Child of Destiny

Chapter 697 Shiella's Talents

Chapter 697 Shiella's Talents


Real World, Soaring Continent, Eastern Sea Region

Ace City.

Shiella was currently handling all of their family businesses around this area despite her being so young.

Since she was young, she showed some interest in the area of entrepreneurship which made the maternal side of her family excited. And due to that, she was trained to be an elite of this field, preparing her to be the heir of their legacy.

On top of that, she also inherited the peak-class talent That her mother had. And with her unique way of using this particular ability, she was able to excel in studying.

'Prudent Ace', this martial talent was supposedly one of the most brilliant talents in the world of martial arts.

It might not be as scary as the combat-related talents like 'Battle Genius', 'Martial-Art Prodigy', and 'Gifted Adept'. But at the very least, it was a talent that also focused on counterattacking.josei

Prudent Ace also didn't enhance the combat capabilities of its wielder. But they were slowly becoming harder and harder to deal with as time went by. It was not because they were getting stronger, but it was due to them being familiar with their opponent.

A martial artist with a 'Prudent Ace' talent was able to think much faster than most people. They were also able to remember a lot of things just by seeing them once.

Battle Geniuses were practically fighting based on their instincts which made them a monster in prolonged battle

Meanwhile Martial-Art Prodigies and Gifted Adept were experts when it came to counterattacks, one was able to spot the flaws in their opponent's movements while the other was able to counter those skills just by seeing them once.

On the other hand, Prudent Ace was more like a combination of those two categories. They were like strategists that were studying their opponents first before striking back at the most optimal time.

Similar to Battle Geniuses, Prudent Aces were most troublesome when it came to a prolonged battle. And the longer the battle took, the scarier they became.

Aside from that, Martial-Artists with this kind of talent were also calm most of the time since they were also experts at making plans ahead. It was for them to counter any kind of unexpected scenarios that they might encounter in the future.

This was how most of the Prudent Aces used their talents to their advantage. And it was pretty much effective in any kind of combat.

But Shiella was quite an exemption in this.

It was because she was not only using her ability to think fast in battle, but she was also using it for other purposes.

Just like in her studies.

With her thinking ability, she rarely encountered any problem in her studies. And with her good memory, she was naturally able to become ahead of her peers just by studying the advanced topics ahead of time.

Due to that, Shiella didn't have to study which gave her a lot of freedom to train. It even reached the point where studying became her pastime. And when her mother realized that, she immediately suggested letting Shiella handle a couple of their business as a form of training her.

It only started with a little store and it slowly grew into a market. Then they added more tasks to her plate which made her familiar with how the business world worked.

Naturally, there were still some people who were guiding her in handling those jobs. But given how talented she was in this field and adding the fact that she took advantage of her 'Prudent Ace' talent, she immediately became an elite entrepreneur at a very young age.

In the martial-art world, Shiella was known as one of the Junior Monsters of the Soaring Kingdom, the proud Junior Dragoness who came from the renowned Springfield Family.

But in the business world, in the world where businessmen and entrepreneurs clashed, she was known as the youngest elite of that field. They were even calling her little foxy since her mother was known in the field as a sly fox that was hard to deal with.


Shiella just finished reading all of the reports that were sent to her and were about to take a quick nap to recover some of her energy.

But before she could even close her eyes, Anna suddenly entered her office and quickly said. "Young Miss, a report from your assistant in the game just arrived."

Hearing that, the expression on Shiella's face immediately turned dark before snarling at her assistant bodyguard. "Auntie, am I not allowed to at least have a little rest? And why are you not knocking before entering??"

Anna just gave Shiella a meek smile when she heard that before ignoring the sharp glare that she was getting. "I don't intend to interrupt your rest, young miss. But this report is pretty urgent."

Shiella just rolled her eyes at Anna when she heard those words before refuting. "You didn't interrupt my rest since I still haven't gotten any in the first place."

Shen then rested her back on her chair and released a helpless sigh before asking. "So, what is it? It better be good news or else I am going to decrease your salary for this month for disobeying my instructions lately."

Anna shook her head repeatedly when she heard those words before quickly saying a mysterious smirk. "Then I must apologize once again since I can't regard this as good news since it is practically an adaptation work."

The corner of Shiella's mouth twitched for a moment before saying powerlessly. "Come one, spit it out already, so that I can finally rest after dealing with it."

Hearing that, Anna walked towards and put down a tablet on the table before projecting a virtual screen from it. Then she tapped the screen in front of her a couple of times, showing multiple contracts at once.

"It looks like the game is finally releasing the Virtual Shops. And these contracts are from our business partners," she said while organizing the contracts on the virtual screen.

She took a pause until she was done organizing them before turning to Shiella once again. "It looks like they are planning to build a shop in the cities and towns that we partially controlled."

Virtual Shop, just like the name it implied, was a shop within the virtual world. But unlike the usual shops that the game had, these kinds of shops were virtual representations of the shops in the real world. And anything that could be brought from these shops was going to be delivered to the outside world.

In a sense, it was like a special portal in the real world where the people could buy. It was practically online shopping.

Before, people who were too lazy to go outside but wanted to buy something used the internet to buy literally anything. Whether it was clothes, appliances, and foods could be brought from different portals. Even furniture could be brought from them.

But there was a fatal flaw in this method.

The people could see the physical conditions of the things that they were buying online. Sometimes, the clothes that they brought didn't suit them. There were also times where the appliances and furniture were either too big or too small than what they had expected, which only made them waste their money.

,m Due to that problem, buying online took a sudden fall from how they used to be.

But two years ago, virtual games created a revolution that shook the business industry. They introduced the virtual shops where the players could actually see what they were going to buy and even try it themselves.

As long as they had the money to afford them, the players could easily buy anything that they wanted. And on top of that, they also could use the currency within the game to buy those things.

Naturally, not every company could join this kind of transition. There were a lot of prerequisites before their business got accepted within the game.

But despite that being the case, there were still a lot of companies that were trying their luck at applying. And since the gaming company couldn't handle all of them, they chose some of the biggest companies from different countries before partnering with them while also asking them to handle the basic procedures at handling these smaller companies.

With Shiella being a part of the game for quite some time, she was one of the pioneers who initiated this revolution. And due to that, the company of her family was able to secure one of the spots that were offered by different gaming companies during the first launch of the virtual shops.

And because of these reasons why the Hand of Midas Guild became the biggest trading firm within the virtual world.

"It is time for that already?" said Shiella with a cheerful look on her face before sitting up straight while looking at Anna with a huge grin. "Then I guess it is also time for us to prepare ourselves for a large sum of money."


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