Child of Destiny

Chapter 468 Ancient God Solus (Part 1)

Chapter 468 Ancient God Solus (Part 1)


[I've waited for a long time already. So, please enter, Descendant of Zheptus]

Shin was confused at first after hearing that voice. But when he heard the latter part of what the strange voice had said, he became sure that those words were directed to him. Especially when he heard the name 'Zheptus' at the end of the phase.

Regardless, he still didn't let his guard down. After all, he was still facing a quite strange and troublesome fellow.

But too much of his surprise, Chaotic Luck immediately ordered all of his summonses to cease their attacks.

Shin knitted his eyebrows for a moment before realizing what was currently happening. 'So, this guy was actually given a quest to protect whatever is inside?'

Given that, Shin immediately waved his hand in the air, unsummoning his entire group. Well, aside from Hanzo. After all, that old dude was someone from Ancient times, so he might have an idea of what kind of being was the owner of the strange voice.

Meanwhile, Chaotic Luck was currently having a sigh of relief. 'Good Gods! So, I don't have to fight this monstrous guy anymore! I should thank that strange god later for saving my *ss.'

After that, he gestured at Shin to come inside while giving Chaotic Luck a deep bow.

On the other hand, Shin nodded his head and returned the bow before entering the deeper part of the ruins and leaving Chaotic Luck to guard the entrance.

After entering, Shin walked along a long corridor which led him to a spacious hall. That hall was quite empty. Aside from the huge columns which were supporting the concrete ceiling that was full of cracks, nothing could be found in there.

Shin observed the spacious hall all the way he arrived in front of the wall right across the corridor where he came from.

There was a huge familiar symbol engraved on that wall which further proved Shin's current theory. "So, it is true. This place is indeed related to the Sun God."

[You are right about that, descendant of Zheptus.]

The strange voice sounded once again while he was still in the middle of his thoughts. And since those words were too sudden, both Shin and Hanzo couldn't help but assume their battle positions.

Seeing their actions, the owner of the mysterious words chuckled a little before saying at the two. [At ease, descendant of Zheptus and Ancient Void Spirit. I am not your enemy.]

Even if Shin couldn't feel any hostility from those words, he still didn't dare to lower his guard. "How about you show yourself first so that we can have a proper introduction, Senior?"

Despite having disrespected by those words, the owner of the mysterious voice didn't take any offense. Instead, it complied with Shin and showed its appearance.

A blinding light suddenly appeared in front of Shin and Hanzo which made them simultaneously jump away from it while also covering their eyes.

After a few moments, the blinding light finally subdued which revealed a very beautiful and attractive woman.

She had a stunning figure and was currently wearing a graceful evening gown which highlighted her figure even more.

Her shoulders were revealed due to her dress being sleeveless. But she was wearing a pair of night gloves on each of her hands which were extending all the way to her elbows.

Both of her dress and gloves had scarlet color which also had a touch of golden embroideries on their surface.

Her eyes seemed to be blind since it had nothing aside from its white part. At the same time, her hair was blazing with golden flames which were dancing gracefully whenever she moved.

At first, Shin thought that the owner of the mysterious voice was Fallen Sun God himself or at least a remnant of his soul. But after seeing that it was actually a woman, he immediately knew that it wasn't the case.

p After revealing her appearance, the mysterious woman immediately introduces herself. "I'm Solus, one of the trusted aides of the fallen God of the Sun."

Then she curtsied at Shin while saying with a respectful bow. "Please to me you, descendant of Zheptus; the son of the Great God of the Sun."

Shin was stunned at first and didn't know how to properly respond. But immediately regained his senses when Hanzo tugged his shoulder. "Please stand, I don't deserve such curtsy from an Ancient God."

Hearing those words, Solus couldn't help but wear a bitter smile before replying with a bitter tone. "I should be the one who is ashamed because we failed to protect the Sun God and his family."

Shin could already picture where this conversation was heading, but he was quite unfond at the direction. What made him continue on this topic was the fact that it might lead him into another quest.

Unfortunately, his luck betrayed him this time. It was because Solus immediately changed the topic right after she stood straight once again.

"I would like to tell you about the last words that the Sun God told us before he died. After all, you are still one of his descendants. Unfortunately, we don't have the leisure time for that."

"The spawns of the Demon Lords are already making their moves to hunt us down. So, we better start making our own moves before it was already too late."

Shin was quite regretful that he didn't get a quest. And at the same time, he was also confused about the pace of the conversation.

Regardless, he still nodded his head and let Solus continue.

Seeing that, Solus also nodded her head before continuing. "My existence was currently at risk of being erased. First, it is because my remaining lifeforce is already reaching its end. Second, it is because of the fact that the spawns of the Demon Lords became aware of our existence."

Shin was not surprised with the first part of Solus' words, but he couldn't help but knit his eyebrows because he kept hearing the words 'spawns of the Demon Lords'.

He actually had the idea who those guys were but there was a strange feeling that made him quite unease. He was not sure what it was, but since his instincts were telling him that there was something wrong with it, he couldn't just put it at the back of his head.

Regardless, he still nodded his head before asking. "So, what can I do to help you?"

Solus hesitated for a moment before replying. "There is only one way for me to survive my current predicament-…"

She trailed her words a little and took a quick look at Hanzo before continuing. "And the only way to save my remaining lifeforce is if I become someone like him."

Now, Shin started to get the whole picture of what was happening. But he still couldn't understand how they were going to do it.

Solus seemed to understand what Shin was currently thinking, so she started explaining. "Don't worry, the process is not that complex. In fact, I already completed the entire process and I am just lacking a single thing before it can be completed."

"And that is?" asked Shin curiously. Though, he was actually quite happy that this quest was going to be an easy one based on the details that he currently had.

Or so he thought.

Because the one who answered his question was Hanzo. "A Core. What she needs is a suitable core that can become the center of her new container."

Hearing that, Shin couldn't help but turn his head at Hanzo before asking. "You sound like you are quite familiar with what she is talking about."

On the other hand, Hanzo nodded his head repeatedly before replying. "Of course! After all, such things are pretty common during my time."

He turned his head at Shin before continuing. "Do you remember what I said to you before about the Ancient Gods?"

Hearing that, Shin nodded his head to indicate that he indeed remembered about that. After all, that topic triggered one of his current quests.

On the other hand, Hanzo slightly nodded his head before continuing. "Just like what I said, there are a lot of Gods who have fallen during those times. And those who died had their powers became a source of a powerful artifact such as the 'Ancient God Book' of yours."

"At the same time, some of them are just like what this Fallen God wants to become. They mimicked our existence and became Elemental Spirits."

He then paused for a moment to turn his head at Solus before continuing. "The problem is finding a suitable core for them."

Reaching that point, Hanzo suddenly turned quiet and waited for Solus to continue. And when Shin saw that, he also turned his head at Solus waiting for what she was going to say.

Solus remained calmed even in this situation. She also stayed silent for a couple of moments before flashing a sweet smile before saying something that shocked both Shin and Hanzo.


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