Child of Destiny

Chapter 662 Leaving Everyone Stunned

Chapter 662 Leaving Everyone Stunned


"Hey! Did you hear? Dragon God Siegfried said that they are going to introduce the members of their team tonight!"

"About that post? I also read it from his Fan Site! And I also heard that War God Simba also has the same post on his Fan Site."

"Hey! I've heard that Gentle Goddess Arielle is planning to promote her Adventurer Team tonight. She even posts on her Fan Site to visit her team's Fan Page."

"Yeah! I actually visited their site already but it is still not up. They are probably waiting for more players to visit it."

The players that were keeping tabs on the news about the Adventurer Team that Shin and the others were making, immediately noticed the post that three Godlike Players had on their respective Fan Pages.

It was even more true for the game journalists that were keeping an eye on this particular topic. They even wrote some articles regarding these three gods to refresh the ideas of the players about them.

Then also added some topics about the other members of the team. And this information about the members was quite shocking for the players who were quite unfamiliar to them.

These articles were able to keep the players entertained while they were waiting for the so-called announcement about the list of members of Empyrean Talons.

And while all of these players were impatiently waiting for it, the group itself was also waiting for their official Fan Page to become available to the public.

They spent a considerable amount of time finishing the music video as fast as they could. Right after they wrapped everything during their meeting, Arthur quickly gathered everyone and informed them about the plan they had discussed.

Naturally, the others were quite surprised due to their decision. But since it was pretty normal for Adventurer Teams to have an official website, none of them raised any complaint about it. And since everything had already been decided, the other members had no other choice but to comply with the arrangements that had been made.

A few of them were quite reluctant at first, especially Alucard and Akailu who were more interested in having a sparring match with each other than shooting a music video.

But not long after they heard that Miss Bunny was directing the music video, they immediately changed their minds and joined the shooting and supported her with full enthusiasm. In fact, they even made their parts on the music video to a battle theme between the two of them.

Given all of that, Shin and the others only knew the vague outline of the entire music video, they were also quite curious what would be the final product of their efforts coupled with the famous 'Bunny Magic'.

After a few more moments of waiting, the website finally became online which made all of the players reach the peak of their excitement. And what greeted them first was a certain video that just started playing.

Naturally, the attention of all of the players who were visiting the website would be attracted to it since it was the only thing that was currently displayed on the Fan Page the moment it went online.

Just like the common music videos, the start of the video was a black screen with some texts which introduced everyone in the video. And since the players were already aware who were the members of the adventurer team, they were no longer surprised with those names that popped out on their respective screens.

But what shocked the players the most was the certain logo that appeared at the very end of the introduction. It was a logo of a cute little bunny that was holding a camera that was almost the same size as its body.

For players like them who were always keeping an eye on the online forums, this particular logo was pretty much a common sight for them to see. After all, Miss Bunny was practically a celebrity in the gaming industry.

Given that, the players watching the premiere of the Empyrean Talon's music video immediately became more excited than ever.

Then the video transitioned to the scene when the Monster Trio first appeared together, the battle outside the walls of the Holy City.

It started with the arrival of the Dragon God Siegfried who was riding his golden dragon. And it was immediately followed by his descent on the battlefield, signifying his grand entrances.

After that, the Emperor of the Night Sickarius and War God Simba suddenly joined him before the three of them initiated a battle against the allied forces of different guilds in front of them.

The view started to move higher, showing the state of the battlefield in bird's-eye view before moving in a fast-forward motion while also transitioning into different battlefields where most of the members of the team appeared.

The scene changed to the war that took place in the Blind Abyss Empire which was immediately followed by the special event that happened in the Sky Island before transitioning to the most recent battle of the group, the battle in the Beast Glade Empires.

The scenes changed a little too fast, making the players unable to have a clear look at the battles until the screen went dark once again.

Then a solemn music suddenly kicked in which made everyone forget what just happened. The music seemed to hit something within everyone's hearts as all of them were suddenly captivated by it as the person playing the piano hit each of its keys.

After that, everyone suddenly heard some heavy footsteps alongside some metal clanging sounds. Then the screen slowly brightened as a pair of knight's boots appeared on everyone's screen.

