Child of Destiny

Chapter 584 The Battle Of Top Prodigies (Part 2)

Chapter 584 The Battle Of Top Prodigies (Part 2)


David's eagerness to start a fight was starting to affect the others especially Shiella and Mariel who currently had cold looks on their faces.

But before the fight exploded, Elijah suddenly asked a question. "This is going to be a team battle, right? So, who will be the one who calls the shots?"

"Is it even needed? All we need to do is coordinate with each other!" said David as he did some quick hand gestures in the air and summoned a series of Mentalism Runes around him.

Then he put his hands together and did a couple of hand signs before saying to the group. "Let's just take the roles that we are good at."

After that, the runes floating around him suddenly formed a Mentalism Circle around the group before basking them under a warm light. And a moment later, each member of the group suddenly felt that their strengths suddenly rose with a great margin.

Seeing that David was already making preparations for the fight, the opposing side quickly started making their own preparations.

Jake quickly pulled out the pair of pistols hanging on each side of his waist before pointing it towards their opponent. And without further ado, he started pulling its trigger, shooting bullets rapidly.

"Rey!" shouted one of the Decastars to his partner.

Rey, the Mentalist Decastar, quickly waved his hands in the air the moment he heard the words of his fellow Decastar. And right after he did those actions, a curtain made of Mental Energy suddenly appeared in front of the flying bullets.

The moment those bullets flew past the curtain of Mental Energy, their speed suddenly rose greatly as they continued flying towards the opposing group while being covered by a spinning Mental Energy around them.

When Elijah saw that, he quickly charged forward and put himself in front of the incoming bullets while gripping the hilt of his sword.

He then took a deep breath while marking all of the bullets flying towards them before quickly unsheathing his sword and swinging it at them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

With each swing of his word, a bullet was going to be deflected away, warding off their advance.

"Nice moves!" praised Jerimiah as he swiftly brushed past Elijah while charging forward.

After that, he raised his hand in the air and summed a double-headed battle-axe from his dimensional device. And during his charge, he saw Jayce jump out of his group while carrying a huge hammer in hand.

Seeing that, Jerimiah suddenly smirked before shouting. "Then let's continue where we left off!" while also swinging his battle-axe at the same time.


A loud explosion immediately followed right after the collision of their weapons which also created a violent ripple in the air. And at the same time, the ground under Jerimiah's feet suddenly sunk quite deeply and created a crater around him.

"But this is no longer a one-on-one battle," said Jayce while staring straight into Jerimiah's eyes.

And the moment those words left his mouth, the two Umbras in his group simultaneously appeared on each of Jerimiah's sides all of a sudden; Gendo with a tonfa on each of his hands and Liebert with his metal gauntlets.

But despite being cornered left and right, Jerimiah was still acting calm since he knew that he was also not alone. "Well, you are right about that. After all, this is a team battle to begin with."

When he said those words, David and Shiella suddenly appeared on each of his sides too, facing Liebert and Gendo respectively. Both of them made a fist with their right hand and covered them with their respective energies. And without any hint of hesitation, they threw their fist towards their opponent at the same time.

Bang! Bang!

Despite not having their weapons, they still didn't lose on that exchange and even forced their opponents to take a couple of steps backward to relieve the force that they received from the impact.

In the meantime, Rey was about to assist his teammates and enhanced their strengths with Mentalism Runes when Vincent suddenly appeared behind him while swinging a pair of daggers towards his back.

Sensing the immense threat coming from behind and quickly kicked the ground beneath him to jump away from the danger. And with his quick reactions, he was able to barely dodged the deadly daggers and saved himself.

Vincent wanted to give chase when he saw that but the other Decastar suddenly blocked his path. "Vincent Valentine, I still need to pay you for the 'favor' that you give me earlier."

Hearing those words, Vincent suddenly smirked before saying with a sneering tone. "Heh! Then you will be forever in debt since you will never get the chance to pay me for that, Wade."

After that, both of them suddenly turned into a silhouette that immediately started clashing with each other repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Rey resumed drawing runes in the air to create a Mentalism Circle with them. And from the look of it, he was preparing a much stronger circle than the one that David had summoned earlier.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted once again. And this time, it was Mariel who threw a group of blazing feathers towards his direction.

Having no other choice, he could only cancel his technique once again to dodge those blazing feathers flying towards him.

In the meantime, Jake took advantage of that brief moment to fire a couple of times at Mariel, planning to force her to take away her attention from Rey.

But just like earlier, Elijah got in his way once again and deflected his bullets for another time with a few swings of his sword.

"D*mn this persistent guy!" cursed Jake after seeing what happened. "Since you are quite stubborn to fight guns and bullets with a sword then I will keep you company!"

Bang! Bang!

Jake pulled the trigger of his pistols once again and madly fired at Elijah. But this time, he didn't just send the bullets normally. Right before those bullets came out from the barrel of his gun, he infused his pistols with his Natural Force to reinforce their firepower.

On the other hand, Elijah stood straight and held his sword with both his hands while also regulating his breathing. And while he was taking that stance, his eyes never left the bullets flying towards him; and from his perspective, their movements seemed to greatly slow down.

When he was done reading their trajectory, he casually swung his sword and deflected each of the bullets with ease.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Naturally, Jake was going to become enraged when he saw those actions from Elijah. From what he could see, the latter seemed to be mocking him by showing him those simple movements. And in the pit of rage, he started firing more bullets in Elijah's direction.

David was able to see what happened from the corner of his eyes and couldn't help but chuckle. "That guy sure has some talent at provoking his opponents by acting too modest."josei

After that, he quickly leaned towards his right, dodging a punch from Liebert. And this time, he decided not to say anything and quickly engaged in a melee battle against the latter. This guy really pissed him for what he just said earlier. So, David was seriously planning to teach this guy an unforgettable lesson.

The problem was he needed to hold himself back a little just like the others since they needed to look out from the guys watching them from a distance.

The Marines of Deep Blue Continent and Bright Feathers of the Silver Wing Continent, these two groups who were supposedly fighting each other seemed to have a tacit agreement of temporarily having a ceasefire agreement and observed the fight for the time being.


In the meantime, the teachers and professors who were watching from the conference room took interest in this particular battle.

"These kids finally started fighting each other," said one of the professors.

"I'm worried that they are going to refuse to fight the other groups until the very end; especially when Shiella is on the other side," said the teacher sitting beside him.

Hearing that, the other professor sitting right across them nodded his head repeatedly behind adding. "Fortunately, those Umbras from the Dark Continent are quite impatient and hot-headed."

The other professors were having similar discussions while some of them were even betting which side was going to win.

This particular topic piqued the interest of Professor Cora and asked Professor Henry who was sitting beside her. "Betting seems to be a good idea, so how about we also have a bet with each other?"

"Oh~! And what will be the stakes?" asked Professor Henry while raising one of his brows.

"Hmm… How about you tell me who is the kid that took your interest if I win?" answered Professor Cora after a brief moment of thought.

"And if I lose, I can give any research material from my laboratory?" she quickly added after seeing that Professor Henry knitted his brow.

Hearing that, Professor Henry nodded his head and agreed. "Seems not a bad deal, so which side do you think is going to win?"

"I'll take the side of my girls. Their team seems to have the better odds," responded Professor Cora in an instant, afraid that the old man beside her would suddenly change his mind after giving her the chance to pick first.

But to her surprise, Professor Henry didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he was even wearing a mysterious smile while giving her an unexpected answer. "Then I will say that none of them is going to win."

"At worst, all of those kids are going to lose if they don't pull themselves together," he added while turning his attention back to the virtual screen in front of them.


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