Child of Destiny

Chapter 658 Measuring Shin's Potential (Part 2)

Chapter 658 Measuring Shin's Potential (Part 2)



Cloe came rushing inside the house and quickly went to Arthur and Leonard who seemed to be discussing something.

"Hey, you two! Hurry, help Shin right now before Big Sister Shiella breaks all of his bones," she said right after entering. She grabbed the arms of those two and tried to pull them up from their seats while saying. "Come on~! Hurry!"

In the meantime, Arthur refused to budge while saying to her. "Sigh~, there is no need to overreact, Cloe. It is not like Shin will let himself get beaten up one-sidedly."

"And Big Sister Shiella will not kill Shin Bro anyway, so what's with the panic?" said Leonard as he smiled at her.

Hearing that, Cloe suddenly glared at the two before kicking the sofa that they were sitting on. "Hey! Where is your sense of camaraderie? Are you really going to leave Shin alone?"

"Sense of camaraderie my *ss! That guy sold me off to Big Sis before," muttered Arthur as he couldn't help but remember the time when Shin betrayed him when Shiella caught them red-handedly as they talked ill about her behind her back.

Overhearing what he just said, Cloe tried convincing them with a different approach. "They are currently fighting in the backyard. How about we watch them a little and learn a couple of things?"

"Nah~! I like to pass this time since Big Sis will surely drag me into it," replied Arthur before turning his attention back to the virtual screen.

At the same time, Leonard looked at Cloe with an awkward smile before apologizing. "I am sorry, Sis-in-law. But I will lose some of my sideline jobs if Miss Shiella discovered that I am involved in this. Or at least, I will have to say goodbye to my bonuses if it really happened."

"You-…! You two-…! Urgh!!! I hate both of you!" yelled Cloe as she stomped her way towards the backyard.

In the meantime, Arthur went back to what they were talking about earlier, ignoring Cloe's remarks. "As I said, I received quite a few challenges from some of our old friends. Which one are we going to accept first?"

"Is it a team battle or a group battle? And what is at stake? Are their offers worth the trouble?" asked Leonard rapidly as he suddenly became excited with the topic.


Meanwhile, Cloe just arrived at the backyard of the house and immediately saw how much mess Shin and Shiella had created.

Fortunately, David had prevented their powerful attacks from going beyond the controlled area of his barrier. He also managed to block the loud sounds of the battle to avoid disturbing their neighbors, or else they would be reported to the security committee of their neighborhood already.

Cloe couldn't clearly see what was happening beyond the barrier due to the thick cloud of dust blocking her line of sight. She couldn't see anything aside from the flashes of lights that kept on appearing from time to time due to the collision of Shin and Shiella's respective attacks.josei

While Cloe was trying her best to see what was happening within the cloud of dust, she suddenly overheard the conversation between David, Jerimiah, and Vincent.

"Isn't this a little too much for a sibling fight?"

"Well, we can't do anything about that. After all, we don't know how they are showing their 'love' with each other."

"She is not going to kill him, isn't it?"

Hearing their words, Cloe's eyes suddenly turned and started panicking. Then she quickly ran towards them and started bombarding them with questions as if she was a worried wife who heard her husband get caught in an accident. "What happened to Shin? Is he seriously injured? Did he really got beaten up too badly-…?"

When the three heard her words, they couldn't help but look at her with weird faces, not knowing how to respond to each of her questions.


Fortunately, their attention was caught by a loud sound coming from the barrier. It looked like Shin got smashed on the barrier once again and shook it quite intensely.

Due to that powerful impact from that collision, a gust of wind cleared the cloud of dust surrounding Shin, letting Cloe and the others see his current state.

Cough! Cough!

Shin coughed out some blood as he sat on the ground with his back leaning on the barrier behind him. There were some visible injuries on different parts of his body. But given that he calmly picked himself up from the ground, those wounds seemed to be superficial.

Regardless, Cloe couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands after seeing his miserable state. Especially that she saw his head bleeding.

"Tsk! She really is not pulling her punches," muttered Shin with a bitter tone before flicking his wrist and covering his entire body with a gentle flame that healed all of his wounds.

'Four Symbol Scripture: Revitalizing Flames of the Celestial Phoenix'

Not long after Shin used that technique, all of the wounds that he got earlier suddenly disappeared as if they had never been there in the first place.

"Oh ho~! Being a Mentalist is really convenient. It is starting to get a little jealous," said Shiella as she walked out of the cloud of dust that was starting to dissipate.

Hearing that, Shin couldn't help but smile before asking. "Aren't you taking this a little too far Big Sis? I thought you were not going to hit my face? You almost broke my jaw five times already!"

Shiella suddenly laughed at Shin when she heard those words before replying. "Sorry about that. I got a little carried away because you are really putting up a good fight. And aren't you still fine after receiving all of those attacks? You are even able to heal all of your wounds conveniently!"

On the other hand, the corner of Shin's mouth suddenly twitched when he heard those words. "It is not like I can constantly heal myself with this technique. I still need to have some rest to fully recover my vitality."