While the scene was getting clear, the camera slowly zoomed out and showed a fully armored knight with an ocean blue cloak.

It was Owen who was climbing up the stairs of a certain temple. A few moments later, the scene showed how standing in front of the altar where a huge statue of a legendary hero stood while holding an inverted sword.

Owen stared at the statue for a couple of moments before pulling his sword and kneeled with one knee in front of the statue. Then he held his sword invertedly in front of him while bowing his head.

After that, the camera angle slowly revolved around Owen while gaining more speed over time. Everything around him became blurred before the camera stopped right in front of him. And when the view suddenly zoomed out, a ruined temple was revealed behind him.

The viewers didn't know if it was the same temple earlier, but since it had similar structures, they were thinking that they were actually the same regardless. They also didn't have the time to think about it since a solemn and lonely voice started singing all of a sudden.

And before they could even digest what happened, the scene immediately changed to another scenario.

The camera was focused on a particular tomb before slowly zooming out and showing a huge cemetery. The surrounding was quite dark but based on the bright horizon, it was quite clear that the time was close to dawn.

Matching the solemn song that was currently playing, the viewers saw a large number of undeads slowly crawled out from the ground. And while the sun was rising, a silhouette of a hooded person was suddenly outlined in the view of everyone as he proceeded moving forward.

Chaotic was currently walking at a pace that was neither fast nor slow. For every step he took, the sunshine of the rising sun behind him followed. And while the sun was illuminating the cemetery, the undeads that were crawling from the ground seemed to become stronger instead of getting harmed by the sunlight.

Not long after, Owen appeared on the other side of the horizon as he walked towards the army of undeads away from him. And when Owen and Chaotic Luck met, the music started to pick up the pace as drumbeats kicked in all of a sudden.

Alongside the music, Owen also started moving and sprinted towards Chaotic Luck. And when the latter saw that, he immediately ordered his so-called 'Legion of the Chaotic Sun' to charge towards the incoming knight.

Then an intense battle suddenly broke out between the two where Owen kept on moving forward as he cut down a solar undead one after another.

When the music reached the end of the chorus, Owen suddenly jumped high up in the air before using the final skill that he used during his battle against Shin.

On the other hand, Chaotic Luck gathered all of his summoned undeads around him while conjuring a huge sphere of light that seemed to be a miniature sun.


While the opposing forces were closing with each other, the final beat of the chorus finally landed as the screen of everyone suddenly turned bright.

It was just the first scenario of the whole music video but the viewers were already getting goosebumps with what they had seen. But regardless of what they were currently feeling, the video still continued with its next scenario.

The bright screen of everyone slowly dimmed as it showed a clear sky from the ground. Then it suddenly zoomed towards the sky and pierced through the clouds, hinting to everyone who was the next player that was going to get introduced.

Then Archimedes was revealed to the viewers just like what everyone was thinking. He was flying across the sky before slowly lowering his altitude right below the clouds.

After that, the camera angle shifted to his point of view, showing a huge horde of monsters. Archimedes lingered in the air for a few moments before taking out his bow and loading a couple of arrows on it.

He then started firing at the monsters on the ground, taking down one of them after another. The pace of his attack was quite insane as the number of the arrows flying in the air seemed to become a group of raining meteors falling from the sky.

Seeing that its spawns were getting slaughtered one by one, the leader of the horde immediately became enraged at it glared at the Wingman who snipping them down from the sky.

But that was not the end as a flash of lightning suddenly descended from the sky and landed in the middle of the horde. And within that lighting, Daulla slowly walked out in a calm manner despite being surrounded by the monsters from all sides.

She coolly swept her gaze at her surroundings before waving her hand and summoning a group of lightning spears around her and quickly sending all of them outwards with a flick of her hand.

Naturally, the monster would immediately pounce at her after they spotted her figure within their ranks. Unfortunately for them, their heads had already been pierced by the lightning spears Daulla had sent before they could even reach her.

