Child of Destiny

Chapter 514 The Bitter Arthur

Chapter 514 The Bitter Arthur



Aragorn and Legolas fell on the ground with their knees as both of them were defeated by the undead monsters in front of them.

Earlier, they were ambushed by a large group of undead monsters while they were preparing to leave this place using the Teleportation Formation that they just prepared. And what came after that was something that all of them didn't expect.

They were fighting against the Undying Guild for quite some time already, so it was natural for them to know how to properly fight against the majority of undead monsters with different types. It was even more true for Legolas and Aragorn who studied how to counter these kinds of monsters especially that they were mostly fighting against the higher-ups of the Undying Guild.

But at this point in time, there was something different about this trio of undead monsters which were too strange compared to the other monsters that they'd ever seen.

Not only were they too strong and possessed some skills like the high-leveled undead summoned by Immortal and his apostles, but these three also had the battle capabilities that were comparable to the top experts of the game.

In fact, Legolas and Aragorn would think that these trio of monsters were Top-ranked Players in disguise if not for the fact that their ocular skills were telling them that these three were indeed undead monsters.

Little did they know that they were actually right about their suspicion.

Given all of these, all surviving members of the Central Order were immediately wiped out by these undead monsters within a very short period of time. And even if Legolas and Aragorn tried to salvage their current situation, all of their efforts were in vain as the trio of undead monsters was too much for them to handle.

Just two of those undead monsters were more than enough to make them fully occupied, which was why one of those monsters was able to freely do whatever it wanted when slaughtering all of the remaining members of the Central Order.

Cough! Cough!

Aragorn started coughing hardly as he suffered a devastating blow from one of the undead monsters. His HP Bar was already at the critical point where even a slight graze of any kind of attack was more than enough to kill him.

Meanwhile, Legolas was not in a better state either as he was barely hanging with a sliver of health.

These two Godlike Players were currently in a very miserable state where they could die at any given moment. But despite that being the case, both of them were still stubbornly holding their ground and glaring viciously at the trio of monsters standing in front of them.

Legolas looked straight to the eyes of one of the undead monsters before saying. "Heh! You guys may have won this war. But make sure to be prepared since we are going to exact our revenge on you sooner or later."

Given how strong these undead monsters were, coupled with the fact that they were moving strangely skilled compared to the others, Legolas was suspecting that these monsters were being manually controlled by their summoners.

Meanwhile, the undead monsters that he was looking at seemed to smirk a little after hearing his words.

A moment after that, that particular undead seemed to nod its head a little as if saying. – "We will be waiting." –

Then it raised its claws in the air before swinging it at Legolas, killing him in an instant. And alongside his actions, one of the other undead monsters also killed Aragon off by using its front paw to stomp on him.

A few moments later, the trio scanned their surroundings to make sure that they didn't miss anyone nor overlooked someone hiding in the dark. After that, they cleaned up the battlefield and looted up everything that the members of the Central Order had dropped before removing their disguise.

"Don't let your guard down. Go ask your undead monsters to further survey the surroundings to make sure that everything is clear," said Shin to Chaotic Luck who was currently hiding behind a tree not too far from them.

After that, Shin went to the Teleportation Formation that the Central Order had prepared alongside Arthur, planning to observe it.

On the other hand, they left Leonard to organize all of the loot that they got from the members of the Central Order.

"So, what do you think? Can we use it to go back to the Saint Heaven Kingdom?" asked Shin to Arthur who was currently looking at the Magical Circle drawn on the ground.

Arthur tilted his head to the side a little before replying with a knitted brow. "I'm not sure about that. After all, I'm not an expert on this kind of thing. But based on what I know, this is only a one-way Teleportation Formation with a fixed destination."

After that, he turned his head at Shin and asked. "How about you ask your Void Reaper to access this formation? Maybe he can help us with this."

Hearing that, Shin shook his head helplessly before replying. "Unfortunately, he is currently in a slumbering state since he over-exhausted himself earlier. He may need a couple of days (In-game Time) before he can become 'functional' again."

Arthur pursed his lips a little after hearing that before nodding his head. "Well, that is reasonable. After all, he is the one who did most of the work earlier."

After that, he pointed to the Magical Circle on the ground before asking. "So, what are we going to do with this? It is pretty much useless for us – we can't even use it. Should we destroy it instead?"

Shin thought for a couple of moments before shaking his head while saying.  "Wait, give me a little more time to think."

A few moments later, he suddenly asked. "Can we hide this place or at least this teleportation formation?"

Arthur was about to shake his head when Leonard joined them and immediately chimed in. "It is possible, but it will take a little bit of time before I can hide it completely."

"You can?" asked Arthur with a little skeptical tone.

Hearing that, Leonard couldn't help but chuckle a little before replying. "I'm still a Beastman who is an expert at tracking and hiding trails. Even though I'm not that skilled when it comes to it, I can at least hide this Teleportation Formation without leaving a trace."

After that, he looked at Arthur with a skeptical look of his own before saying smirkingly. "You are the one who is supposed to do this kind of job if you have a Mountain Dragon Elemental Spirit."

"Ugh!" Arthur could feel that Leonard was rubbing some salt on his old wounds as he knew that the latter was well aware that he was trying so hard to find a Mountain Dragon but all of his efforts were all in vain.


"I'm just a little unlucky when it comes to finding a suitable Elemental Spirits," he added before throwing a vicious glare at Shin while saying. "I'm not a lucky b*st*rd who is practically picking up his Reapers wherever he goes."

On the other hand, Shin ignored that look from Arthur before asking Leonard. "How much time do you need?"

"Half an hour at least and a whole hour at most?" replied Leonard after thinking for a little bit.

Shin nodded his head after that before asking. "What about the loot?"

Leonard just shrugged his shoulders before saying in a nonchalant tone. "All trash, there is nothing that we can use. But you probably can give them to the guards of your town and provide them with better equipment."

If the members of the Central Order heard those words, they were most probably going to faint out of anger. And to make it even more ridiculous, Shin pursed his lips a little as if he was giving it some thought before agreeing. "That sounds good, let's do it then."

After that, Shin and Arthur gave Leonard some space to do his job.

And while waiting for Leonard to get his job done, Arthur immediately opened a virtual screen in front of him before taking a look at the most trending topic on the official forums of the game.

Right after opening it, he was immediately greeted by a bunch of topics about the things that just happened in the Ancient Ruins of the Blind Abyss Empire.

But contrary to his expectation, he didn't get the top spot as the current spotlight was focused on a 'pair' of players who were against the infamous Lich God of the Undying Guild.

As if rubbing more salts on his wounds, the battle videos of Shin were personally edited and posted by Miss Bunny herself. And with her famous 'Bunny Magic', the battle videos were attracting a lot of attention and harvesting a lot of views.

"Godd*mn it! This lucky guy once again!" cursed Arthur the moment he saw 'flooding' topics about Shin.

"Come on! He is not even interested in this kind of thing. Can you at least give that spotlight to me instead!" he added with a bitter tone.

After that, he threw another sharp glare at Shin who was about to take a seat under the tree not far from him.

Sensing that gaze, Shin couldn't help but paused his actions before looking at his brother with a confused look on his face. "What?"

But what Arthur gave him was a middle finger which confused him even more. Then the bitter guy turned his attention back to the virtual screen in front of him while mumbling a few more curses with a low voice.

Meanwhile, Shin was still stocked with his awkward position while confusedly wondering what was that about.

But after seeing that Arthur was not planning to explain himself, he had no choice but to take his seat cluelessly while asking himself. "What did I do wrong this time?"


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