Child of Destiny

Chapter 625 The Heart Of Stone And The Pulse Of Earth (Part 1)

Chapter 625 The Heart Of Stone And The Pulse Of Earth (Part 1)



Charlotte was currently fighting a huge minotaur that was wielding a double-headed war axe and round shield on the other. And alongside it, there was also a huge group of bison behind it that kept on charging forward every time they found a good chance to attack.

The Minotaur was classified as a Mutated Lord Class Monster Boss which was why Charlotte couldn't summon all of her Elemental Companions. But at the very least, she could summon two of them at once which was why he chose to summon the Storm Brothers, Raijin and Fūjin.

They might be a little weaker when fighting against creatures that had earth elemental properties. But despite that being the case, they were still her best choice in these kinds of situations since they were the ones who had the greatest combat prowess among her Elemental Companions.

With the help of those two along with her personalized Elemental Possession, Charlotte was able to take down the other two Minotaur Bosses earlier with ease. Unfortunately, those battles also exhausted her which was why she couldn't properly fight this particular boss in front of them anymore.

"Stay behind us, Sage. You are already exhausted from your journey, so you can leave this fight to us for the time being," said Raijin as he positioned himself in front of Charlotte.

"Tsk! What is that Envoy taking too long? Don't tell me he already forgot that we are going through all of this because of him," complained Fūjin while frowning brows quite deeply.

After that, he suddenly squeezed the cloth bag that he was carrying to release a powerful gust of wind that tried to push the incoming horde of bison in front of them.


But no matter how strong the air current that was coming from the sack of wind, the horde of bison never stopped moving and continued charging at them.

Seeing that, Raijin quickly stepped forward and started hitting the drums on each side of its waist to summon a set of lightning strikes in the air which also mixed themselves with the air current that was released by Fūjin earlier.

Crackle! Crackle!

The thunderbolt mixed in the gusting wind zapped all of the incoming bison and forced them to halt their advance.  But aside from that, the two Elemental Spirits didn't deal any damage to those monsters due to the Earth Elemental Mana that was surrounding their bodies.

Seeing that, the Storm Brothers could only click their tongue before retreating away from the horde alongside Charlotte.

This battle might be a little different if the Water Spirit Suijin was fighting instead of the two of them. But that Elemental Spirit was currently fused with Charlotte's elemental magic as her Elemental Possession.

They could also avoid this battle if possible. Unfortunately, they couldn't advance forward if they did that, especially that their destination was the cave right behind that Minotaur. And the most problematic thing about this battle was the fact that the Minotaur refused to move from its position after they killed the other two minotaurs earlier. It looked like it was aware of their real intention.

"Tsk! We need to find a good opportunity to get through that stupid cow if we want to enter that cave other there," said Charlotte with a deep frown.

Hearing that, Fūjin slightly knitted his brows before saying, "Getting near it is not impossible, Sage. But trying to break through it is a completely different matter."

"After all, it is much stronger now since it consumed the corpses of the two minotaurs that we killed earlier," he added after a brief moment of pause.

Then Raijin suddenly cut in and said. "That is the reason why we need to kill it before it can fully absorb the powers of the other two minotaurs."

Hearing that, the Fūjin couldn't help but smirk before saying. "It is easier said than done."josei

While they were discussing among themselves, they suddenly sensed a familiar presence rapidly approaching their location.

"Tsk! So, he is finally here," said Raijin while smiling bitterly.

"Do you mean 'We'?" said Hanzo as he suddenly brushed past them and charged towards the horde of bison that were charging at them once again.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

But before the Void Spirit could even clash with the group of charging bison, a barrage of fireballs flew over Charlotte and the Storm Brother's head and went straight at the horde, bombarding them with a series of explosions.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Coordinating with that, Hanzo quickly held his weapon with both of his hands before swinging it horizontally in front of him, stroking a tear in the space and also chunking the health bars of the bison in the process.



