Child of Destiny

Chapter 654 Empyrean Talons (Part 15)

Chapter 654 Empyrean Talons (Part 15): Partially Established


"Nope, you can't!" said Cloe as she stepped forward and while pulling Shin to her side.

Hearing that, the other guys couldn't help but turn their heads at her while wearing different expressions on their faces. But despite having different thoughts in mind, all of them seemed to have a silent agreement and chose to keep their mouths shut while enjoying the show.

Meanwhile, Shin leaned over to Cloe before whispering. "Hey! What are you doing?"

Cloe refused to remove her eyes from Charlotte while answering. "She is trying to join us, isn't she? I'm just trying to reject her application."

The corner of Shin's mouth suddenly twitched when he heard her reply and quickly asked. "And why are you even trying to reject her? Her strength can still be a good addition to our group."

"I just feel like it. And we already have a pretty good mage on our team, so there is no need to invite one, am I right?" said Cloe while crossing her arms in front of her.

"But adding more firepower shouldn't be bad, right?" refuted Shin.

This time, Cloe turned her to Shin and said with a knitted brow. "I am still the commander of the team, so I can at least do as much, can't I?"

Shin became speechless when he heard those words. Then he turned his head to Arthur and Leonard who seemed to be not willing to get involved. He was even getting signals from them that were saying – "You are all your own this time." –

In the meantime, Charlotte was currently clenching her hands as she looked at the two who seemed to be 'passionately' whispering with each other right in front of her.

Then she gritted her teeth before asking. "Why can't I join?"

"You just can't!" answered Cloe in an instant while turning to Charlotte. And when the latter heard that, she too immediately became speechless as starred at the former.

"Hey! Can you stop being childish?" said Shin as he tugged Cloe's arms.

Hearing that, Cloe quickly turned to Shin and frowned her eyebrows very deeply. "Childish~!?"

While all of these were happening, the others couldn't help but give their respective remarks while watching the show.

"She is clearly marking her territory, isn't it?" said Akailu to Alucard who was standing beside him. On the other hand, the latter just shrugged his shoulders, signifying that he didn't care.

"I don't know if Brother Sicakrius is really clueless or he is just too dense to notice it," commented Owen from the sidelines.

When Ithilien nodded her head, agreeing with him. "Maybe it is the latter?"

Meanwhile, Shin massaged his temples for feeling a headache due to Cloe's stubbornness. And immediately after that, he held Cloe on her shoulders before saying. "Hey, listen. She is also aware of my dual identity, so we at least need to make sure that she will keep it a secret."

"We can just ask her to form a contract with us," said Cloe flatly.

"And she will agree without anything in return?" asked Shin sarcastically. Then he immediately added. "Moreover, the Corrupted Cult members and the people from the Pandemonium Troupe have seen her with us. Isn't she going to get harassed by those organizations because of that?"

"She can handle them by herself – she is strong!" refuted Cloe before adding. "She's been doing fine up until now protecting herself against similar organizations alone."

After that, she suddenly squinted her eyes and looked at Shin suspiciously before asking. "Why are you siding with her a little too much? Are the two of you already that close?"

Hearing that, Shin was lost for words. He only wanted Charlotte to join the team because he could directly ask for some advice from her regarding Elemental Spirits and Elemental Mana if she was in the team. After all, she was a special class Elementalist with a high affinity for both.

He just couldn't say that in front of everyone since it was going to create an awkward atmosphere. And he was also not that rude to say such a thing with everyone's presence.

But since Cloe was making everything too complicated with her stubbornness, he didn't have a choice but to send her a private message, telling her the real reason why he wanted Charlotte to be part of their team.

Strange enough, the expression on Cloe's face suddenly turned bright and quickly clung to his arms. "Is that so? Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Then she quickly turned towards Charlotte before saying with a bright smile. "Alright, you passed. You are now part of the team. That is if you still want to join us."

"But! I still have a condition!" she added immediately after.

Hearing that, Charlotte suddenly knitted her brow and asked. "And that is?"

