also stumbled on the ground just like him. And before he could even voice out what he wanted to say, he immediately swallowed back his words as he knew who was those two agents.

Meanwhile, the newcomers just ignored the two of them and continued walking toward the battlefield.

"Tch! I didn't expect that we are really going to take action. What happened to those 'wolves'? Don't tell me they got eaten by their own prey?" said by one of the pair while taking off the ball bap that he was wearing.

He then roughly rubbed his head, messing his hair before continuing. "Anyway, which one are you going to choose? Those siblings or that assassin girl?"

"Do you even need to ask?" replied by the other guy skeptically. Then he took a slight pause to look at the Potter siblings before continuing. "I'll take on those two. You can't deal with the two of them after all. Just deal with that assassin girl running around the battlefield."

Hearing that, the other guy suddenly clicked his tongue before saying. "Tch! What about the sniper?"

"Morrissette is already in the move. Let her deal with it," replied by the agent beside him while rolling his shoulders.

After that, both of them suddenly disappeared from their current spots as they moved towards their respective targets.

Meanwhile, the three agents behind them stared blankly on the air before murmuring with each other.

"T-those two! They are the notorious duo of our prefecture! Black Talon and Silver Claw!"

"Right! And if they are in here, that means we finally got a chance to win this time!"

"Let's go back to the battlefield and help the others!"


In the meantime, Lorraine was currently busy scanning the whole place on top of a tall tree. She was looking for another target. But when she couldn't find any, she thought that she took all of them down.

"In that case, then let's start assisting the others directly this time," she muttered to herself before loading a bullet on her sniper rifle.

She was about to take in position when she suddenly felt a killing intent coming from behind. 'An enemy!'

Her eyes turned wide the moment she felt that, but she immediately jumped forward as soon as possible while turning her body around midair. And right after turning, she quickly pointed her gun on her previous location, ready to pull its trigger at any given time.

But at that time, she suddenly wrinkled her brows when she couldn't find anyone on that spot. And while she was still in a confused state, a sudden voice unexpectedly sounded from her back which sent a sudden chill on her entire body. "Nice reflexes, but not fast enough."

Lorraine was totally surprised with that voice, but she didn't panic. In that critical moment, she suddenly pointed her rifle toward the sky before quickly pulling its trigger without any hesitation.josei


Since she was still in the air, the strong recoil from that shot pushed her downwards and further hastened her descent toward the ground.


And right after her feet touched the ground, she immediately jumped towards her front with a military dive before doing a quick roll after.


Following after her descent, something heavy fell right on the same spot where she previously landed and created a very loud sound.


At the same time, Lorraine immediately turned her body around while pointing her rifle on that spot. But just like earlier, she didn't find anyone in there. Instead, she saw black dagger deeply impaled on the ground together with a small crater around it.

"Not bad, not bad. Looks like you can at least entertain me a little before I finish you off," then the voice sounded once again. But this time, it was coming from all directions.

Lorraine tried to locate the owner of the voice, but she couldn't pinpoint that person's location due to the sound of crickets singing in the dark forest.

Realizing her current situation, Lorraine immediately made a bunch of quick yet familiar motion with both of her hands, dismantling her sniping rifle. Seconds later, her rifle turned into a pair of pistols that she showed off to Shin before the start of their mission.

Seeing all of that from the dark, her opponent hiding in the shadows of the night couldn't help but whistle before commenting silently. "As expected of the Goldstein Family – their personal guns sure are unique and amazing. Even our organization didn't have that kind of advanced gunsmithing technology."

This girl was Morrissette, the one that the other two agents had mentioned earlier. She was one of the best young assassins of their organization which was why she was quite confident at her own skills.

And currently, she was looking at Lorraine as if she found a good toy to play with.

,m A moment later, she saw Lorraine closed her eyes and raised both of her pistols in front of her face. Then she supported her forehead with the back of their barrels, waiting.

"What is she doing now?" she muttered quietly while looking at Lorraine's actions.

Her voice was so quiet that it could only be heard by herself. But right after she muttered those words, Lorraine suddenly re-opened her eyes on that exact moment and quickly turned her head towards that location.

And without having any kind of hesitation, Lorraine started firing at Morrissette's location with both of the pistols in hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Seeing that, Morrissette immediately started running to the side, planning to circle around Lorraine. But she became even more surprised when she noticed that the latter's shots were closely chasing after her.

Morrissette started grinning widely when she realized that and muttered to herself. "Looks like this girl is not that simple either. Since that is the case, then let's start playing seriously this time."

After that, she quickly pulled the pair of daggers sheathed on each side of her waist while licking her lips. "This is going to be interesting."


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