Child of Destiny

Chapter 557 The Weight Of Being A God (Part 2)

Chapter 557 The Weight Of Being A God (Part 2)


Unknown God, Lewin.

He was one of the top players who reigned supreme in the Primal Kingdom. He was also the top Hunter of this kingdom. But unlike most of the top-assassins of the virtual world, he was not known for his speed. What made him really famous was his fighting style.

He was a famed Hunter who was renowned for being a cautious player who always making smart plays in every battle that he took part in.

Unlike the other assassin who always played away from their respective groups to assassinate the key figures of their opponents, Lewin was a type of player who mostly took part in a team battle.

He was also known for his one-on-one battle prowess. And with his top-class in-game mechanics, he became a famous player in different games.

It was just a pity that he didn't get a chance to participate in any kind of official tournaments to get his official title. Regardless, he was still regarded as one of the strongest Maverick Rankers of the Primal Kingdom and even earned himself the unofficial title of Unknown God.

Meanwhile, the 'Mountain Dwellers' Adventurer Team where he belonged was also famed for having good coordination. And alongside the right shot calling of Lewin and his right-hand man, Junpei, their team immediately rose to the top of the Primal Kingdom.

Their team might be small for only having 8 members, but they were still not something to be trifled with given how good their teamwork was.

And not long ago, their group came across a special technique where each of their members could share a part of their powers with their leader, reinforcing his battle prowess, enhancing his abilities, and empowering his stats.

This very technique also gave them the ability to reach much higher heights in the Kingdom Rankings. And with all of these, they were even regarded as the 'Great 8' of the Primal Kingdom.

Being the Great 8 Mountain Dwellers, the group became confident of their strengths which gave them the courage the challenged the most renowned groups of the Kingdom alongside the strongest forces residing on it.

But all of these achievements and amazing feats were nothing in front of the guy who was currently standing in front of them. And no matter how strong Lewin had become with the help of their secret techniques that they recently acquired, he was still no match against Leonard.


"What an absolute monster! My strength should be much stronger than him given the STR stats that I received from Marron and Marion, he is still fending off each of my strikes casually with every swing of weapons," muttered Lewin as he picked up himself from the ground after being sent flying by one of Leonard's attack.

"What's even more depressing about this is his speed. Given my enhanced AGI stats, my speed should be much higher than him. But how come he is able to surpass me in terms of agility!?" he cursed silently as quickly changed the direction where he was heading to, dodging a shockwave that was heading towards him.


But right after he pivoted towards another direction, Lewin suddenly heard a familiar explosion sound which was indicating that Leonard used the 'Devil's Footprints' once again, trying to catch him for another time.

'F*ck!' cursed Lewin as he used another life-saving skill from his arsenal to get away from his current position.


"Tsk! Escape again? This is taking much longer than what I've expected," complained Leonard as his battle-axe landed on an empty ground once again.

He then cast his gaze on a certain place where Archimedes and Sildra were continuing where they left off.

"Well, at least that guy Archimedes fully understands our current situation. I just hope that he can last much longer given that he already exhausted himself from the previous battles," he muttered himself before tilting his head slightly to the side, dodging a flying dagger sent by Lewin.


"Don't you dare take away your attention from this battle," snarled Lewin as he appeared ducking in front of Leonard while brandishing his daggers.

"Heh! Unfortunately, I'm already tired of this cat and mouse game!" sneered Leonard while taking a couple of quick steps backward, dodging the blades of the daggers.

'I was hoping to learn a thing or two from their combination technique, but I guess it is still way weaker compared to my 'Tiple Elemental Beast Fusion',' he said to himself with a dejected tone before stomping on the ground during his backpedaling.


Then the ground beneath his feet sank quite deeply before a large spider crack spread from it before extending 15 meters outwards.

Seeing that his opponent was planning to do something, Lewin immediately hoped away from Leonard as fast as he could. And understanding that he couldn't outrun the cracks spreading on the ground, he quickly used another movement speed boost to escape.

