Child of Destiny

Chapter 508 Elemental Spirits Transformations

Chapter 508 Elemental Spirits Transformations


Shin and Immortal stood at their respective spots for a couple of moments while trying to control the flow of mana inside their bodies using their respective breathing techniques.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

A moment later, both of them simultaneously charge forward before swinging their weapons at the same time.

This time, their battle was a plain martial art exchange and direct brawl with their respective martial insights.

Clang! Clang!

Shin was not using his 'Eclipse Wielding' nor the 'White Dawn Boundary' and 'Black Origin Threshold'. After all, using either of those techniques were putting quite a toll on his concentration, so it was better for him to solely focus on his swordsmanship in his final bout.

Especially when his opponent also had a solid foundation in Martial-Arts.

If Shin was not mistaken, then Immortal's polearm wielding was at least on par with Arthur's spearmanship if not slightly stronger.

Of course, it excluded the fact that it had been a long time since he saw Arthur wielded his spear seriously, so that guy surely had improved his skills.

But at the very least, it was what he could think of after exchanging some blows with Immortal in this melee battle.

Meanwhile, Immortal was also quite surprised at Shin's swordsmanship. He could tell that Shin still hadn't attained the special state of 'being one with the sword'. Even though he was quite close to reaching it, Shin still couldn't fully grasp that state yet.

On the other hand, Immortal already reached that state a long time ago and fully mastered this state. But despite him having that advantage, he still couldn't overwhelm Shin with his polearm wielding alone.

In fact, Shin was doing surprisingly well even if he knew that his swordsmanship was pretty much weaker compared to Immortal's polearm wielding.

Little did Immortal know, Shin actually familiar when it came to these kinds of exchanges. After all, he suffered quite a lot of beating when Arthur sparred with him with weapons. And even if those sparring matches ended with a draw, Shin knew for himself that this arrogant brother of his actually played him pretty well during those matches.

At the same time, the thing that troubled Immortal the most was the style of Shin's swordsmanship. It was totally unpredictable and crafty to deal with. It also had an ever-changing rhythm that was hard to adjust to.

Each of his strikes were sometimes powerful and heavy but sometimes they were also light with a shifting trajectory.

At first, Immortal thought that the trick behind those strikes lay on each of his hands. He was thinking that Shin was using his right hand for heavy strikes while the other was for swift and light attacks.

But after a few more exchanges, Immortal immediately realized that it wasn't the case. Shin was able to do such attacks with both of his hands. Meaning, dealing with those attacks was much more troublesome than he originally thought.

Fortunately, he was not a simple Martial-Artist either. So, he also had his own means to deal with these kinds of situations.

First, Immortal readjusted his breathing to keep up with Shin's current rhythm before responding with each of the latter's moves.

And that was when a contest of Martial Insights between Shin and Immortal truly started.


Meanwhile, Haowin was currently watching the ongoing battle with an amused look on his face. "Interesting, this rookie really surprised me. I wonder how far he can go if he keeps up with this speed of growth."

After that, he turned his head towards the group of Elemental spirits who were looking at him aggressively. "Hey, hey! Relax! We still have a lot of time to play. So, how about we enjoy the show for now and start dancing later?"

Unfortunately, the group was not willing to comply with his suggestion and immediately start attacking.


The group suddenly separated from each other as they started making their moves.

The one who attacked first was Solus who created a huge group of fireballs around her before sending it towards Haowin with a wave of her hand.

Haowin knew that he couldn't fight this group with ordinary means, so he immediately initiated his Demonic Transformation before sending a powerful punch forward.


A strong shockwave was sent out from Haowin's fist and flew straight at the fireballs pouring down at him. And this particular shockwave was strong enough to obliterate all of the incoming fireballs.

But right after he made that move, three of the Elemental Spirits suddenly appeared around him while throwing their respective attacks.

Grimrace appeared on the right side of their opponent while swinging his shadow daggers at Haowin. And at the same time, Blackie appeared on the other side as she brandished her razor-sharp claws.

