Child of Destiny

Chapter 426 The Disaster Of The Solomon Kingdom (Part 2)

Chapter 426 The Disaster Of The Solomon Kingdom (Part 2)


Evangeline and King Jesse were rushing towards Solomon Kingdom as soon as they could, hoping that they were still not too late.

But contrary to what they were hoping for, the Solomon Kingdom was already doomed the moment King Jesse left the country.

At the same night when King Jesse left, the nobles who were pulled by the spy over his side were already making their move. They immediately went to the King to ask for an audience right after their secret meeting hand concluded.

And since the King was currently not present, Steve was the one who faced the nobles and told them that the King currently locked himself in seclusion since he was about to get a minor breakthrough.

But the nobles would naturally not be going to buy that kind of excuse since their minds had already been corrupted by the spy planted by the 'True Order'. Moreover, the Queen just delivered their child so it was hard to believe that the king was going to enter a close door training right at this point of time.

But at the same time, there were also some facts on it. Everyone knew that the King was already on the brink of breaking through, so these nobles who switched sides were also thinking that it might be true.

After all, it was quite hard for a Mentalist to hold themselves back when they felt the urge of breaking through; especially when they reached the higher level of attainments. No matter what kind of situation they were currently in, they still need to find a way to enter a close-door training for their breakthrough.

Due to that, these nobles were also having some doubts about their actions deep inside.

But how come the spy would not seize this kind of rare opportunity? Learning that the King was currently occupied, the spy couldn't help but think that the heavens was helping them.

Thinking about that, the spy started putting some more oil in the fire. And due to his 'devilish whispers', the nobles on his side started demanding Steve to show the King as soon as possible.josei

Being pressured like that, Steve was caught in a dilemma as he didn't know he was going to do. He couldn't show them the King since he was currently present in the Kingdom, but he was also having a hard time at refusing them because these nobles were already getting out of control.

Fortunately, the loyal nobles on the King's side finally arrived to alleviate the heat of the opposing side.

But things went out of hand, when the spy declared that he was going to step down on their position if he didn't see that King. And when the other nobles heard that, the immediately followed after his lead.

When Steve saw that, he started becoming suspicious about this noble.

He was aware that this guy was quite ambitious since he was the one who requested to make some trading routes for the 'outside world'. But that was all of it, this guy might want to have a lot of power to feel superior to others but he still had some border line on it. And he was not going to set his foot beyond that line since it was going to affect his Mentalism attainment negatively.

Thinking about it, Steve couldn't help but recall all of his past exchanges with this certain noble. And that was when he realized that there was a time where he felt that this guy was quite different from how he used to be.

There was also a time when he asked some assistance from the Spiritual Master. And after listening, the latter agreed to use his 'Omniscient Eyes' to check on his particular noble and found nothing wrong with him.

But at the same time, the Spiritual Master also felt that they were something amiss with this certain noble. It was his first time not seeing any flaws one someone, so he reassured Steve that he was going to keep an eye on this noble.

Feeling confident about the ability of the Spiritual Master's eyes, Steve lowered his guard a little; he even almost forgot about that issue. But now that things were already like this, Steve started feeling that they had overlooked something. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was about to gasp on something.

After a few more moments of thinking, a flash of thought suddenly entered his mind. And it was the main issue that they were discussing in the meeting earlier.

"Divinity Grade Mental Energy," muttered Steve to himself. And the moment those words left his mouth, different kinds of thoughts and scenarios started rushing inside his mind. Not long after, he finally came into a realization of what had happened.

Steve's eyes suddenly turned wide when he came into a conclusion. Then he slowly raised his head and casted his gaze at that particular noble. And when he saw that the latter was currently looking back at him while with a grinning look on his face, Steve suddenly felt an intense chill that ran through his back.

He tried to open and close his mouth but no words came out. It was because the heated discussion of the two opposing sides already escalated to another level. And at this point of time, Steve fully understood they fell into a trap – and it was already too late to fix things up at this point of time.


In the middle of that heated discussion, a hot-blooded noble finally lost his cool and hit a fellow noble who was currently on the opposing side. Being attacked, the noble who got hit would naturally be provoked and started to fight back.

Due to this internal conflict, a revolt was finally declared by the other side which became the spark of upcoming calamity that the Solomon Kingdom was going to suffer.


When Evangeline and King Jesse arrived at the Solomon Kingdom, what greeted them was a devastated place where a lot of explosions were appearing everywhere. And no matter which direction they casted their gaze, they were going to witness another intense battle between a fellow citizen of the country.