Unfortunately, it seemed like she misunderstood that those words were meant for her. The mischievous priest ignored what Charlotte had said and looked at Shin while saying. "You need to grant me a wish."

Shin couldn't help but roll her eyes at her when he heard those words. "I knew it! So, what do you want this time?"

Cloe giggled a little before saying with a mystifying tone. "I'll save it for now."

In the meantime, Charlotte watched the scene with a stiff expression on her face before asking Shin. "Can I also have a contract now?"

Hearing that, Shin quickly sent a copy contract to her before turning back to Cloe. "Hey, you need to respond to the system about the announcement. It is already running late."

"Oh! Yeah!" Cloe quickly answered the questions that needed to be filled in before submitting the form to the system.

And quickly after that, the announcement was finally broadcasted in the entire Beast Glade Kingdom which also spread throughout the gaming industry.

And just like that, the Empyrean Talons Adventurer Team was unofficially established within that day.


System Regional Announcement: Congratulations to 'Empyrean Talons' for being the top contributor to saving the Beast Glade Kingdom! And because of their amazing feat, the group will receive an astronomical reward from the Chief Tribe of the Kingdom!

Everyone in the Kingdom please congratulate the members of the group!

Party Leader:

Gentle Goddess Arielle



Dragon God Siegfried

War God Simba

Elemental Goddess Charlotte


Bird of Hermes Archimedes

Dark Knight Owen

Beastmaster Akailu


(Emperor of the Night) Sickarius

(Calamity Sorceress) Daulla

(Herald of Chaos) Chaotic Luck

(Moonlight Archer) Ithilien

(Devil Hunter) Alucard


While everyone was currently crazy about the announcement, the group received their rewards directly from the Head Chief of the Kingdom.

But just like what happened in the Elven Kingdom, there was no ceremony when they were receiving their rewards since the capital city of the Beast Glade Kingdom was literally in ruins due to the previous attack of the Corrupted Cult.

But unlike Arthur who loved to stand in the spotlight, the other members of the group were pretty much satisfied with what happened since they also didn't have any energy to spare to attend such a fancy event.

At the same time, the other members also receive some bonus rewards from the system because of the quests that Leonard and Cloe had shared with the group.

Shin was pretty much satisfied with the rewards that he got. Most of them were common things that the players could get from clearing their quests such as Skill Points, Legacy Points, Reputation Points, and Fame.

He also got some Tier 2 Rare Skill Books alongside the equipment and weapons specialized for his class. They might be not as good as the equipment that he currently had, but they were still good enough to be used for the missing parts of the Apocalypse Set.

He was planning to commission Black Hammer to complete the Apocalypse Set, so all of the specialized equipment sets that he got from the Tournament and other quests would come in handy with this.

All he needed now was to look for some pieces of meteorite which he needed for the upgrade of his main weapon, the [Yamato].

"Meteorite, huh? Where can I find these stupid rocks?" muttered Shin with a soft voice as he fell in deep thought.

While Shin was thinking about that, Arthur somehow managed to overhear his words. "Meteorite? Are you looking for meteorites? I know where to find some, but I need you to hear my suggestions about our webpage before I tell you where it is."

Shin looked at Arthur skeptically when he heard that before saying. "Why are you so passionate about this? What are you plotting this time?"

"Plotting? What kind of person do you think I am?" said Arthur while rolling his eyes at Shin. But he quickly clung his arm at the back of the latter's neck before asking. "But I'm pretty sure that our webpage is going to be a big hit, so hear me out!"

"Okay, okay! Let's hear it once we logged out of the game. I really need to get a real nap outside," said Shin while freeing himself from Arthur's arm.

"Alright! You said it, okay? Then I will immediately contact our webpage manager and set a meeting for tomorrow!" said Arthur excitedly, trying to clarify it with Shin.josei

"Webpage manager? Who is it?" asked Shin curiously.

Seeing that he managed to pique his brother's interest, Arthur couldn't help but grin from ear to ear before saying. "You will know about her later once you meet each other."

"But I must tell you to look forward to it," he added with a mystifying tone.


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