Child of Destiny

Chapter 648 Empyrean Talons (Part 9)

Chapter 648 Empyrean Talons (Part 9): The Other Side Of The Gentle Goddess


Beelzebub stared blankly at Cloe the moment he heard her words. "Witch of the Eternal Light? Then you are-…?"

Seeing the look on his face, Cloe slightly raised her eyebrow before saying. "Looks like you at least heard about the old me. If that is the case, then you better brace yourselves to experience some pain."

Then she snapped with her fingers and summoned a pair of magic circles floating behind her before activating all of the sudden.

When he saw the insanely fast spell casting that Cloe had displayed, Beelzebub immediately understood that they were misinformed about this girl who bore the title of Gentle Goddess.


After that, a beam of light came out from each of the magic circles behind her and flew straight on her opponents.

In response, Beelzebub quickly opened his fan and immediately waved in a circular motion, sending a powerful wind vortex towards the incoming beam of lights.


A thick cloud of dust was immediately created right after the two forces came in contact with each other. But it was immediately swept away by the strong gust of wind that scattered from the collision.

Since the line of sight of each group was being blocked by the cloud of dust earlier, they were not sure what the opposing sides were doing before it was cleared by the gusting wind. And the moment their view was cleared, each side was immediately greeted by the attacks of each side.

The Sweepers immediately charged forward, taking advantage of the cloud of dust earlier and using it as their cover. But when all of the dust was blown away, they were immediately greeted by a barrage of lights which also hit each of them accurately.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fortunately, they were fast enough to activate a defensive skill in time and managed to block those beams of lights. But despite successfully blocking those attacks, they still failed to defend themselves from the blazing undeads who suddenly pounced at them out of nowhere.

Then a battle broke out between the two opposing sides.

Chaotic Luck managed to hold down the Sweepers all on his own thanks to his summoned undeads. And since they were currently in a small and narrow place, all he needed to do was focus on defending while having a small unit of undeads to harass his opponents.

Moreover, his undead monsters were also quite strong and high in numbers so dealing with them was quite troublesome even for this group of top-class assassins.

After training under the supervision of peak Gods like Arthur and Leonard, Chaotic Luck rarely got intimidated when facing players who were much stronger than him. And his little training with Shin taught him how to take advantage of his surroundings.

With all of this, the current setting of their battle was working to his advantage.

In the meantime, Cloe was keeping Beelzebub busy, trying to buy as much time as they could for Shin and the others to settle the situation outside.

During the battle, Beelzebub started to recognize the playstyle that Cloe was currently showing. "Now, I remember. There was a rumor running around during the reign of «True Era» online."

"There was a monster-class player who had a battle prowess that was comparable to most of the top combat experts despite only being a priest. They said that she was a Witch clad in white clothes."

"That so-called witch is so strong that her sole existence became a class of her own. At first, the players addressed her as the first Holy Mage. And later on, she was granted the title of the 'Witch of the Eternal Light'."

Hearing all of that, Cloe slightly pursed her lips before saying. "It looks like you guys are quite informed after all. No wonder the 'Mystery Pavilion' is keeping an eye on your organization."

Beelzebub dodged another barrage of spells sent by Cloe before replying. "We looked everywhere just to find that 'Witch' to invite her to join us."

"But who would have thought that the Witch who is known for being a merciless Holy Mage is also the same Goddess who is also the best priest of the game? This is quite unexpected," he added after a brief moment of pause.

"Heh! Join you? And why do you think that I will join you?" said Cloe with a sarcastic tone.

After that, she cast another set of holy spells which immediately summoned a group of golden light spears floating in the air before forming a fan-shaped formation right behind her.

Then she pointed her staff to Beelzebub and sent all of the light spears towards the same direction on the very next instant.josei

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The light spears drew a long trail in the air as they traveled through it. And the beautiful arc that they drew in the air attracted Beelzebub's eyes and made him unconsciously look at them. Due to that, he was slightly late to cast a spell of his own for a counterattack.

Left with no other choice, Beelzebub could only cast a defensive spell instead of an offensive one. He closed his fan to channel his mana on it before reopening it once again and waved it upwards, summoning a blowing wind from the ground that redirected the course of the incoming light spears towards the ceiling of the corridor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Due to the power of the light spears, the concrete ceiling suddenly collapsed. Broken bricks and rock debris fell on the ground, creating yet another cloud of dust that blocked the line of sight of the two opposing sides once again.

Beelzebub was about to take advantage of that situation to cast a large-scale spell that could enfold the whole place. That way, he could bypass Cloe and Chaotic Luck and continue with his task.

But before he could even chant the first word of the spell, a thick pair of light whips suddenly emerged from the ground and grabbed his legs before pulling him downwards.


Fortunately, Beelzebub had a fast reflex which was why he was able to react instantly to the sudden ambush. He quickly used a teleportation skill to disappear from his spot and reappeared a few meters from it.

But not long after his feet landed on the ground, a hexagonal prison suddenly locked him in place while silencing all of his skills. "Since when-…?"

He was in the middle of cursing when the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of a hole in the middle of the cloud of dust as a brilliant spear of light flew past it.

Seeing that, Beelzebub panicked a little before taking another scroll from his inventory and crushing it without any hint of hesitation.


Then a monster with the body of molten lava suddenly shot up from the ground and blocked the incoming spear of light.


Beelzebub survived yet another dangerous situation due to his magic scrolls. But unfortunately, he didn't have the time to take a breather yet since it was just the start of the storm that was about to come.

Right after blocking the spear of light, Beelzebub saw a large group of light spears hovering in the air around him and surrounding him from all sides. "What a crazy casting of spells. She is almost on par with that other witch who was giving our leader a huge headache."

"Looks like I can't hold back anymore," he muttered with a solemn expression on his face before taking out a magic scroll after another from his inventory bag while channeling his mana on them.

He didn't activate it yet and let them float in the air while waiting for the next move of his opponent. He knew that this was going to be a huge waste but he had no other choice since they didn't expect that the so-called Gentle Goddess was hiding such a ruthless side of her behind her usual innocent looks.


Then he heard a snapping sound from a distance which also signaled the start of his real ordeal. The light spears flew straight to him with a precise succession which also blocked all of his possible path of retreat.

Due to how crafty those light spears were arranged, Beelzebub also knew that it was impossible to dodge each of those spears with the limited space he had inside the hexagonal prison.

Gritting his teeth, Beelzebub crushed one of his precious collections once again and activated another defensive spell that guarded him against the incoming spears of light.

The chaotic barrage of spells lasted for a couple of moments before the area around Beelzebub calmed down. But despite the silence surrounding him, the so-called Greed Devil didn't dare to let his guard down since this might be one of the traps set up by Cloe.

But after a few moments of nothing, Beelzebub couldn't help but become a little suspicious, especially that the hexagonal prison that was trapping him finally dissipated.

He waved his fan to create a gale that swept away all of the dust hovering in the air, clearing his light of sight.

But it didn't take long for him to regret that decision because he was immediately greeted by the sight of a huge magic circle hovering in the air between him and Cloe.

Then an angel clad with shining armor slowly emerged from the magic circle. The angel stood straight with its snow-white wings folded on its back while its hands were supporting a longsword that was pointing on the ground.

"So, everything else is just a distraction," muttered Beelzebub with a heavy tone while tightly gripping a black scroll on his hands. "A Valkyrie, huh."


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