Child of Destiny

Chapter 431 The Destruction Of The Solomon Kingdom

Chapter 431 The Destruction Of The Solomon Kingdom


On the outside of the Castle, King Jesse saw that aside from the Spiritual Master and Caesar Fireheart who were still fighting their respective opponents, the other Family Heads had already been beaten up pretty badly. They were currently lying on the ground and were struggling to stand up.

The expression on King Jesse's face suddenly turned even more solemn after seeing that. And now that the situation was going for the worst, he couldn't help but fall into a deep thought.

On the other hand, the puppeteer who was currently controlling Steve's body, chose to watch on the sideline and waited for the king to make his decision. He didn't dare to attack for now because he knew that he was still no match with him in a head-on battle using this body. Though, it was a different story if he was using his main 'puppets'.

After a few moments of thinking, King Jesse took a deep breath before slightly turning his head to the side and looked at his son and wife. Then he turned his head back at 'Steve' who was standing a few meters away before clasping his hands together while releasing a massive amount of Mental Energy.

Seeing that, Steve immediately crossed his hands in front of him before releasing his own Mental Energy to protect himself.

A moment later, the whole room was suddenly enfolded with a blinding light.

Steve was bracing himself to receive the incoming attack. But to much of his surprise, the attack that he was expecting didn't arrive as that light didn't harm him at all. Instead, he was teleported outside of the castle where another battle was still going on.

At the same time, the ongoing battle suddenly came into a halt due to his sudden appearance.

The Family Heads thought that he came here to assist them. But their faces suddenly turned solemn when they felt the evil aura surrounding his body. On the surface, the man in front of them might be Steve, but they all knew that it wasn't the case.

Meanwhile, the opposing side was also thinking the same. They also thought that he was an opponent since they all knew that he was the trusted aide of the king of Solomon Kingdom. But after sensing the hostile looks on the faces of the Family Heads, they knew that there was something off.

And at the same time, they were sure that this guy was not on their side either. Meaning, he was most probably a spy who was planted by another organization.

Due to that, they all didn't dare to let their guards down.

A moment later, King Jesse suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle. He stood in the air in between of the two opposing groups in a majestic manner.

"Your Highness!"

The Family Heads, nobles, and the other citizens who were watching the battle earlier from the ground, were all stunned after seeing their king. And at the same time, they also became worried since he exposed himself right in front of their enemies.

At the same time, the opposing side also became surprised after seeing him as they were not expecting his sudden appearance. But after a brief moment of pause, the looks on their faces suddenly became bright as they no longer needed to look for him – he was their main target after all. As long as they took down this king, the whole Solomon Kingdom was going to crumble totally.

Naturally, all of the citizens of the Solomon Kingdom were fully aware of that. So, they were all getting ready to risk their lives just to protect their King.

But before the both sides could even make their respective moves, King Jesse suddenly shouted which stunned everyone present.

"Heed my words, citizens of Solomon Kingdom."

His voice was so powerful that it could be heard from every part of the Solomon Kingdom, no matter how far or isolated they were. And when the citizens heard him, they all suddenly stopped what they were doing and listened to their king.

At the same time, similar things also happened to the opponents of those citizens who were currently in battle. There was an unknown force that prevented them from moving right after they heard his words.

Though, the members of the True Order were an exemption. But they didn't immediately attack and choose to stay still. They decided to observe for a few more moments and see what this King was up to. And they were also treating this as his last words.

Regardless of what everyone was feeling, King Jesse continued. "Traitors started to appear in our ranks and as the King of this country. And one of them was my most trusted aide. With that, I will bear all of the consequences for not noticing that."

"Due to my negligence, our Kingdom suffered a lot of devastating losses and was about to crumble. A lot of people died, trying to protect our home land. I will also take responsibility for all of their deaths."

Hearing those words, the people of the citizens of the Solomon Kingdom started tearing up as they started to foresee what was about to come. It was the same for the other citizens who joined the rebellion. They finally came back to their senses and were now starting to regret what they had done.

Then, King Jesse continued. "This is my last and final order as your king."

"Leave our country and survive no matter what! Live your lives without regret and become stronger!"

He took a brief pause to look viciously at their enemies before continuing. "And when the time is right. We will rise again and take our revenge!"

