Child of Destiny

Chapter 519 Negations And Intel

Chapter 519 Negations And Intel


While waiting for the others to finish their preparations, Shin headed back to the Mayor's Residence first since he got a message that the commanders of the Eternal Hope and Secret Society were waiting for him.

"Finally," muttered Shin as he walked towards the Mayor's Office while switching back his equipment to the set meant for his Nameless Swordsman identity while also putting on the hiding effects of his mask.

Entering the room, he was immediately greeted by a strong pressure that seemed to be trying to crush him.

"Heh!" Shin couldn't help but smirked when he felt the powerful auras inside the room. And as a response, he also released an equally strong aura that was able to ward off the pressure crushing at him.

Seeing that their respective auras were being negated by Shin, the people waiting for him inside were unable to hide their surprise, especially that he was able to walk casually as he made his way towards them.

These people wanted to check if this person was actually worthy of their respect. If he happened to be a weak person who was hiding behind the reputation of the mysterious guild leader of the Hand of Midas, they were planning to reconsider this partnership.

"I already told you, he is capable enough to be the owner of this town," said Gino smirkingly while looking at the person sitting across from him.

On the other hand, Audrey couldn't help but giggle a little when she heard those words from Gino. But it was still true that they were quite shocked at the current progress of this man walking towards them.

Meanwhile, the people sitting across from them couldn't hide the surprise on their faces when they saw Shin casually countered the combined pressure that was trying to crush him.

"It's nice to meet you guys too," said Shin as he took a seat to join the group.

He already knew Audrey and Gino, so he only turned his head towards the other people who were representatives of the Secret Society.

'She is not here? I guess she hasn't logged back in the game yet?' thought Shin to himself as he didn't see the person that he was expecting.

The players in front of him were quite strong and might be as strong as Gino who was sitting right across them, but they were not as strong as the peak experts that Shin had seen so far.

One of the guys was a Blood Elf that was carrying a longsword on his waist. He had a hood hanging over his head so Shin couldn't properly see his face. But from the information that his 'True Sight' could see that this guy at least had a decent strength given that this player had 5 whole levels more than him.

'I hope his level also reflects his strength,' thought Shin to himself before casting his gaze on the other person.

On the other hand, the person sitting beside the first guy was a Female White Elf who seemed to have an Elementalist Class. But just like the previous guy, this elven girl was also wearing a hood to cover her head and hide her face under its shadow.

But at the same time, her strength should be at least as strong as the common Godlike Players that Shin had seen so far.

'These guys are most probably the so-called vice commanders of Secret Society. They sure are Maverick Gods,' remarked Shin inside his mind.

While he was trying to check on the strengths of the representatives of the Secret Society, those two were also trying to access his strength by observing him with their respective ocular skills.

,m Unfortunately, they couldn't read any information about Shin as they were being blocked by the special effects of the [Nephilim's Gemini Mask].


'This Nameless Swordsman really lives up to his reputation. I guess, the commander is right – coming here really is a good gamble,' thought the guy who seemed to be an Elven Swordsman.

'Having remarkable strength is one thing, but being able to build a decent town and striking a deal with the mysterious Guild Leader of the Hand of Midas, this guy sure is not simple,' thought the elven girl while looking at Shin with a serious expression on his face.

To break the awkward silence that was surrounding the room, Shin immediately clapped his hand before saying. "Since we are going to be potential partners in the future, how about we introduce ourselves properly this time?"

"I'm the Nameless Swordsman, but some people call me the Angel of Death these last few days," introduced Shin in a nonchalant manner before quickly adding with an indifferent tone. "As you can see, I'm a nobody."

The faces of the four couldn't help but twitch uncontrollably when they heard those words. Especially that they were fully aware of the crazy events that happened just recently.

Regardless, the representatives still introduced themselves, following his lead.

"Raal, Vice Commander of the Secret Society," said the elven swordsman who was trying to make his words as calm as possible.