Shiella was quite calm on the outside but was actually surprised deep inside. 'This punk really improved quite a lot after undergoing such special training with Professor Plum and Grandmaster Benn.'

'To think that he managed to last this long after all of that beating with his Mentalism alone? It is starting to make me curious how good his Martial-Arts have become,' she added inside her head before saying in a calm manner. "Then use your Demonic Qi instead. I heard from Uncle Nathan that you are able to fully control your Demonic Qi now. I am really curious to see how are you going to use it in battle,"

Shin suddenly froze when he heard those words as he was not expecting that Shiella would suggest using such a dangerous Qi.

In the meantime, Jerimiah and Vincent couldn't help but stare blankly at the two when they heard the words 'Demonic Qi'. Possessing that kind of Qi was not illegal or forbidden as long as the wielder itself didn't get it from doing any sort of immoral acts such as slaughtering innocent people or doing some ancient forbidden rituals.

Demonic Qi was a form of Internal Qi or specialized energy that was formed due to deep negative emotions.

People who had this kind of Qi might encounter some accidents during their training which led to their Internal Qi becoming contaminated with their negative emotions. And if they were fortunate enough to survive a demonification, then they would be able to use its powers to their advantage.

Aside from having a Demonic Qi through natural means, a Martial-Artist needed to also be in the right mind when possessing this kind of power. Because if not, then they would be branded as a 'Demon' who didn't have anything in mind aside from killing anyone on their sight.

Being a part of a mysterious Assassin Family, both Jerimiah and Vincent were quite familiar with such powers. In fact, they even encountered some of their family members who possessed such a dangerous Qi.

Setting aside that Shin possessed that kind of power, the two couldn't help but become surprised after hearing that he could even control it at such a young age.

"What a monster!" muttered the two when they realized how insane the potential that this young man had.

Hearing what they just said, David suddenly smirked from the side before saying. "Heh! It is still too early to be surprised. You still haven't seen why that brat can no longer wield his Martial-Arts and Mentalism at the same time."

Both Jerimiah and Vincent turned their heads towards David all of a sudden when they heard those. Then they looked at him with mixed emotions as they were not sure if their hearts could still take it if they heard more surprises about Shin.

"Don't tell me that he is someone with a dual-core or something," said Jerimiah with a skeptical tone as he would not believe that Shin was one of those rare monsters who only appeared once in a century.

But when David turned his head towards his direction while wearing a mysterious smile. And when Jerimiah saw that look on the latter's face, his eyes suddenly turned wide as he couldn't believe that he was right. "For real?!"


Going back in the battle, Shin was still deciding whether he was going to comply with what Shiella had said or not. After all, none of his current Mentalism Techniques were effective against her.

Even his 'Zone' was practically not working against Shiella since all of his defensive techniques were useless against her own version of Eternal Flame Natural Force.

His offensive attacks were also not doing anything while his illusion techniques were practically ineffective since she was able to see through all of it with help of her insane deduction skills.  Ironically, his healing techniques were the most effective ones so far since he kept on healing his wounds all the time.

"I guess I really have no other choice," muttered Shin to himself before returning all of his Mental Energy.

Then he closed his eyes before activating the Mind Harmonizing Technique from the 'Jade Kirin Scripture'. Out of his Mentalism Techniques, all of the methods written on this particular scripture were the only ones that were working alongside his Martial-Arts.

They were not actually doing anything aside from harmonizing most of his skills and making them easier for him to execute. And this was also the reason why he was able to create his 'Zone' personalized technique.

And since Shiella was patiently waiting for Shin, he took advantage of that situation to do a couple of tai chi stances to relieve some of the accumulated tensions on his muscles.


When he took the final stance, the air surrounding Shin suddenly changed as an illusionary symbol of Yin and Yang seemed to appear behind him.

Then a pair of Internal Qi suddenly appeared on each of his hands. His right hand was blazing with a black flame with a very cold and eerie aura while his other hand was covered by a white flame that was full of warmth.

The Demonic Qi and Sacred Qi were supposedly clashing with each other given their opposing nature. But with the Mind Harmonizing Technique keeping these two powers in check, they seemed to create a strange balance within their respective systems while also trying to synergize with each other.

Seeing all of that happened, Jerimiah and Vincent couldn't help but exchange glances and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

– "So, the reason why he can't simultaneously wield both of his disciplines is because of them being too advance to synergize properly with each other," – they thought while turning their heads back to Shin.

In the meantime, Shiella who was watching everything in front of her, was unable to help her lips from curving upwards as she seemed to be fully satisfied with Shin's current display.

"You are quite curious why I am using an 'Ice Mage' inside the game when I am more familiar with fire, aren't you?" said Shiella while opening each of her hands and facing them towards the sky.

"So, in exchange for the entertainment that you are giving me, I will show you the reason why I choose that class instead of a 'Fire Mage'," she added as some icicles started to form on top of her hands.


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