"Engrave in your minds, the World Government is our true enemy!"

After that, he clasped his hand together and released another massive amount of Mental Energy and spread in every direction. It took only a second before those Mental Energy wrapped itself at the ruined castle before moving with certain movements.

Sensing those movement patterns, the eyes of the family heads suddenly turned wide as they knew what their king was trying to do.

Gideon, Marth, Miranda and Thomas were about to make their moves and planned to stop their king. But before they could even move their bodies, their movements were suddenly restrained by the Spiritual Master and Caesar's Mental Energies.

"What are you two doing? We need to stop the king from activating the grand formation. He will definitely die fighting them alone!" shouted Gideon as he tried his best to break free from Mental Energy that was restraining him.

But the Spiritual Master suddenly glared at him while saying. "Did you not hear what our King had said? He is asking us to escape and take vengeance for our kingdom later!"

"But-…" he wanted to say something more, but he immediately swallowed his words back when he heard the words that Caesar said.

"Don't tell me you want to get beaten up again by those guys. Stop those foolish thoughts of yours and calm down. You guys are just going to get on His Majesty's way if you go there."

Then Caesar glared at the members of the True Order before adding to his words. "If you want to help his Majesty then become stronger and wait for the time that he was talking about."

After that, both Caesar and the Spiritual Master suddenly jumped in the air leaving the four behind. And at the same time, they simultaneously threw a powerful attack to counter the attacks of their opponents.

Boom! Boom!

Naturally, the True Order was not going to let King Jesse do what he was planning, so they immediately started attacking to prevent him from activating the grand formation.

But after being blocked by Caesar and the Spiritual Master, they all knew that it was not going to be easy. After all, they also became aware of the strength of these two.

Not only were they able to fight their captain and the most mysterious guy on their group in an equal footing, but they also were able to keep the others in check during the entire battle. And now that they were only focusing on defending, dealing with them was going to be even more troublesome.

Meanwhile, 'Steve' watched the fight on the sideline. He didn't want to help the members of the True Order since they were also not in good terms with each other. In fact, his current organization was a mortal enemy of the World Government so he didn't mind if they lost a member or two.

Instead, he turned his attention back to the room where the queen and the prince were being treated before pursing his lips while considering his next move. But when he sensed that both Caesar and the Spiritual Master were able to lock a part of their consciousness on him, he immediately abandoned the idea of returning in that room.

Clicking his tongue, he stared at the two for a few more moments before muttering. "Tsk! These two sure are scary. Doing all of that at the same time? They both sure hide their real strengths pretty well."

"I really wanted to exchange some blows with them if I had my 'masterpieces' on me. Tch! I now regret not bringing some," he added before disappearing.

Meanwhile, a huge Mentalism Circle suddenly appeared on the ground below, covering the entire castle.josei

And before finally activating it totally, King Jesse casted his consciousness on the room where his son and wife were currently located and saw that Evangeline was finally done treating the two. She was currently sitting crossed-legs on the ground trying to heal her own injuries.

Releasing a sigh of relief, he immediately activated the grand formation, making the whole place to be illuminated with a blinding light.

After that, he quickly extended both of his arms, grabbing both Caesar and Spiritual Master. Then he pulled both of them in a powerful manner before sending them to the ground. And immediately after throwing them, he quickly a double palm strike in front of him sending a powerful Mental Energy wave forward to counter the incoming attacks.


Caesar and the Spiritual Master tried to immediately regain their balance midair, so that they could come back and help their king. But before they could even do anything, a pair of slender hands suddenly hit their chest and sent them towards the ground with an even greater speed.

Bang! Bang!

Both of them were stunned as they didn't sense anyone approaching them, which was why they got it unprotected.

Though, they managed to get a glimpse on the back of the figure who sent them towards the ground. And after seeing that familiar, both of them became even more shocked at what they saw.

Blag! Blag!

Right after they hit the ground, the grand formation finally reached its peak state and teleported everyone inside it towards the different parts of the world.

At the same time, the other citizens of the Solomon Kingdom who were not present in the ruined castle, started escaping with their own means. Some of them were killed by the mercenaries hired by the traitor nobles while the others were dealt with by the special military force that was brought by the True Order members.


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