Child of Destiny

Chapter 483 Angel Of Death Vs Lich God, Immortal

Chapter 483 Angel Of Death Vs Lich God, Immortal



Every viewer who was watching from different platforms suddenly became crazy when they saw the insane stunt that Shin pulled off.

Having an explosive speed that surpassed the speed of sound? Of course, it was an amazing feat that surpassed the imagination of the average players of the game.

Even if it was only for an instant and just a sudden burst of speed, it was still an amazing feat that was impossible to comprehend for most players of the game. After all, it was something that was pretty hard to accomplish even after a long time of training.

Due to that, the chatbox of every channel was flooded by a bunch of exclamation marks to show how shocked they were.

Even Arthur who was currently covering the match became speechless at what he saw. Though, it was due to a completely different reason compared to the viewers.

He was stunned because of how badass Shin looked right now after executing such an amazing stunt. 'D*mn! That is how I want to look on the screen of every viewer during my fights. Too bad I still can't find a good opponent to show how awesome I am.'

But he immediately regained his composure after a brief moment of pause before continuing. "Alright! For the sake of our newbie players in chat who are unable to understand what happened. Let's this expert explain it to you."

He then trailed his words for a moment as he waited for the chat to calm a little before adding with a flat tone. "But that is for later. My editing team is still working on it, so let's break down the details of the match later and just enjoy watching the fight until then."

Hearing that, all of his viewers didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his shamelessness. Though, they were also quite amused at the same time since watching the match with a humorous commentator was more entertaining compared to the plain comments that the other hosts were giving.


Going back at the match, Shin was currently dealing with the strange undead monsters.

At first, he wanted to continue breaking through them and rushed towards Immortal as soon as possible. But no matter how tired he was, the undead monsters were always blocking him at the right time whenever he wanted to make his move.

The formation of the undead monsters was also shifting consistently in response to his moves. They were always positioning themselves at the place where they could limit Shin's moments the most.

He could even feel that there were some traps set up for him if ever he wanted to use the movement skills in his arsenal.

It was the same for his wings – he was sure that Immortal was waiting for him to use the 'Wings of Freedom' given the current look on his face. After all, it was the very same reason why he managed to reach the Necromancer during their brief exchange at the Ancient Ruins.

Fortunately, Shin could easily tell that Immortal was also unable to summon a larger amount of undead monsters compared to before. Probably it was because of the fact that maintaining them in the field exhaust a lot of mana.

"I guess, one of the awakening skills of Necromancers is the Mana Reduction for every summons that he had," muttered Shin as he constantly shifted his position while fighting the undead surrounding him.

Due to this, the current state of the match was put into a deadlock as both fighters were trying to find a good opportunity that they could grab to change the flow of the match.

Shin was sweeping his gaze at his surroundings as he was trying to study the formation that Immortal was using with his undead monsters. But even after a few minutes of exchanging blows with them, he still couldn't find a flaw that he could take advantage of.

Minutes passed and Shin finally discovered something fruitful.

After fighting the undead monsters, Shin suddenly noticed that the number of undead monsters was still the same even after killing quite a lot of them.

Of course, it might be due to Immortal summoning another undead to replace the one that he just killed. But after considering the information that he got, there might be a reason for it.

"Is it to keep the formation perfect or there is another meaning behind it?" muttered Shin while chopping the head of undead who tried to attack him just now.

"What's more, it is also strange for him not to send a couple of spells even after a long time. There is also no sign of him preparing a summoning circle for a high-leveled undead."

"The same number of undead, no projectile spells to support them, and no high-leveled undead. Is it a trap that he purposely set up to lure me in or he actually has a lot of restrictions after losing his Awakening Skills?"

Shin was currently analyzing the information that he got so far when some of the undead broke free from the formation and started rushing at him in a very aggressive manner.

Shin immediately stopped his thoughts when he saw that before knitting his eyebrows. From what he could see, this group of undead who were currently charging at him seemed to be different compared to the others.

The undead monsters that he was fighting earlier at least had a battle capability of a player who possessed an above-average skill.

But based on the movements of these particular undead monsters charging at him, Shin could feel that they were at least as strong as an expert with decent strength.

"Monsters with high AI or are they being controlled manually?" muttered Shin as he used his 'Sensing Circle to predict their movements.

There were a total of 5 undead with strange movements. One of them jumped in the air to prevent him from escaping in the air while the other four were coming at him from four different locations. And based on the timing and the way how they moved, their synchronized attack seemed to be perfectly tailored to trap him.

He was about to make his move when he suddenly felt a vibration coming from the ground beneath his feet.

Sensing that, Shin's head started working and analyzed everything in an instant. Before moving his body based on his instincts.