"Irina, also a Vice Commander of Secret Society," followed by the Elementalist sitting beside him.

Meanwhile, Gino laughed a little when it was their turn to introduce themselves. Then he quickly said with a joking tone. "Do we still need to introduce ourselves? We can be considered as friends at the very least, right?"

Audrey was about to scold him when she heard that, but Shin suddenly waved his hand during that time and said. "It is fine with me but I'm not sure about the guests that we have here."

Hearing that, Raal immediately waved his hand while saying. "We already know each other, so I think there is no need for that."

"Though, he became acquainted due to some unpleasant reasons," added Irina with a hmphed.

"Rivals, huh? I just hope that your sides are all good now," said Shin, trying to prove the relationship of the two Adventurer Teams. After all, it was going to be quite a problem if he happened to partner with these two teams that were hostile with each other.

Understanding his concerns, the others couldn't help but chuckle a few moments before Gino immediately said. "You don't have to worry about that since we are now at least in a friendly relationship with each other."

Shin was finally able to feel a little relaxed when he heard that before saying. "So, should we proceed on discussing our main business?" while hiding a huge grin behind his mask.


Meanwhile, back in the Real World, David just finished unpacking his luggage and organizing them inside his room.

He then went outside to breathe some fresh air while also planning to check how tight the security that the place had.

"Oh~! These guys sure are taking this matter very seriously," muttered David to himself when he sensed all of the soldiers, agents, and some powerful individuals hiding in the vicinity.

After accessing the strengths of the people guarding the area, David suddenly disappeared from the spot where he was standing and headed towards a certain place in Corner City.

A few moments later, he arrived in front of a cottage not too far from the beach across it. In front of this cottage sat an old man who was sitting on a rocking chair and seemingly 'watching' the young girls in bikinis that were passing by.

If not for the 'fact' that he was blind, then any person that was going to see him would surely misunderstand him as a perverted old man in disguise.

David stared at the old man for a few moments before walking forward. And when he arrived in front of the latter, he suddenly took a deep bow. "Greetings, Sir! I'm-…"

David was in the middle of introducing himself when the old man suddenly cut him off by raising his and saying. "We can talk about that later, little cub. Can't you see that the current weather is perfect to have a relaxing time?"

"So, you better find your own place and don't disturb my rest," added the old man, shooing David to leave.

'Relaxing time my *ss!' cursed David inside his head. He then chose to take a different approach at introducing himself before this perverted old man really sent him away, literally. "The Demon meets the Phoenix. He then breaks the shackles of his past before they choose to jump down in the depths of hell together."

There was a sudden chance on the leisure attitude of the old man before turning his head towards David with a solemn look on his face. "And what is your relationship with that Demon and Phoenix."

"I'm the little cub that was picked up by the Phoenix along the way," responded David almost instantly.

"And what's your business with me," asked the old man.

Hearing that, David started grinning widely before replying with another question. "But, how about you drop your disguise first, Sir?"

"You might be able to fool the other cubs but not me who was granted with the Enlightened Eyes," added David while raising his head towards the old man with his eyes possessing a pair of lotus-shaped mandala vectors on his pupils.

Realizing David's identity, the old man slowly stood up from his seat while asking. "So, what does the Phoenix's disciple need from me?"

At the same time, the appearance of the old man started changing into a two-meter-tall muscular guy with his age seemingly becoming younger.

If Leonard was here, then he was going to become shocked that his master was actually much younger than he knew.

Meanwhile, David straightened his back before replying solemnly. "They sent me here to inform you that there is a traitor among the group, Mr. Joaquin Geovanni. And we need your Bestial Senses to identify them."


Hearing that, a powerful pressure suddenly exploded from Joaquin's body. Fortunately, he possessed perfect control over his aura which was why the people passing by were not affected by it.

After that, he suddenly turned his body around and started walking towards the cottage while saying with a heavy tone. "Fill me the details inside."


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