Child of Destiny

Chapter 572 The Wanderer And The Swordmaster (Part 2)

Chapter 572 The Wanderer And The Swordmaster (Part 2)



The 'Spiritual Force' that was released by David revolved around him like a small tornado, affecting the air around him. His clothes were flapping violently along with the air as he maintained his battle stance.

On the other hand, the 'Natural Force' of his opponent was no weaker either while the pressure that they were releasing cancelled out each other for being equally powerful. This standoff lasted for a couple of moments before they simultaneously made their moves.

Liebert did a couple of hand gestures to cover the floating crystal behind with his Internal Qi, protecting it against any external factors that might harm it. After that, he suddenly kicked the ground and lunged forward.

But he was still in the middle of his charge when an energy wave suddenly greeted him, forcing him to halt his advance


In that instant where his opponent took a sudden pause, David immediately flicked his wrist to summon a spherical barrier around the floating crystal behind before charging forward.

Meanwhile, Liebert currently had his arms in front of his face, protecting it from the energy wave that flew at him earlier. And when he slightly lowered them to take a look at his opponent, he suddenly saw a hand magnifying in front of his eyes before grabbing his face and smashing his head on the ground.


Liebert was able to minimize the damage that he got from that sudden attack by nullifying most of the impact with the help of his 'Natural Force'.

After that, he suddenly grabbed David's wrist with both of his hands before trying to wrap his legs on his opponent's arm, planning to dislocate it by twisting his body.

Understanding what his opponent was planning to do, David immediately let go of the fact that he was grabbing before twisting his arm along the direction where Liebert was twisting it before pulling it backwards.

The sudden move happened a little too fast so Liebert couldn't fully lock David's arm. And since his body was still in the air due to his previous attempt, he was not in a good position to do a good counter move.

On the other hand, David quickly seized that opportunity for a follow-up move. He took advantage of his opponent's awkward position and quickly threw a punch with his left-hand fist as he retrieved his other arm backwards.

Seeing the incoming fist, Liebert quickly crossed his arms in front of him while reinforcing them with as much Natural Force as he could gather.

But despite being on point with his guard, he was still not in a good position to properly defend against the incoming attack. After all, his body was still in midair so completely blocking this punch was already impossible to begin with.

So, all Liebert could do was to nullify as much force as possible from the incoming impact to lessen the damage that he was going to receive.


As expected, Liebert was immediately sent flying by David's punch right after the impact. After that, the former quickly twisted his body midair before flipping a couple of times, further lessening the force that he received from the previous attack.

But alongside him, the floating crystal that he was guarding also flew towards his direction as a black rope made of Natural Force was tied on it, connecting Liebert and the crystal.


And when his feet touched the ground once again, a crater was immediately created as the ground where he landed suddenly sank quite deeply.


After taking a deep breath, Liebert kicked the ground under him and launched himself towards David once again.

On the other hand, David suddenly stomped on the ground as he placed his left foot in front of him while squatting his hips.

At the same time, both of his hands were suddenly enfolded with silver Spiritual Force before he threw consecutive punches in the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Each time he threw a punch, an energy wave was sent forward and flew towards his charging opponent to hinder the advance.

Meanwhile, Liebert immediately responded with the incoming energy waves and quickly adjusted his footwork to do a series of zigzag movements during his change.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Craters after craters were left behind Liebert as he dodged each of the energy waves with ease and continued to advance forward.

Not long after, Liebert reached David once again and engaged in an intense melee battle against each other.


On the other side of the battlefield, Gendo was having quite a lot of trouble dealing with Elijah. He was confident with his own strength and battle prowess which was not afraid of facing any geniuses of the same generation. It also held true even if those talents were the aces of the other country.

But right in front of him was a person that he never had heard of. And what made him even more frustrated was the fact that he couldn't suppress his opponent despite him being one of the famous Umbras of the Dark Continent.josei

"Hey! Who are you really? It is impossible for someone like you to remain obscure with that kind of strength and talent," asked Gendo with a solemn tone, refusing to admit that he was standing toe-to-toe with someone unknown.

Hearing that, Elijah suddenly wore a bitter smile, especially when realized that he was being called a talented individual. "Heh! Talent? I'm sorry to disappoint you but I never considered myself as someone as talented as the rest of you. All I did is to train, train, and continue to train even if I get tired of it."


But naturally, Gendo was not going to accept it, especially that Elijah was fighting him on equal ground. He was a firm believer that talented individuals were supposedly standing at the very top of the world; that was why they were called Chosen Ones and Mighty Ones.

"You are really starting to get on my nerves now," said Gendo with a hoarse voice before taking out a pair of tonfas and enfolded them with his Natural Force. "Let's see how long you can maintain that façade."

Seeing that, Elijah suddenly raised his brows for a moment before pulling out the sword hanging on his back before saying. "I don't have the right to bend your belief if you don't want to accept my words. Whether you want to believe it or not is not my problem after all."


At the same time, the aura that Elijah was currently releasing immediately changed when he held his sword with both of his hands. Especially when he pointed its tip towards his opponent.

The Sword Force that surrounded his body also changed and created an illusion where his entire being seemed to fuse with his sword and nature itself.

Seeing that, Gendo immediately became enraged and charged forward. "And you dare to claim that you are not talented when you have already reached that state?"


In an instant, he suddenly appeared on the left side of his opponent while also swinging his tonfas at the same time.

Those swings were quite crafty time and made it hard to either dodge or block them. Dodging one of them would mean getting hit with the other tonfa, the same for blocking them.

And given that he appeared in front of his opponent in an instant, it was impossible for Elijah to create a space between them or even counterattack in that close distance.

Or so he thought…

Right before his tonfas hit Elijah, Gendo suddenly saw a flash of light in front of him followed by a consecutive clanging sound along with metal sparks that flew in the air.

Gendo was too stunned to realize that both of his arms were deflected away, making himself vulnerable for counterattacks. "What happened?"

Fortunately, he was now too close to Elijah which was why the latter couldn't make any appropriate move to follow up his previous movements given that he was holding a long sword.

But the fact that his opponent was too shocked to do a follow-up move gave Elijah a chance to create the space that he needed for appropriate attacks. And when he was in the optimal distance to attack, he immediately grabbed that chance and quickly swung his sword at his opponent.

At this point in time, Gendo finally recovered himself and quickly crossed his arms on top of his head blocking the descending blade.



But Gendo still misjudged his opponent's sword swing which was why he was forced to kneel on the ground after blocking the attack.


The weight that was pressing on him was unexpectedly heavy, making it hard for Gendo to quickly stand up once again.

So, he gritted his teeth and was forced to redirect the sword to land beside him before jumping backwards to create some breathing space for him.

But why would Elijah let that happen?

Right after seeing that his opponent was trying to run, Elijah immediately gave chase and swiftly swung his swords at the same time.

Fortunately, Gendo was not so simple either. When he saw the incoming attacks from his opponent, he quickly raised his guard up and blocked each sword strike with his tonfas.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

With that exchange, Gendo was able to stabilize himself and freed himself from being trapped in a passive state. And due to that, the battle went back to a deadlock where each of them was trying to gauge each other's strengths and battle habits.

While all of this was happening, the teachers and professors who were watching from the conference room looked at these two battles with an interested expression on their faces.


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