Then lightning zaps suddenly flew past the Void Spirit and restrained movements of the horde followed by a strong gust of wind that pushed them backward.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

And quickly after that, another barrage of fireballs poured down from the sky, killing some of the bison in the process.

"I never have thought that we are going to fight like this again," said Raijin as he stood beside Hanzo while conjuring lightning on each of his hands.

Hearing that, Hanzo suddenly looked at him with a smirk while saying. "Yeah, how many decades are there? Or is it more than a century? I really can't tell since both of you have become so weak to the point where you two can't even kill a few cows."

"F*ck! Are you picking a fight with us now?" said Fūjin as he appeared on the old spirit's other side.

At the same time, Solus suddenly appeared behind them while saying. "I will appreciate it if the three of you can save it for later."

In the meantime, Shin finally arrived and stood beside Charlotte. "Sorry for being late. It took me longer than what I expected."

"You stole the King Class Monster Boss that the Venimuex Guild is trying to hunt?" asked Charlotte directly right after seeing him.

"Eh!? You already know about it?" asked Shin in surprise.

Hearing his confirmation, Charlotte suddenly smirked at him and said. "I already know? More like everyone knows. What you did earlier actually sparks a war between the Dark Guilds and Powerhouse Guilds within the Elven Kingdom."

"The Venimuex Guild thinks that you are from one of those Powerhouses," she added while further sneering at him. "You really know how to attract trouble in any place you go."

Hearing that comment, the corner of Shin's mouth couldn't help but twitch uncontrollably before trying to defend himself. "Can it be the other way around? The trouble itself is always finding its way towards me?"

"Isn't it the same?" asked Charlotte skeptically which also made Shin further have a twitching face.

"Tsk!" Shin could only click his tongue as a response to her words before turning his head towards the battlefield.

He squinted his eyes and activated the 'True Sight' observation skill to survey the surroundings. And not long after that, he noticed the cave behind the minotaur which was also the place where he could sense a large amount of mana.

"So, that is where we need to go?" asked Shin while focusing his eyes on the cave.

"That is just the entrance of many more entrances behind it. Our real destination is deeper within that cave," said Charlotte as she tried as much mana as she could.

"You said earlier that you are in a hurry to complete your quest yet you still find the time to mess with the Super Guilds of this Kingdom," said Charlotte with a tone that seemed to be stabbing Shin with her words.

The expression on Shin's face turned even weirder when he heard that. "I'm sorry about that. Let's just say that I got carried away earlier."

After that, he gave her a sidelong glance before asking. "Still not done recovering? Need some extra potions?"

Hearing that, Charlotte shook her head a little before replying. "There is no need for that, I already recovered most of my Mana."

"If that is the case, then give me some cover. We will take down that overgrown cow over there while the others are busy warding off the horde of bison," said Shin before quickly sprinting towards the minotaur with an insane speed.

"Tsk! Isn't it already obvious? You don't need to tell me everything that I need to do," muttered Charlotte with a frown before making a couple of hand gestures in the air to cast two spells at once.

In the meantime, the Minotaur immediately noticed Shin charging at it with a great speed while maintaining a running posture where he could easily draw his sword at any given moment.


And before Shin could even reach the ideal distance to attack, the Minotaur suddenly held its war axe with both of its hands before swinging it powerfully and cleaved the ground in front of it. Because of those actions, a tall earth wall suddenly appeared in front of Shin and blocked his path.

But instead of slowing down, Shin accelerated forward as if there was nothing blocking his way. And when Charlotte saw that, she couldn't help but curse him a little before waving her hands forward to send a pair of water torrents towards that earth wall and turning it into a melting mud.

Seeing that, Shin quickly used one of his signature skills, the 'Moonlight Splitter', to penetrate through that wall and appear in front of the Minotaur in an instant.

"Yo, buddy! I killed quite a few of your kin before. Would you like to join them to the underworld?" said Shin as he swung his sword in the air multiple times before sending a huge vertical sword wave immediately after.

'Slayer Skill: (Enhance and Modified) Crescent Cleave'




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