Child of Destiny

Chapter 616 The Elemental Goddess And The Nameless Swordsman

Chapter 616 The Elemental Goddess And The Nameless Swordsman


Shin stared at the floating metal door for a few moments before looking over his shoulder. "Hey! If you still don't use your Elemental Possession now, then we will never be able to leave this place."

After that, he quickly raised the longsword on his left hand while calling out. "Void Reaper!"

Then Hanzo broke free from the circling specks of light around Shin before fusing with the longsword that he was holding, completely changing its current appearance.

'Elemental Spirit Possession (Void): Dimension Cutter'

"I will try to stop the opening of that gate. Can you cover me?" asked Shin to Charlotte while blocking the flying daggers that were thrown at them.

Hearing that, Charlotte glared at Shin quite sharply for treating her like an amateur player. "You don't have to tell everything. I also know what must be done, so you don't need to instruct me on what I need to do."

After that, she quickly made a seal with her free hand before calling out loud. "Suijin!"

Then a beautiful elemental spirit appeared behind Charlotte before transforming into water vapors that surrounded her. And a moment after, a floating water scarf was formed on her back before reinforcing her battle prowess.

'Elemental Spirit Possession (Ocean Spirit): Queen of the Sea'

From Shin's perspective, the Elemental Spirit didn't fuse with Charlotte nor her weapon. And that sight piqued his interest a little. "So, her Elemental Possession is fusing with her magic itself, huh? Interesting!"

After that, he saw Charlotte waving her hand sideways and summoned a large number of water droplets floating in the air, before sending all of them in every direction with a flick of her wrists.

'Secret Fusion Spell (Elemental Possession and Class Fighting Style):

– Curtain of Armageddon'

Each of the water droplets accurately hit the Twilight NPCs at the center of their foreheads, taking them down in one strike.

"So, she also knows how to do that special skill? I guess I also need to learn how to properly do it as soon as possible," muttered Shin before disappearing into his current position and reappearing in front of Silver in an instant.

"Then I think I need to also put a little more effort now," muttered Shin as he swung his swords at his opponent with great timing.

Clang! Clang!

Naturally, Silver would not let himself get carried away by Shin's rhythm anymore. He might not have a strong skill and overpowered class, but he still had a very solid foundation and stable technique that he built throughout his career.

Unfortunately for him, fighting him was not Shin's current priority. And it was the metal gate floating above them instead. So, right after he pushed Silver a little away from the metal gate, he quickly channeled the Power of Eclipse on the [Yamato] before swinging it upwards all of a sudden.


Then a grey-colored energy wave was released from the sword and flew straight to the floating metal gate right above him.


'Slayer Skill (Modified): Eclipse Slash'


But despite the powerful force that was accompanying that sword wave, the metal seemed to be unaffected by it; not even a scratch could be seen on its surface.

"Heh! That kind of half-ass attack is not going to work on that thing. It is a very high-level summoning scroll, so you can't forcefully cancel it easily," said Silver mockingly while getting ready to resume his attack.

In the meantime, Shin smirked at those words before canceling the 'Meteor Form' of his sword and transformed it back to its sheath form while putting the [Yamato] on it. And quickly after that, he assumed a sword-drawing stance while also channeling the Power of Eclipse on that sheathed sword.

Seeing that, Silver quickly activated a series of buffs to himself, trying to match the powerful pressure that he was getting from Shin. And since he was not confident that he could take Shin alone, he called out some of the Twilight NPCs around as some assurance.

Silver commanded them to surround Shin in all directions to pressure him from all sides. And from the look of it, those NPCs were the strongest among the group. So, Shin couldn't underestimate them.

Shin regulated his breathing and took note of every Twilights around him while waiting for them to make their moves.

But since the opposing side was fully aware that the time was on their side, they were not in a hurry to attack yet. And due to that, Shin had no other choice but to initiate an attack before the gate fully opened itself.

"If that is the case, then let me do it this way," said Shin as he quickly unsheathed his sword while also unleashing the accumulated Powers of the Eclipse on it.


As Shin swung the [Yamato] sideways, the energy that was released from it also drew an arc in the air before transforming into a black dragon that widely opened its mouth, planning to devour everything on its path.

'Class Fighting Style: Eclipse Dragon Draw'


Seeing that, the Twilights surrounding Shin were forced to move away from the path that the black dragon was taking, afraid that they were going to get hit by it.

It was the same for Silver since he could feel how strong this skill was, just by looking at it alone. But it didn't take long for him to realize that Shin was not targeting any of them.

Right after the black dragon forced the Twilight NPCs away from him, it suddenly curved upwards and flew straight to that floating mental gate above.


Then cracks started to appear on the metal gate right after the black dragon collided with it. And when Silver saw that, the expression on his face immediately turned heavy for being tricked once again.

"It is tough to break you said? Now, let's see if I can break it before it fully opens itself," said Shin while sheathing his sword once again. And quickly after that, he suddenly pulled it out for another time, while unleashing another wave of energy towards the mental gate.


And this time, the energy wave transformed into a white tiger as it pounced towards the sky.

'Class Fighting Style: Eclipse Tiger Draw'


The mental gate shook violently when the white tiger collided with it. And at the same time, the cracks that it had quickly spread immediately after.

"What are you doing?! Stop him from destroying the Summoning Gate!" shouted Silver the moment he saw what Shin was doing.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

With that, the Twilights pounced at him from every direction, planning to restrain him. And when Shin saw that, he quickly moved his body according to the movements of his opponents.

Each time he stepped to the side, an attack would brush past his body, barely missing him with a very slight margin.

At the same time, he would always strike the Twilights accurately and take them down with a single attack. And despite having a much lower level compared to them, Shin was able to completely overwhelm them with his movement techniques and swordsmanship alone.

After experiencing his 'Zone' territorial skill in the real world, Shin was able to fully utilize the 'Sensing Circle' skill that he had inside the game. And by taking advantage of that skill, landing a clean strike on him was going to be just a pipe dream.

On top of that, Shin was also able to throw a couple of attacks at the metal gate every time he found a window that he could take advantage of.

Seeing that, Silver was immediately forced into a corner where he couldn't do anything at all. The Twilight NPCs were no longer a match for Shin as he showed his real battle capabilities; not even the strongest ones in the group could pose a threat to him despite all of them working together.

Moreover, he also couldn't increase the number of Twilights that were ganging up on Shin since he also needed to keep an eye on Charlotte. After all, dealing with her was also quite problematic.

Forget about her large-scale magical skills; her battle capabilities alone were more than enough to make her a threat for them. And adding the fact that her magic was currently being enhanced by her personal elemental possession, facing her in a one-against-many-scenario was pretty much a one-sided slaughter.

At the same time, there was also that troublesome Combat Technique of hers, the 'Elemental Dragon Dance'. This particular technique was the perfect tool for her since it both had offensive and defensive capabilities.

Silver was currently wearing a very heavy expression on his face as he watched everything from the sideline. He couldn't decide which side to help since either one of them was going to give them huge trouble if left unattended.

Leaving Charlotte behind would thin down their forces while leaving Shin would risk the destruction of the Summoning Gate. Both choices would lead to the failure of their plan which was making it much harder for Silver to choose.

And while he was caught in a difficult dilemma, he suddenly heard an eerie voice coming from behind. "Heh! Looks like you are caught between a rock and hard place. Should I lend you a hand to resolve it?"

Turning his head over, Silver's eyes immediately turned wide when he saw who was the owner of the voice. "You are-…!"


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