Child of Destiny

Chapter 530 Sky Island (Part 2)

Chapter 530 Sky Island (Part 2): Top-Priority Targets


Sky Island, the flames of war could be seen everywhere as the Wingmen Tribes residing in his place kept on contesting to become the strongest tribe that would rule everyone. And since the players of the Primal Kingdom had gotten involved, the battles became even more chaotic.


Explosions could be heard from every direction as players and the Wingmen Tribes that they chose to side on were always battling and seemed not to have any intention of ceasing their attacks.

And since there were a lot of tribes involved in this war, the battles occurring in different parts of this particular map would always look like a royal rumble since the players in those battles were from different sides.

In these kinds of chaotic battles, it was natural for the players to be confused about which among the other players on the battlefields were their friends and foes. And since the game had the friendly fire active, the players would always have a certain difficulty attacking.

But these players didn't have any room for hesitation since they were going to be dead if they tried to stop even for a brief moment.

But unlike these players who had certain tribes to lean on, there were still some capable individuals who didn't choose any tribe to team up with and decided to venture on Sky Island on their own. And since they didn't have to worry about any players being on the same side, they would always have a much easier job when a battle broke out.

All they needed to do was to protect themselves and always stay alive until the very end.

But no matter how free these independent players were, there were still some restrictions on the things that they could do.

Even if the players on the side of the Wingmen Tribes were having a hard time whenever a chaotic battle broke out, they still got some benefits every time they went back to the bases of those tribes or whenever they revived in those places.

And one of those benefits was the 'Hunting System' of each tribe.

Every time a player killed someone who belonged to the other side, they could always receive a corresponding point that was equivalent to the value of that certain individual.

These points that they were getting were exchangeable for some special items, high-class equipment, and strong weapons, in the specialized shops of each tribe.

And if the opposing players or Wingmen had a bounty on their heads, they would receive additional rewards that could assist them in their battles in Sky Island; such as a limited edition of Equipment Sets that were only available until the event was over.

Obviously, if a player or a Wingman had a high bounty on their heads, that particular individual was not an easy target since they were top experts for their own good.

They were even some independent players who had a very high bounty in them. But only an idiot would target those individuals since they were way too strong for ordinary players to handle.

Moreover, some of these independent players belong to some powerful organizations. They were either from Powerhouse Guilds, or famous Adventurer Teams, or some unknown Organizations.

But all of those groups paled in comparison when they came across a certain pair of players who arrived in the Sky Island just recently. And the moment they set their feet in this place, they immediately challenged all of the players in the Sky Island through a Regional System Announcement.

And obviously, it was Arthur and Leonard who just finished the special test given to them by the so-called head gatekeeper.

The test was quite simple and straightforward; there were no puzzles, nor riddles to be solved, all they had to do was to defeat a series of opponents provided by the head keeper of the Sky Island.

Moreover, the opponents that they needed to face were some strong Wingmen who came from different tribes of Sky Island.

Both Arthur and Leonard benefited from those trials since they had gotten a chance to become familiar with the special abilities unique to each tribe. And due to that, they had a pretty much easier time when they arrived at the Sky Island and battled with the Wingmen residing in that place.

The two took quite some time to finish up the series of trials since they needed to figure out how to defeat the Wingmen and find their respective weaknesses. Fortunately, they were skilled and strong enough to study everything they needed during those trials.

And since it was a special trial under the hidden quest that they got, the system asked them whether they wanted to announce the result to the public or not.

Obviously, Arthur would hit the yes button without any hint of hesitation since it was a Regional Announcement that we were talking about.

Seeing that, Leonard could only follow his lead since it happened to help them with the job that Shin had tasked them to do.

With all of that, the Dragon God and War God announced their arrival at the Sky Island while also challenging everyone through the message that Arthur inserted in the system announcement.josei

Regional System Announcement:

-Congratulation to Player Siegfried and Player Simba for passing the hardest trial to enter Sky Island!

The Leaders of the Wingmen Tribes heard of your feats and extended their hands to invite you to ally with their respective tribes.


Regional System Announcement:

- Player Siegfried and Player Simba refused to join any tribes, they now belonged to the independent group of players.


Regional System Announcement:

-The Tribe Leaders felt insulted by their actions, they were now placing the highest bounty in exchange for the heads of these two.


Regional System Announcement – a special message from Player Siegfried:

-Wassup Mo'herf*ckers! This God is finally here! Kindly get in line to have your *ssess kicked!


The series of announcements shocked all of the players on Sky Island. Most of them even stopped what they were doing just to focus on re-reading its contents – even the players who were in the middle of intense battles retreated for a brief moment after hearing it.

The first three announcements took everyone by surprise since none of them knew that there was actually some sort of difficulty levels in the trials given to them when they were trying to enter Sky Island.

But the very last system announcement really made everyone speechless the moment they heard it. They even re-read the message repeatedly just to make sure that they didn't hear it wrong.

– "What a crazy dude!" – this was the thought that was running through everyone's heads the moment they read it.

Everyone in the game was aware that the so-called 'Dragon God: Siegfried' was a showoff who always wanted to become the center of attention. But they were thinking that what he just did right now was a little overboard.

It was true that he was strong, but there were still a lot of strong players who were currently in Sky Island, especially the Guild Leaders of Powerhouse Guilds; and some of those guys were also Peak-Class Godlike Players just like him. So, provoking them was pretty much an insane idea.

Due to all of these, Arthur and Leonard immediately became the top-priority targets of every player who was currently in Sky Island.

Even if they all knew that trying to kill these monsters was quite impossible, they were still willing to gamble their lives just to give it a try.

After all, the bounties on their heads were very tempting that anyone would lose their minds for greed.

Some of the independent players even join a certain tribe just to have the 'right' to participate in this hunt. And if they were lucky enough to kill either of those two, then they would surely get one of the special rewards such as converting to Wingmen Race.

Unfortunately for them, their imaginations were too far from the reality since the strengths that Arthur and Leonard possessed were beyond the limits of what they could comprehend.

Whenever a group of 'hunters' came across them, they would always get slaughtered instantly. And such a devastating sight made most of the players come back to their senses, facing the reality.

But there were still some exemptions.

Arthur and Leonard would sometimes bump into some skilled players who could survive the attacks of the two and flee with their lives.

There were also some strong groups of players who could at least post a decent fight against these two monsters. Though, most of them were still forced to retreat when the two became a little serious.

The two also encountered some of the old rivals of Leonard who could stand against him toe-to-toe. And even if he was able to emerge victoriously, the opposing side was still able to flee while leaving him a little exhausted.

Sometimes, the pair would also meet some of the strong group of experts that they never had heard of before. They were either from the neighboring Kingdoms and Empires who came here to join the fun or some of the hidden cards from the Powerhouse Guilds and similar organizations.

But the trickiest situation that Arthur and Leonard had was when they encountered some of the most elite Wingmen that came from the leading tribes.

Those guys were quite strong on top of having an elite unit of Wingmen accompanying them. So, sometimes, the two were being forced to retreat since they couldn't fight all of them head-on; especially when there were some groups of cunning opponents hiding in the dark and waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

Regardless, both Arthur and Leonard were still enjoying their battles since it had been a while since they got to experience such thrilling battles and difficult situations.

Due to that, the almost forgotten competitiveness sleeping within them was starting to awake little by little; and it won't be long until it roused from its long slumber.


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