Child of Destiny

Chapter 806 The Frozen Kingdom (Part 3)

Chapter 806 The Frozen Kingdom (Part 3)


The entire group was totally speechless at what they were currently reading. They didn't even know whether they were going to laugh or cry after reading the details of the quest.

Especially when they saw there was nothing much to see on the quest details aside from the penalty that they were going to get if ever they failed to clear this quest.

"This is quite interesting! A blind quest? It has been a while since I've seen one," said Arthur after a few moments of silences.

As the name implied, a blind quest was a special type of quest where the system was not going to give any clues for their quests as the players needed to look for it themselves.

But in exchange for that, the quest could also give bountiful rewards. And just like what the reward section was saying, the rewards could become much better depending on how many achievements they managed to get during the quest.

Moreover, a blind quest could also give out a lot of sub-quests during the quest itself which meant that the rewards that they were going to get would surely be much bountiful compared to ordinary quests that a player could get.

After taking another look at the quest details, Shin turned to the other members of the group before saying. "Since we only have a single clue on our quest, we have no choice but to proceed to that city."

"And I don't have to remind everyone to be careful, do I? After all, we are all experienced players. What's more, the system keeps on emphasizing that the monsters here are all dangerous even for use," he added with a smile.

The others didn't reply with words and just nodded their heads silently.

After seeing that they didn't have any concerns, Shin gave his signal to move forward. And when the others saw it, they quickly jumped down the cliff while also using their own means to float in the air for a brief moment before landing gently on the ground.

They quickly moved forward right after landing while also maintaining their formation. Faker and Alucard also moved ahead of the group to scout the path that they were going to take. And this time, the two encountered a couple of monsters during their scouting.

"There is a huge pack of arctic wolves ahead of us and each of them is at least level 145," reported Faker right after regrouping with Shin and the others.

"That is a classic monster type on this kind of setting inside the game," commented Arthur after hearing the report.

Faker gave Arthur a meaningful smile before responding. "Well, that is only true if those wolves are either elite or chieftain rank. But unfortunately, each of them is a Lord Rank while the Alpha was a King Class Monster."

The corner of Arthur's mouth suddenly twitched when he heard those words as he could already imagine how strong the pack of wolves ahead of them."

"But that is not the only problem," said Alucard, chiming in the conversation.

Hearing his words, the others quickly turned their heads towards his directions while waiting for him to continue.

Having the gazes of such amazing players directed to him, Alucard couldn't help but feel a little pressured and quickly turned to Faker, seemingly trying to ask for help.

Unfortunately, Faker was also looking at his directions while wearing a meaningful smile. And from that smile alone, Alucard could easily tell what he was trying to say

– "Since you initiated it, you better tell them the information yourself." – were the words that Faker seemed to tell Alucard based on the expression that he currently had.

With a twitching mouth, Alucard turned at the others and suppressed the pressure that he was getting from their gazes before continuing. "The lord-rank wolves are similar to the standard monsters that we have on the common areas."

"But the Alpha Wolf seemed to be a special species. Its description is saying that it has the blood of Fenrir," he added after a brief moment of pause.

The others didn't care of the monsters had special species since encountering strange monsters was a pretty common occurrence for them.

But it was a different case if those monsters possessed the bloodlines of the legendary beings just like the wyverns that they saw flying in the sky earlier. And now, they were about to face a pack of wolves where its alpha had the bloodline of Fenrir.

"This place sure is becoming more and more strange," muttered Shin the moment when he heard the report.

He then remembered the less heart of Fenrir that he gave to Black Hammer to use for the upgrade of his equipment. And the upgraded version of the [Dusk and Dawn Equipment Set] was somewhat related to wolves.

'I wonder if the new features of my other equipment set will have some effects with those wolves,' muttered Shin to himself before looking at the others.

"I have a special skill that might have some effect against the wolf-type monsters. Let me take a look at those monsters first," he said to the group before waiting for their response.

But contrary to what was expected, the member of the groups seemed to be disagreeing with his suggestion as each of them was wearing a deep frown while looking back at him.

"Tsk! Don't try to sugarcoat your words. We all know that you just want to have all the fun for yourself," said Arthur while patting Shin's shoulders.

"Skills that can affect the monsters, you are not the only one who has those," said Leonard as he walked past Shin.

Zero and the others seemed to be agreeing with those two as they walked past Shin one after another while giving him a gentle pat on his shoulder.

Shin was not surprised at the reactions of the first two since he was always been doing special missions with them but it was a little different when it came to the others. It was a new feeling for him. After all, their special assignments were usually only the three of them and he was always been the one who lead the charge.

Cloe giggled at him when she saw the little confusion on his face before saying. "You should fix that habit of yours. As you can see, there are a lot of reliable guys in this game."

Hearing those words, Shin finally snapped out of his daze before turning to her and the others. And quickly after staring at the back of the group, he suddenly smiled bitterly and immediately followed after them.


But right after he took a step forward, a tightening feeling suddenly forced him to halt his steps, it was as if his heart was being squeezed by something.

He then wore a deep frown as he endured the pain in his chest. And quickly after that, he felt slight displeasure coming out of nowhere. He wanted to know what it was, but before he could even try to feel more of it, that feeling immediately disappeared as if it was never been there in the first place.

Fortunately, all of it lasted for a very brief moment which was why no one was able to notice it. And when he regained himself, he quickly followed after them, acting as if nothing happened.


Deep inside Shin's Sea of Consciousness, Uno seemed to clicked his tongue as if he was displeased about something. "Tsk! Tsk! Friendship and comradery, disgusting!"

"Didn't he already know that he has not to rely on this world aside from himself? This is why he is always been weak!" he added while wearing a very deep frown.

In the meantime, a few meters across Uno, a dark silhouette of a person with crimson eyes were currently looking at him coldly.

"Looks like you are enjoying yourself. Have you already forgotten your current situation?" said the dark silhouette with a hoarse tone.

Hearing those words, Uno turned his attention back to that shadowy figure before saying. "How about you give up instead and submit to me? You are nothing but a bunch of hatred after all."

The silhouette didn't reply to him with words. Instead, a powerful shockwave was sent straight in his direction.

Uno smirked he saw the actions of the shadow figure before dodging to the side. "See? You are acting how you are supposed to be, violent and full of rage."josei

"It is going to change once I devour you!" responded the silhouette before charging towards Uno and throwing a barrage of punches.

Despite his simple attack patterns, each of the punches that the silhouette was throwing was sharp enough to pose a threat to Uno. All of them were precise and accurate.

But even if that was the case, Uno was calmly blocking and deflecting each of them with ease. It was as if he could see the trajectory of those punches and cut off their course before they could even get a proper momentum.

He already forgot how long had it been since he started this never-ending battle. But because of that, he seemed to become used to the strong yet repeated patterns of his opponent.

"Tsk! This idiot is always making me do all of the work!" he said with a very displeased tone before taking a deep breath and having a serious look on his face.

"I guess it is finally time to end this," he muttered with a soft voice as the eerie aura suddenly surrounded his body.


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