The battle was slightly underwhelming compared to the previous battle between Owen and Chaotic Luck. But strange enough, the viewers couldn't help but become immersed in the scene due to the song that was currently playing in the background. And as the beat started to pick up the pace, every viewer unconsciously moved their butts at the edge of their seats while waiting for the chorus to kick in once again.

As if she was coordinating with the music, Daulla seemed to move her body according to each beat of the song while she was casting her spells. It was as if she was performing a dance performance while killing the surrounding monsters one by one.


When the chorus finally arrived, an intense battle suddenly broke out as the Monster Boss, who was also the leader of the horde joined the prey. And after a few moments, Archimedes and Daulla successfully took down the monster boss at the exact moment when the last beat of the chorus fell.

But before the viewers could even catch their breaths, the music video still continued and immediately showed the next scene.

This time, the scenario was within a city, nighttime and with rainy weather.

Sitting on his feet on top of a particular statue, Alucard was currently surveying the city with his gaze as if he was looking for someone. And not long after, the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a silhouette that seemed to be running towards the exit of the city.

Seeing that, Alucard suddenly smirked and showed his sharp canine teeth, indicating that he belonged to the vampire race. Then he started chasing after that running figure as he also jumped on the roof of the surrounding buildings.

A few moments later, he finally got a clear view of his target and quickly pulled the sniper rifle hanging on his back and immediately aimed at the back of that running figure. But before he could even pull the trigger, a pair of monster beasts suddenly pounced at him out of nowhere and forced him to abandon the idea of firing his shot.

Then the music suddenly became intense as Alucard engaged in a battle against the two monster beasts. But that was only the start since Akailu suddenly turned back at him and quickly joined the prey.

The two exchanged a couple of blows before Akailu fused with his summoned monsters to enhance his strength while Alucard activated the bloodline powers of his race.josei

The beat of the music matched the intensity of their battle as it was getting faster and faster as the two fought. And just like what happened in the scenario of the music video, the scene suddenly ended before the two could even clash with each other.

After that, the scenery immediately transitioned to the next scene where Ithilien was jumping between the trees of an elven forest. And after a few more moments, she finally arrived at the edge of the forest where the trees were starting to wither down as if they were contaminated by some evil mana.

Ithilien surveyed the area with a deep frown on her face as she saw that the dark miasma was slowly spreading to the forest.

Then Charlotte suddenly appeared beside Ithilien through a teleportation skill and quickly swept her eyes gaze in the surroundings. And after a few moments, her gaze landed on a particular tree that seemed to be releasing the dark miasma.

A few moments later, that tree suddenly showed some signs of movement which made the two elves immediately assume their battle stances. And not long after that, the moving tree showed its real form which turned out to be a high-leveled Corrupted Treant.

Just like the others, the two immediately engaged in a battle against that monster as the song matched their battle with its beat.

They were still in the middle of battle when the scenario suddenly transitioned to a scene where Arthur and Leonard were currently battling each other.

The viewers immediately went crazy when they saw the two gods clashing with each other. Everyone was already at the peak of their excitement due to the previous scenes that they had seen. And now that the music video was already reaching its climax, all of that pent-up excitement finally exploded.

The sense shifted between the two scenarios as the beat of the song matched it. And as the music reached its end, Cloe also appeared as she cast a large-scale healing spell on a whole army alongside an army-scale buff that shocked everyone.

And with the final beat of the song, the words 'to be continued' appeared in front of everyone's screen, written in white texts as the background slowly became dark.

Seeing that, the viewers couldn't help but become disappointed as all of them seemed to want more. And because of that, they even overlooked the fact that there was still a member of the team that didn't appear in the entire music video.

And while their minds were currently digesting everything, the sounds of footsteps suddenly attracted everyone's attention as they quickly turned their eyes back to their respective screens.

– "Maybe there's more" – was what all of the viewers were thinking as they gulped a mouthful of saliva while fixating their gazes at the black screen in front of them.

Not long after, they saw Sickarius walking forward as the camera slowly focused on his face. He stared at the camera lens for a couple of moments, making it looked like he was staring at every viewer's eyes.

After that, his mouth suddenly curved into a smirking smile before he put on a mask that everyone recognized. Then Shin turned around and started to walk away, leaving everyone stunned.


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