Child of Destiny

Chapter 466 The Grim Reaper And The Solaris Lich

Chapter 466 The Grim Reaper And The Solaris Lich


Shin was currently in a very good mood since the time he logged back in the game. He even started to like the new update of the game. Because not only he could properly move his virtual body, but he could also perceive his surroundings more clearly.

He was not sure if it was due to the new things and tricks that he learned from the real world or if it really was because of the hidden update that game had, but Shin was sure that he could easily manipulate the Mana inside his body as well as the Elemental Mana from his surroundings.

Due to all of these, Shin was able to execute his skills more properly. His skill execution percentage was also quite high right now – which meant, his skills could deal an even more devastating damage than before.

At the same time, he also felt that he could create a lot of skills right now. Unfortunately, Shin was aware that he could only create ten skills at most. So, he couldn't blindly create a skill whenever he wanted.

Regardless, he still created a single skill based on the Awakening Skill that he currently had.


Skill Name: Eclipse Stance (Passive)

Skill Rank: Special (Awakening Skill)

Details: After you put your sword back to its sheath, you will gain a Super Armor that will reduce all of that damage dealt with you by 50% and also give you immunity protection against any type of CC-skills (Grappling Skills excluded).

Duration: 2 seconds after sheathing the sword

Cooldown: 5 seconds after sheathing the sword


This skill was one hell of an overpowered skill if used properly. The only problem with this skill was he didn't have the right time to showcase its defensive capabilities.

Using this skill as an inspiration, Shin created a skill that was practically the counterpart of this skill. Before heading here in the Blind Abyss Empire.


Self-Create Skill

Skill Name: Twin Dragon Dance (Passive)

Skill Rank: Special

Details: Whenever you put your sword back on its sheath, you will gain an additional boost on your attack speed – Twice as our current attack speed.

Duration: 2 seconds after sheathing the sword

Cooldown: 5 seconds after sheathing the sword

Note: This skill doesn't overlap with your other offensive sword-drawing skills.


Shin spent quite a lot of time creating this skill. And the fruits of his hard work were shown when he was dealing with his opponents earlier.

Whenever he was brushing past an opponent during his previous battles, he would always be throwing a sword-drawing attack alongside his moments.

Even if the first strike was only a basic attack, the next few moves following it were either a strong offensive skill or a sure kill skill such as 'Flash of Life' which reset its cooldown every time he successfully executed someone with that skill.


Currently, Shin was unaware of the misunderstandings that he created online. But he was sure that he really provoked a hornet's nest since a lot of Undying Guild members were hunting him down. Some of the groups that he encountered were even composed of strong elites which gave him quite a number of troubles.

But thanks to the repeated appearance of the Undying Guild members, Shin was able to pinpoint the exact location of the Ancient Ruins.

At this point in time, Shin was currently standing on top of a mountain where he could clearly see the ongoing war between the Undying Guild and Central Order.

"So, this is how a war between Powerhouses looks like. It really is a lively place," muttered Shin to himself after seeing the chaotic battlefield.

Shin could clearly see the flames of war from the place that he was in. The two sides were clearly not showing any intention of backing down. The members of the Central Order were repeatedly attacking the wall of defense that the Undying Guild had created while the latter group was holding their ground for as long as they could.

Shin stayed on that mountain to observe the progress of the war, before deciding to leave after learning that both sides were practically still on equal grounds.

This time Shin decided to unsummon his Elemental Spirits and pet since it was easier to sneak inside alone. And that was why he was all by himself right now.

At first, he thought that it was better to use Hanzo's dimensional ability to teleport inside the ruins since it was more convenient and much easier to sneak inside that way.

Unfortunately, Hanzo discovered that there was a powerful formation protecting the Ancient Ruins so he couldn't just invade it using his dimensional powers. At least, not with his current strength.

Due to that, Shin had no choice but to sneak in there alone.

Fortunately, getting inside was much easier than he was expecting. Maybe it was because the people who were supposedly guarding the place were mobilized to join the ongoing battle right in front of the Ancient Ruins.

But unknown to him, the real reason why there were no people guarding this place was because of the so-called 'NPC' who was guarding the entrance towards the deeper part of the Ruins.

Because of this, Shin was able to go deeper inside the Ancient Ruins without encountering any kind of hindrances.

Though, it was only until he reached a certain part of the ruins where he could feel a powerful presence waiting inside.

"I don't have time to deal with you right now. So, I suggest you turn around right now and go back to where you come from. That way, both of us can avoid wasting each other's time."

Those words were the first thing that Shin heard right after he stepped inside a certain hall.

He knitted his eyebrows as he felt that those words came from an 'NPC'. But at the same time, he was also feeling that it was not the case given the choice of words and the tone of voice of the speaker.

And his suspicion was proven further the moment he saw who was the person who talked to him.

Anyone would think that it was an 'NPC' at first glance, especially with the unique features that this person had. It was the same for the strong aura that was coming from his body.

But for Shin who already saw quite a lot of NPC figures, such a façade was ineffective to him. Moreover, he could also sense that this guy's presence was much weaker compared to a real NPC.

To make sure that he was not wrong, Shin channeled a part of his mana on both of his eyes to activate his ocular skill.

'Extra Skill: True Sight'

Right after he activated that skill, Shin was able to see what the ordinary players couldn't.


Player's Name: Chaotic Luck

Level: 125

Race: ??? (Strange Hybrid)


-Main: Solaris Lich

-Sub: None:


-Guild: None

-Adventurer Team: None


Shin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows a little after seeing the basic details of the man standing not far from him. 'An unknown race and a class with a strange name? It looks like this guy is not that simple either.'

At the same time, Chaotic Luck was also seizing up Shin with his own ocular skill that he recently got right after his class conversion.

But when he learned that he couldn't see even the basic details about Shin, his body suddenly became tense as he could easily tell that this man in front of him was on a completely different level compared to the other players that he faced so far.

After a brief moment of silence, Shin finally opened his mouth to say something. "I'm sorry, but I need to go in that place behind you since I have some business there."

Hearing that, Chaotic Luck finally came back to his senses before replying at Shin. "Then let me apologize too. I can't let you go beyond this place since my current job is to prevent anyone from going further."

"Then no hard feelings, alright? Both of us are just doing our respective jobs," said Shin before starting to walk forward.

On the other hand, Chaotic Luck immediately tapped the bottom of his scepter on the ground while channeling his mana on it.


Immediately after that, a group of strange undead monsters started crawling out from the ground before assuming their respective battle positions right after being summoned.

Shin slightly halted his steps the moment he saw those monsters. Especially when he saw their basic details through his 'True Sight' skill. "Undead Monsters who are immune to holy powers? Interesting!"

Then he raised his head a little before saying to Chaotic Luck. "Want to compete with numbers? I might lose quantity but I can't say about quality."

The moment he said those words, he immediately waved his hand in the air summoning all of his summons.

Hanzo, Vladimir, and Grimrace appeared beside Shin before releasing their powerful auras. And alongside them, both Whitie and Blackie stood behind the group while releasing an aggressive growl.josei

But that was not all.

Because Shin also used the 'Spirit Release Equipment Skill' attached to his mask at the same time, summoning the Sun and Moon Clones. And together with it, he also activated the 'Phantom Apparition Skill' to summon his 'Phantom Clone'.

And when his gang was finally complete, Shin formed a huge grin behind his mask before saying with a calm yet excited tone. "Let's see which group is going to emerge victoriously."


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