Child of Destiny

Chapter 703 Gathering In The Maple Cloud City

Chapter 703 Gathering In The Maple Cloud City


,m Arthur immediately contacted Shiella right after Shin agreed with his suggestion. And when he was done talking to her, he immediately turned to the others and said. "We are going to wait here until our reinforcements come."

"But make sure to keep an eye on the vicinity to make sure that no accidents can happen," he added before asking Leonard, Black Hand, and S.Tigris to come with him. He was planning to discuss the course of action that they were going to do.

"First, we want to add something in the contract," said Arthur after they moved a little further from the others.

Hearing that, both Black Hand and S.Tigris  couldn't help but knit their eyebrows, showing some dissatisfaction. They literally were not benefiting from the current contract yet Arthur wanted to add something more? Of course, they were not going to feel good about that.

Naturally, Arthur knew what they were currently thinking, so he immediately added. "I know what you are thinking but you don't have to worry. It is not like that. We just want you to sign a confidentiality contract."

"The identity of our reinforcement is quite sensitive you know? So, we want to keep this operation as secretive as possible," he quickly added when he saw that the expression on Black Hammer and S.Tigris was starting to turn solemn.

Seeing that, Leonard also chimed in. "We will be honest with you. We know that you are still a part of the Wing's Alliance. So, despite the current conflict that your guild has, we still can't rule out the possibility that you might expose the location of this place and the identity of our reinforcement when you got everything that you need from us."

Black Hand and S.Tigris nodded their heads in agreement when they heard those words. And after a couple of moments, the latter immediately said. "Alright, we understand. But we also want to add some conditions of our own."

"As long as it is also reasonable, then it is not going to be a problem," said Arthur with a nonchalant tone.

"We are not going to ask to be a part of your quest or join the distribution of the loot along the way. Instead, protect us from the assassins that the Grand Elder sends to come after us," said Black Hand while signaling S.Tigris to keep quiet.

"You know that we can't protect you forever, don't you? We are also quite busy, so at least let us know how long we are going to protect you," replied Arthur in an instant.

"At least until Vice Guild Master Amanda is back," replied Black Hand.

Arthur and Leonard exchanged glances with each other for a moment, communicating with just eye contact.

'I am pretty sure that those assassins are going to be skilled,' said Arthur.

Understanding what he was currently thinking, Leonard quickly nodded his head before replying. 'That means we can use them to further train our new recruits.'

After that, Arthur started grinning from ear to ear. 'Not a bad deal. We don't have anything to lose in this one.'

He then turned his head back to Black Hand and extended his hand. "Alright, it is decided by them."

Black Hand didn't know what it was but he could sense that these two gods were definitely plotting something. But regardless, he still nodded his head to S.Tigris.

After revising the contract, Black Hand immediately voiced his concern out. "Did you guys find a way to deal with the guards without accumulating much Sin Points?"

Hearing that, Arthur suddenly smirked and replied. "You don't have to worry about that either. That is the job for our reinforcement, not ours anymore."

He then took a brief Pause and sent a file to Black Hand and S.Tigris. It was the possible routes that they were going to take once they started raiding the Dungeon.

'They already drew a plan without consulting us?' thought Black Hand when he saw the specific routes on the file. There were also other routes that they could take if something went wrong.

Seeing the expression that they were making, Arthur suddenly smirked and patted the priest's shoulders while saying. "Honestly, we are not the ones who drew that plan. If you have some problems with it, then you can ask for our reinforcement later when they arrive."

After that, Arthur walked past Black Hand alongside Leonard. And when they create enough distance, the former suddenly said. "We should prepare a couple of things before the force of the Hand of Midas arrives."

"Will they be alright with this? Given the size of the Dungeon, the amount of manpower that they are going to spend will definitely not be small," asked Leonard while knitting his eyebrows a little.

"The Hand of Midas Trading Firm is much bigger than the other trading firms, so they should be fine," replied Arthur in a nonchalant manner.

"They may not have a lot of 'Pardon Cards' to cleanse all of the Sin Points that her people will accumulate players. But at the very least, they could just transfer some of their members from other branches in here while they are dealing with this Dungeon."

"After that, she can just transfer those players back to their previous assignments when they are done with this place or when their accumulated Sin Points hit its limit," he added while shrugging his shoulders.


In the meantime, Shiella was currently hurrying over to their home as fast she could. She was also wearing a deep frown as she browsed on the virtual screen in front of her.

She was currently dealing with the papers that were sent to her earlier, but she needed to drop all of them after receiving the message from Arthur.

The papers that she had earlier were about the virtual shops that they were going to build once the next update happened. They were supposedly her main priority right now since it would improve their current profit within the game by a large margin.


But the moment she received the news about a huge open dungeon within a city, she had no other choice but to set aside her current plans and immediately check the location that Arthur had sent to her.

From the basic details that she got, the dungeon had at least three floors with a very high difficulty. That information alone was more than enough for her to imagine how much money they were going to get just by farming the mobs residing there.

Moreover, the Sin Points that the players were going to receive from killing those mobs was something that could work to their advantage. They could also use it to monopolize all of the resources that they were going to get from that dungeon.

Aside from this, Shiella also received a separate message from Shin that was telling her about the plans that he prepared for Calderock Town. And given the timing of things, she could already guess what her little brother was trying to pull right now.

"So, this is why these little rascals are lying low right now after all of the huge events that they just did," muttered Shiella with a deep frown while reading the reports from her subordinates inside the game.

She took her eyes from the virtual screen for a moment and asked Anna. "Are we still not there yet, Auntie? I still have a lot of things to prepare after I log back into the game."

"Don't worry, young miss. We are almost in there," replied Anna before stepping on the gas to accelerate the speed of the car.

In the meantime, Shiella quickly opened a panel on her virtual screen before contacting her personal assistant inside the game, Delusive Smile. And when the latter answered the call, she immediately gave out her instructions. "Smile, summon all of the available experts that we have from the other kingdoms as soon as possible. We have something to take care of urgently."

"Eh!?" Delusive Smile was taken aback by the sudden order and couldn't help but ask. "All of them? That it will take some time to contact-…"

She was still in the middle of talking when she was immediately interrupted by Shiella. "Don't ask any questions for now. Just tell them that this is an emergency and I will give them a bonus if we are successful in this operation."

"And remember! From the other Kingdoms. Our people in the Saint Heaven Kingdom need to be on standby," she emphasized.

"Eh!?" Delusive Smile became even more confused when she heard those words but still took note of that regardless.

"Anything else, Young Miss?" she asked to make sure that she would not miss anything.

Shiella paused for a moment before saying. "You can also tell Black Hammer and Tinker to tag along. I have a special job for them."

After making sure that they didn't forget anything, Shiella ended the call before closing her eyes and leaning backward. She was planning to have a little rest before things could get hectic once again.


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