Child of Destiny

Chapter 675 Deathmatch (Part 5)

Chapter 675 Deathmatch (Part 5): Judgement Form And Summit Shaper


"I guess it is this big guy's turn to shine," muttered Shin as he raised the sword sheath on his left hand before transforming it into a greatsword.

'Legacy Skill: Mondi's Style – Judgment Form'

It was pretty natural for everyone to be shocked after seeing such a huge sword being wielded by a swordsman who was known for his speed.

Moreover, Shin was also welding another sword and a katana on top of that. Wielding such a strange combination of swords was really odd in the eyes of everyone.

Given that, all of the viewers couldn't help but look at Shin as if he was some sort of crazy person. After all, how he was going to wield such a heavy weapon alongside his other sword.

Naturally, Shin had his own means to deal with such an issue. A greatsword might really be a heavy weapon and swinging it with one hand was going to be hard, but it was a different story if he used his 'Telekinesis Elemental Skill' to assist his left hand at lifting it.

Shin swung the greatsword a couple of times, trying to see if he would have some problem with it. And when he was done, he nodded his head before resting the great sword on his shoulder before summoning his 'Guardian Elemental Spirit'. "Astaroth!"

Then the huge and bulky guy with steel-like skin suddenly appeared behind Shin before transforming into a speck of light that fused with the greatsword that Shin was holding. And just like his other Reaper's Retainers, Astaroth also changed the appearance of his sword the moment he fused with it.

'Elemental Spirit Possession: (Guardian Reaper) Summit Shaper'

In the meantime, Justin was also looking at Shin with a strange look on his face as he was not expecting this kind of development. And at the same time, he was also feeling a little skeptical at Shin who was currently wielding such a heavy weapon.

"Heh! Is he an idiot?" said Justin sneeringly while looking at Shin with a mocking look on his face.

But that look only lasted for a moment because he immediately saw the tip of Shin's greatsword magnifying right in front of his eyes.



Justin was taken aback by that sudden attack from Shin which was why he barely dodged it by leaning his head to the side at the very last moment. And even if the sword just grazed his shoulder, it dealt him quite a considerable amount of damage.

On the other hand, Shin quickly lunged forward right after he threw the greatsword towards his opponent. And with him following closely behind it, he was able to reach Justin at the moment where his guard was slightly down.

Justin's current posture was a little awkward due to the previous attack. And because of that, he was not in a good position to properly dodge nor block the sword that was falling towards his head with his weapon.

Fortunately, his current Elemental Possession was meant to be used for defensive purposes. And due to it, he was able to easily activate one of his defensive skills to protect himself. It might be a waste to use one of his life-saving skills in this kind of situation, but he didn't have any other choice if he didn't want to lose this battle.


A transparent spherical barrier around Justin, warding off the descending sword. And based on the strange runes swimming on its surface, Shin could tell that it was not an ordinary defensive skill.

But Shin was already expecting that and quickly jumped back to gain a little space for his next attack.

Unfortunately, Justin would not let Shin continue his assault without putting up a fight. So, the moment he saw Shin jumping away from him, he quickly tightened his grip over his weapons before swinging them horizontally in a very powerful manner.

But in the middle of his swing, Justin heard a smirking sound coming from Shin, which also sent a shiver down to his spine. And immediately after the thought of danger entered his mind, the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of Shin's hand gently waving downwards.

Seeing that, Justin quickly forced his arms to change the trajectory of his swing and redirect it upwards. And right after he did that, the blade of his glaive immediately collided with the falling sword from above.



Right after their weapons came in contact with each other, Justin couldn't help but groan painfully due to the heavy force that he just received. It was as if a mountain-like boulder was pressing down at him.

His feet even sank on the ground quite deeply due to how heavy the force was crushing at him. Fortunately, his class focused majorly on his strength stat, which was why he was able to withstand such a powerful attack.

But the main problem that he had was Shin who immediately lunged at him while thrusting the [Yamato] forward.


'Extra Skill: (Modified) Sword Rush – Thrusting Dash'


The barrier that was protecting his body managed to block that strike but not without a price. He was pushed pretty hard by the force behind Shin's charge while the barrier itself was shattered right after the collision.

And before Justin could even stabilize his footing, Shin was already moving forward while also swinging his sword at the same time.


'Extra Skill: (Modified) Sword Rush – Slicing Dash'



Seeing that, Justin quickly held his glaive in front of him vertically, blocking the incoming sword. He was pushed back by Shin's charge due to the strong force behind it.


With a powerful stomp on the ground behind him, Justin was able to stop himself from further sliding backward. And when he was able to do that, he was planning to immediately retaliate with one of his skills.

But before he could even put his plan into action, he suddenly saw Shin extending his left hand in the air, seemingly trying to catch something.

Seeing that, Justin immediately remembered the greatsword that he sent flying in the air earlier right before he blocked Shin's first charge.

On the other hand, Shin quickly swung the greatsword at Justin right after he caught it. And during his swing, the blade of the sword was suddenly set ablaze with a white flame, enhancing its power behind his attack.

'Slayer Skill: (Modified) Solar Cut'

When Justin saw that, he quickly adjusted the position of his glaive, waiting for the incoming strike. And when the greatsword slightly came in contact with his weapon, he suddenly flipped the glaive and redirected the trajectory of the greatsword towards the ground beside him.

Justin was pretty confident that he would be able to do his counterattack this time. Especially that he knew that Shin was not familiar with how to use a greatsword. But something unexpected happened once again, catching everyone off-guard.

Right after Justin redirected the course of Shin's attack, the latter suddenly flicked his wrist before letting go of the greatsword at the same time.

Shin tossed such a large sword behind him, making it flip in the air a couple of times before quickly catching it in the air with his left hand. And right after catching it, he immediately borrowed the momentum that it had and continued the course that it was taking to throw another diagonal strike at his opponent.

'Extra Skill: (Modified) Destructive Slash'

-923,723 (Stunned)

Due to how unexpected that move was, Shin managed to land another clean strike at Justin, stunning the latter once again.josei

In that instant, Justin didn't even hesitate to use one of his Elemental Skills to cleanse the stun status effect that he got before quickly distancing himself away from Shin.

Naturally, Shin was going to give chase as he didn't want to let this opportunity slip away from his hands. And by riding the momentum that he just gained, he managed to force his opponent to be on the back foot.

Moreover, the current style that he was doing caught Justin completely off-guard. In fact, it was not only his opponent, he also surprised all of the viewers who were currently watching the match live.

What's more, the way he was wielding a greatsword was really odd in the eyes of everyone. Not only was he using it alongside a katana on his right hand, but he was also tossing it around as if it were some sort of light daggers.

With such a very strange style of sword-wielding, it was pretty natural for Justin to become a little confused on how he was going counter Shin's current style in battle.

On top of that, the strange movements of the greatsword in the air were really distracting him during the battle. And adding the fact that Shin was also able to control it at will with the help of Telekinesis Skill, Justin couldn't help but become a little wary of some sneak attacks that Shin might pull off.

Shin got this style during his awakening quest before. Mondi's Clone really gave him a lot of trouble during that time. And since he thought that such a style was quite convenient, he didn't mind using it in battle and shared his painful experience with his opponents.

Additionally, he also got some ideas from Mammon's battle style when he was fighting the so-called Sloth Devil before. So, he adopted that style and incorporated it with the style that he learned from Mondi before applying it in battle.

And as a result, he created a whole new style of swordsmanship for wielding a greatsword.


And due to this particular style, Shin suddenly got enlightened on how he would be able to showcase the real strength of the 'Mondi's Style' Legacy Skill!


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