First, he jumped in the air to avoid getting caught by the pair of hands that tried to grab his ankles. And while he was in the air, he suddenly turned his body around and did a quick spin midair to dodge the incoming thrust from behind before slightly pushing that undead on its back while it was coming through below him.

Due to that, the undead suddenly lost its control over its charge and collided with the other undead coming in front of it. And since they were thrusting their swords forward, they also stabbed each other before the moment of their collision.

At the same time, Shin also used the momentum that he gained from the previous push to do another spin in the midair before throwing a powerful kick at the undead who was coming from his left.


A loud sound of something being broken could be heard when the heel of Shin's food hit the heck of the incoming undead before it was sent flying due to the powerful force accompanying that kick.


Alongside those moments, his right arm was also doing some work with the sword that he was holding.

He used the momentum of his spin to swing the [Yamato] at the undead who was coming from the opposite direction of the previous undead. And before that undead could even reach its target, a quick slash chopped its head off its shoulders which killed it in the process.

After that, Shin twisted his waist in the air to force another spin up in the air before forcing his body to land back on the ground while thrusting the now blazing [Yamato] at the undead who tried to grab ankles earlier.

And quickly after stabbing his blazing sword at the head of that undead, Shin simultaneously released all of the accumulated white flames from his sword and made it burst out on the ground.

'Self-Created Skill (Personal): Solaris Pillar'josei

Since four of the undead monsters rushed at him earlier, the perfect formation that they have previously was now broken. So, Immortal adjusted the positions of the other undead monsters to compensate for the gaps that they left behind.

And when he realized that Shin was able to fend off the synchronized attack that he set up, Immortal quickly controlled a few more undead as a follow-up attack for his previous move.

But when he saw the blazing white flame on Shin's sword, Immortal immediately waved his hand and ordered all of his undead monsters to move away from Shin – it was because he clearly remembered one of Shin's signature moves while he was cornered in the air but quite close to the ground.

But the order was quite late.


A pillar of white flame suddenly rose up from the ground and engulfed all of the undead who were trying to get near Shin including the undead that was coming after him in the air from the previous synchronized attack.

Even if Immortal managed to save most of the undead monsters from turning into ashes, his perfect formation earlier was now totally broken. And since he needed quite a few moments to re-summon another set of undead, he knew that Shin was going to use this opportunity to break through the blockade of undead that he set up to halt his opponent's advance.


And just like what Immortal thought. A silhouette suddenly rushed out of the curtain of white flame and flew straight at him with astonishing speed.

Seeing that, Immortal quickly hopped backward while casting a couple of blinks to create more distance between the two of them.

After that, he waved his left hand to unsummed all of the undead monsters in the field before slamming the bottom of his bone scepter on the ground which sent a strong ripple that traveled on its surface.

'Necromancer Skill: Sacrificial Summon'

'Basic Combat Technique: Quick Casting'

'Dark Summoner Skill: Advance Summoning'


In the next moment, the ground in front of Immortal suddenly exploded as a huge figure came out of it and started rushing towards Shin. And at the same time, a dark portal appeared beside that figure before a headless cavalier came out of it while charging forward.

It was the huge Blaspheme and Dullahan that Shin saw when they were fighting at the Ancient Ruins. And Shin saw that, he purposely slowed down his charging speed for a moment so that he could observe them a little.

"They are not as strong as before," muttered Shin as he looked at the charging pair of undead monsters. And that was also when he realized that all of the other undead suddenly disappeared a moment before these two monsters were summoned.

"Heh! So, your abilities are really limited after losing all of your Awakening Skills, huh?" sneered Shin before accelerating forward.

At the same time, his mask suddenly released an alternating black and white glow which signified the activation of a skill attached to it.

'Equipment Skill (Mask: Nephilim's Gemini Mask): Spirit Release'

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Then a pair of silhouettes suddenly rushed out of his mask flew straight at the incoming pair of undead monsters.

Bang! Bang!

The Moon Clone threw a 'Half-Moon Slash' at the Dullahan and prevented it from moving forward due to the explosive force behind that sword wave.

Meanwhile, the Sun Clone used the combined forces of the momentum that it gained from the 'Sunshine Movement' and the powerful strike of 'Destructive Slash', to forcefully halt the advance of the charging Blaspheme.

At the same time, Shin took advantage of their sudden pause and charged through the gap in between them to run straight to Immortal.


And just like before, Immortal used his scepter to block the blade of the incoming sword.

After stopping his charge, Shin looked at Immortal's eyes before saying in a smirking tone. "Isn't it familiar? So, how about we start where we left off earlier?"


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