Child of Destiny

Chapter 574 The Top Young Ghosts (Part 2)

Chapter 574 The Top Young Ghosts (Part 2)


Jake and Jayce were brothers who were chosen to be in the ranks of Supernovas not because of their individual battle prowess but it was due of their mechanical knowledge and their ability to utilize their gadgets.

The Sun-Moon Continent was a country that focused on its technological department. And because of this, the said continent became the most advanced country when it came to their technology.

Using this advantage, they tried to be ahead of their competitors. But the other countries also had their respective specialties.

Just like the Soaring Continent for example; a country known for having the strongest military prowess in the whole world.

Or like the Lost Soul Continent that was known to have the greatest assassins of the world.

While advancing forward, Jake and Jayce immediately took out their weapons as they didn't want to underestimate their opponent after seeing what happened to the two Decastars earlier.

Unfortunately, it was already too late to think about it now.



As the two Supernovas were preparing to take out their weapons, the two of them suddenly heard a loud explosion coming in front of them. And before they could even see what it was, their vision suddenly turned dark as a pair of hands blocked their line of sight.


And without further that pair of hands grabbed their faces before their heads were smashed on the ground with a loud sound.

But despite their heads being buried on the ground, both Jake and Jayce still remained calm as they were able to nullify the impact of the previous attack.

First, Jake threw something in the air which suddenly exploded and released a blinding light, forcing the others watching the fight to take their eyes away from it.

On the other hand, Jayce also threw a certain device on the floating crystal that they were supposedly protecting, creating a barrier around it.

"Tsk! Crafty," muttered Jerimiah, complaining while clicking his tongue.

Regardless, he still ignored the two Supernovas lying on the ground and quickly took a stance in front of the floating crystal before swiftly throwing a straight punch towards it.


A loud explosion was immediately created when his fist came in contact with the barrier protecting the crystal and instantly broke it.

Fortunately, the floating crystal was still after that attack. Though, it was now fully exposed to any kind of attack.

At this point in time, the two Supernovas finally recovered themselves and quickly picked themselves up from the ground before immediately making their respective moves.

Jake suddenly transformed into a streak of light that flew straight to the floating crystal and took it away from Jerimiah.

Meanwhile, a huge hammer suddenly appeared on Jayce's hands before swinging it to the Young Ghost in front of him, planning to send the latter away.

,m Bang!

To the Supernova's surprise, Jerimiah casually blocked the swing with his right hand, not taking the attack seriously at all. And while Jayce was still stunned at what happened, the Young Ghost threw a powerful punch with his free hand, sending his opponent away.



"Tsk! Those gadgets sure are a cheat. Not so manly at all," said Jerimiah with a displeased and disappointed tone.

In the meantime, the other guys watching from the sideline were completely surprised at what they just witnessed.

Whether it was Vincent who had insane speed and crazy maneuvers or Jerimiah who possessed amazing strength, both of them seemed to be unrivaled after showing what they did just earlier.

"So, this is the strength of the famous Young Ghost of the Lost Soul Continent," said Mariel who couldn't help but feel impressed after seeing what she just witnessed.

Hearing that, Shiella slightly nodded her head before saying. "From the information that we have, those two are supposedly standing at the top of their ranking list – Jerimiah Smithson, the Berserker Young Ghost, and Vincent Valentine, the Executioner Young Ghost."

Mariel nodded her head when she heard that before adding. "From what I've heard, that guy with the title of Berserker is the only one who fights like that. Out of all the Young Ghost of their country, he is the only one who is not fighting like an assassin."

"Even if the Lost Soul Continent is supposedly the home of the best assassins around the world, it doesn't mean that assassins are the only ones that they had," commented Shiella while looking at Jerimiah.

After that, Mariel thought for a moment before looking at Shiella while asking. "How about we team up with them? Not a bad idea, right?"

Shiella considered it for a moment before nodding her head and agreeing. "Sounds good. We can do that."

"So~! Should we help them now or should we wait for them to wrap it up?" asked Mariel with a knitted brow.

Hearing that, Shiella laughed at her for a moment before replying. "Do you honestly believe that those two can defeat those four with just the two of them? Those four shouldn't be in here if that is the case."

"Ah!" Mariel immediately came back to reality after hearing those words. "I almost forgot about that. I really think that they are some small fries when compared to those two Young Ghost."