Coordinating with their moves, Vladimir appeared right in front of Haowin while stabbing his blood rapier forward.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Unfortunately, all of their attacks were blocked by Haowin's wings as he wrapped himself with it. And right after blocking those attacks, Haowin immediately spread his wings in a powerful manner and sent the three flying.


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Blackie, Grimrace, and Vladimir flew in three different directions after getting hit by those wings. But they immediately regained their balance midair after doing a quick flip during their flight.

On the other hand, Haowin was immediately greeted by the sight of Whitie taking a horse stance a few meters in front of him.

Whitie's fist was lowered beside his waist while accumulating some holy powers on it. And a few moments later, he suddenly thrust his fist forward and sent a powerful energy beam that was carrying the holy powers of light.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Light): Judgment Fist'


Haowin was able to immediately identify the elemental of that incoming beam based on its color alone. "Holy Light Elemental Powers? These guys sure know how to set things up."

Then flapped his wings towards the ground powerfully, so that he could get away from the path of the raging beam of light.



But despite successfully dodging in the air, Haowin still couldn't feel safe because of the pair of gazes that were coldly locked on him.

Sweeping his gaze on his surroundings, he immediately found Hanzo and Solus flying alongside him in the air while having him in the middle.

Then he saw Hanzo throw a powerful slash in the air and send a crescent energy wave that was able to tear the surrounding space.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Void): Void Slash'


At the same time, Solus was pointing her index finger towards the sky while gathering the surrounding fire elemental mana on its tip. Then a huge sphere made of fire was formed above her finger, mimicking the figure of the sun.

After that, she pointed her finger at Haowin, sending the miniature sun towards his direction.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Fire): Descending Sun'


Seeing that, Haowin immediately clasped his hands together before gathering a massive amount of demonic powers on it. And a few moments later, he suddenly separated his hands once again while releasing all of the accumulated powers from it.

'Demonic Skill (Racial Skill): Demonic Fortress'

Then a huge spherical barrier was formed around him that blocked the incoming attacks.


A massive explosion was created when Hanzo's attack and Solus' spell landed on that barrier.

But despite seeing how destructive that explosion was, the group of Elemental Spirits still didn't dare to let their guards down as they all knew that their current opponent was much stronger than their current strengths could handle.

After all, most of their powers were restricted by Shin's current level and powers. Especially with his current Elemental Affinity.

Not long after, they saw their opponent hovering in the air unscratched while the cloud of smoke surrounding him was starting to subdued.

Haowin continued to float above in the air for a couple of seconds before sweeping his eyes at the group with a smirking look on his face. "Not bad, not bad. You guys might be able to entertain me a little. So, how about we give it another try?"

Meanwhile the group was currently looking at him with solemn expression on their face before exchanging gaze with each other.

A moment later, they nodded their heads with each other before activating their respective empowered forms.

Hanzo took the initiative and formed a twin circle behind him which was rotating in different directions. And it was immediately followed by Vladimir who summoned a pair of blood wings on his back and spread it widely.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Void): Dimensional Traveler'

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Blood): Blood Sovereign'

After that, Grimrace and Solus immediately followed after them.

The shadow spirit summoned a group of floating daggers around him as his eyes suddenly turned crimson with black smokes emitting from his body. On the other hand, Solus enfolded herself with gorgeous flame with orange and yellow alternating colors.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Shadow): Yaksha Transformation'

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Fire): Firestorm Goddess'

And that was when Whitie and Blackie took their transformations.

A third eye appeared at the center of Whitie's forehead which was glowing with a golden color as a spiritual crown suddenly formed on his head.josei

Meanwhile, a pair of black bat wings grew from Blackie's back while a tattoo on the center of her forehead started to release some dim lights.

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Light): Divine Ruler'

'Elemental Spirit Skill (Dark): Abyssal Monarch'

Seeing that, Haowin started grinning from ear to ear before muttering to himself. "This is what I am talking about.


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