But the moment he tried to use a skill, he suddenly discovered that he could no longer able to use any kind of skills at this point in time. "What!"

And before he could even think of a way to escape his current predicament, he suddenly heard Leonard's sneering voice. "My original plan is taking out your teammates first since they may give me some headache later." "

"But since I can't currently touch them due to the column of fire protecting them, I decided to try taking this on directly," he added while stomping on the ground once again; and with a much stronger force this time.

'Destroyer Skill (Tier 2): Destructive Ascension'


Then Lewin felt that the gravity that was supposedly pulling him downwards pushed him towards the sky instead.

"Sh*t!" – was the final word that left his mouth before he was flipped in the air alongside the rock debris that came from the ground. And the next thing that Lewin knew was himself being crushed by the rocks flying in the air, devouring a large chunk of his Health Bar.

Fortunately, he managed to survive for a long time by forcing himself to do some dodging maneuvers in the air and used some of the flying rocks as platforms to jump around.

But not long after, the reversed gravity turned back to normal and pulled everything towards the ground.

Naturally, Lewin was going to do everything he could to prevent himself from being crashed to the ground. He even did the same thing that he performed earlier and use the rock debris to lessen the impact that he was going to suffer from falling.

Unfortunately, Leonard had a different plan in mind.

Right after Lewin stepped in the first rock debris during his fall, he suddenly noticed that his feet seemed to be magnetized on the rock, making him unable to jump from it.


And before Lewin could even think of anything to free himself, Leonard suddenly swung his arms towards the ground, making everything in the air fall with an even greater force.

Meanwhile, Lewin was crushed under the rock debris, crushed and pulverized.

This time, Leonard made sure that he indeed killed Lewin by looking at the notification window where he was informed of his opponent's death.


On the other hand, the column of fire protecting the other members of the 'Mountain Dwellers' suddenly exploded as each of them suffered a backslash from their leader being killed.

Cough! Cough!

And without further ado, they quickly crushed an Instant Teleportation scroll to flee from the scene since they knew that they no longer stood a chance against Leonard with their current state.


"That was one hell of skill over there. I suspect that it is a Tier 2 Epic Skill," whistled the hooded guy from the sidelines after seeing the end of the previous battle.

"In the end, the combined efforts of those 8 are in vain. Look how healthy is that monster after going through that battle," said one of the 'Twin Claws' while pointing at Leonard.

"Of course! He is still a Peak Godlike Player of this game after all!" said the Shere of the 'Cougar Brothers' while jumping off the boulder that he was sitting on. "It should be our turn now, right?"

"Heh! That is what they get from underestimating a 'God' of this game," sneered Kuma of the 'Predators' Adventurer Team while also getting ready for battle.

"It is quite disappointing that we are going to fight him right after his battle, but we don't have any other choice since the clash between those two Gigantic Beast are about to end," he added after taking a quick glance at Garuda and the Serpent King.

"Hey! I said it is our turn now!" shouted Shere as he threw a deadly glare at the Bearkin.

Meanwhile, Leonard just looked at them with a calm face before resting one of his battle-axes on his shoulders while saying. "I also want to play with the lots of you since it is quite rare for me to exercise like this-…"

He then trailed his words for a brief moment before continuing with a smirking tone. "Too bad, a showoff brother of mine wants to join our fun."



The moment his words left his mouth, a spear suddenly stuck on the ground between Leonard and the opposing group, catching the attention of everyone.


Then a fully armored knight suddenly landed behind that spear, with the horsetail of his helm and the cape of his back dancing along with the wind.

"D*mn~! So, this is why you are not responding to our messages, huh? Are you planning to hug all the fun by yourself?" said the knight while pulling out the spear in a very cool manner.


And with a wave of his cape, the said knight turned around beautifully while resting his spear on his shoulder. "How about you let me join the party as some sort of compensation?"

The Dragon God: Siegfried suddenly arrived!


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