She then turned her head at Shiella and asked. "So, are we going to help?"

Mariel seemed to be quite excited that she was finally able to get in action. She was feeling quite bored right now for only standing at the sideline and doing nothing.

Unfortunately, Shiella didn't respond as Mariel wanted. "Don't you think it will hurt their pride if we suddenly jump in and join the fight?"

This time, Mariel stood on her spot with a blank expression on her face before quickly saying. "You know? I really can't understand what's running in your head. Everything you say is always contracting with each other."

Shiella giggled at her words for a moment before saying. "Don't worry, they are going to ask for our help first as well as asking for cooperation."

Not long after she said those words, both Jerimiah and Vincent ditched out their respective opponents and appeared in front of the two girls.

Seeing that, Shiella looked at Mariel with an expression as if she was saying 'See?'.

On the other hand, Mariel rolled her eyes at her as if replying with 'Whatever!'josei

Meanwhile, Jerimiah ignored the brief exchange between the two girls and said with a little awkwardness. "Ahm-… I apologize for this but we really don't have a better choice. Can I ask if you are willing to form a team with us?"

Shiella put up a poker face after her brief exchange with Mariel before observing both Jerimiah and Vincent, assessing their strengths. 'This two really are strong.'

She really wanted to test out their strengths by exchanging blows against them. After all, it was quite rare for her to meet someone with similar strength like hers. Unfortunately, this was not a good time for a friendly sparring match.

After that, Shiella extended her hand while saying. "It is a pleasure to team up with the famed Young Ghost of the Lost Soul Continent."

Hearing praise from a beautiful girl, Jerimiah couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed before accepting the handshake. "No, the pleasure should be ours. The Junior Monsters of the Soaring Continent have more reputation than us from what I know."

"Or you should say that the Valentine Family is too secretive about their strength," said Shiella with meaningful eyes.

From what she knew, the said family was the most secretive Assassin Family around the world. Only a very few people knew about their existence. If not for them accepting a few contracts here and there, then the other organizations would not know about them.

Hearing that, Jerimiah didn't know how to respond to that since he had a quite strange relationship with the Valentine Family.

With her sharp eyes and senses, Shiella was able to notice the sudden change of emotion on Jerimiah. So, she immediately changed the topic to avoid the awkwardness lingering in the air. "So, how do you want to cooperate?"

She then turned her gaze at the Supernovas and Decastars who were not regrouping with each other. And at the same time, she immediately noticed that they didn't want to continue fighting anymore after seeing Jerimiah and Vincent formed a team with the two girls.

"It looks like they are already unwilling to pursue this matter," added Shiella with a smirk.

On the other hand, Mariel immediately became disappointed when she saw that before commenting with a dejected tone. "Cowards!"

Meanwhile, Jerimiah ignored the opposing group and turned his attention to the other fight that was taking place a few distances away from them. "For now, we are thinking to wait for that side to calm down a little."

Turning her head to the direction where he was looking, Shiella slightly nodded her head before asking. "You are planning to team up with David and Elijah?"

After that, she turned her head back to Jerimiah before asking. "Are you also planning to fight against Professor Bullen? I think it is not a good idea."

Hearing that, Jerimiah and Vincent couldn't help but turn their heads. They remained quiet but it was clear from their expression that they wanted an explanation.

Seeing that look on their faces, Shiella could only sigh helplessly before explaining. "I know you want to get those so-called 'extra points', but let me warn you that they said that to bait us."

"Or to be more exact, it is to bait you guys who are unfamiliar with him," she added after a brief pause.

Reaching this point, Mariel suddenly chimed in from the side. "Professor Bullen is far from being the strongest in our Academy but he is known for having the greatest defensive capabilities out of all the professors."

"So, trying to destroy the crystal that he was guarding is definitely pointless. We are only revealing all of our cards if we do that," added Shiella.

She really didn't want to show her full strength to others even if they were currently in a team. In her eyes, they were still competitors at the end of the day.

Sooner or later, their countries were still going to clash against each other when the 'Battle for Supremacy' arrived. So, keeping their cards hidden until the end was still the best thing to do from her perspective. Especially that there were some unexpected rules that were added just recently.


They were still discussing with each other when a sudden explosion attracted the attention of everyone in the field.

"What happened!?"


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