"We are already too late," muttered Evangeline the moment she saw the sight in front of her. The originally peaceful country suddenly turned into a warzone in just a single night.

Both of them were frozen in place for a moment due to being stunned at what they had seen. And when King Jesse recovered himself, he immediately flew toward the castle for as fast as he could.

He wanted to stop this war as the King of the Solomon Kingdom. At right now, his current top-priority was to check the condition of his wife and son.

Seeing that, Evangeline immediately chased after him while waving her hands left and right. And every time she passed through in an ongoing battle, both of the Mentalists who were currently in the middle of battle would suddenly feel dizzy before starting to fall asleep.

Not long after, both Evangeline and King Jesse arrived at the castle. And both of them became shocked again when they saw its current state.

The whole place was barely recognizable right now. The walls of the castle completely collapsed while most of its tall towers were totally destroyed. The castle which was originally standing majestically just earlier suddenly turned into a ruin.

Seeing that, both King Jesse and Evangeline immediately spread their consciousness in the ruined castle before rushing towards it without any hesitation. They quickly headed to the place where the Queen and the Price were currently located.

In front of that room, Steve was doing his best to fight a group of nobles who were trying to break through. And even if he was completely outnumbered, he was still able to hold his ground steadily while dealing with all of them.

After all, he was not a king's aide for no reason. So, his actual strength shouldn't be anything to scoff with. And currently he only had one job which was to prevent any of these traitors from getting past him.

If it was an actual fight, he might be having a hard time fighting all of them at the same time. But if his only job was to defend and block all of their attacks, then that shouldn't be a tough job for someone like him.

After a few more moments, Steve and the group of nobles suddenly felt a pair of powerful auras rushing towards their directions. And when the former felt those familiar auras, he finally felt a little relieved.

Meanwhile, the group of nobles who were fighting Steve started to panic. And due to that, they were caught in the middle of a difficult situation where they needed to choose between continuing their assaults to have some hostages or to start retreating and run away with their lives.

p Unfortunately for them, they misjudged their current situation. And that brief moment of hesitation that they took became the deciding factor of their lives. Right before they made a decision, their bodies suddenly exploded and turned into a mist of blood as King Jesse landed on the ground.

Right after arriving, King Jesse immediately walked towards the door while asking. "How is my wife and son doing?"

Hearing him, Steve quickly bowed his head and replied. "The Queen is still unconscious while the prince is still in a state of deep sleep."

King Jesse finally able to find a time to have a sigh of relief after hearing that. Then he immediately opened the door and entered the room. Inside, he saw his wife and son peacefully lying on their bed.

Following closely behind him, Evangeline immediately rushed towards the two and quickly examined their conditions. After a moment, she looked at King Jesse before saying. "They are currently fine, but their conditions were going to be worse if the chaotic Mental Energy from the battles outside continue to corrupt the surrounding Mental Energy."

King Jesse nodded his head a little when he heard those words and understanding what she was currently thinking, he suddenly asked. "Can you treat them at the same time?"

Hearing that, Evangeline slightly shook her head while smiling bitterly. "If it is just healing them, then it is fine. But I also need to perform the 'Meridian Locking' as soon as possible since the seal you casted on your son's body will collapse sooner or later due to what is happening outside."

"The powerful Mental Energy inside your son's body is able to sense the chaotic Mental Energy outside so it is starting to become affected. If we don't treat his condition immediately then the Mental Energy inside his body is going to become berserk and will become out of control."

King Jesse suddenly became worried and asked. "So, what do we need to do?"

Evangeline thought for a moment before answering. "I can set up a special formation to prevent your wife from being affected by the chaotic energy from the outside but I need someone to maintain it while I am performing the 'Meridian Locking' on your son."

She then took a slight pause before continuing. "I also can't be disturbed during this time, so all need someone that can protect us in the process."

Hearing her words, King Jesse suddenly turned his head at Steve and gave him some silent instructions. Then he suddenly turned around and walked out of the room, signifying that chose to be the one guarding them.

Currently, there was a heavy expression on his face. He really wanted to know who plotted this scheme and slaughter them whoever they were. But he needed to protect his wife and son first before anything else, so he suppressed his anger while closing the door behind him.

At the same time, Steve looked at Evangeline with a serious expression on his face as if he was saying that he was ready for any instructions.

Seeing that, Evangeline nodded her head slightly before sitting on the ground and started making some preparations.


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