Child of Destiny

Chapter 827 A Dedicated Path (Part 1)

Chapter 827 A Dedicated Path (Part 1)


A few moments in the outside world after Shin lost consciousness.

Shin was brought inside his room by Arthur alongside Eugene and Nathan. The others were left behind in the backyard to also have a sparring match.

Jerimiah and Vincent wanted to give it a go since they got some inspiration after watching the match between Shin and Dylan.

David was also left there since he needed to maintain the barrier to prevent their attacks from destroying the entire vicinity.

Dylan was also left behind since he needed to properly digest the insights that he had just gotten during the duel. And to guard him against any outside interference, Leonard also stayed to look after him.

Inside the room, Nathan and Eugene were currently standing beside Shin's bed while watching the young man lying there.

They wanted to take a closer look at Shin's condition earlier but before they could even reach him at that time, a sudden burst of Mental Energy was released from the young man's body and preventing them from doing anything.

That Mental Energy also created a layer of barrier around Shin, as if it protected him from anything that could harm him while he was unconscious.

The only thing that Nathan and Eugene could do was to watch Shin and observe the state of his body.

"The kid's Demonic Qi grew all of a sudden and destroyed the balance within his dantian," said Eugene as he looked at Shin.

Nathan nodded his head and spoke. "Fortunately, its sudden growth is not to a degree where it can completely overwhelm his Sacred Qi."

He paused for a moment and turned his attention to the Mental Energy that was protecting Shin before continuing. "As for this familiar energy, it reacts to that sudden change and seemingly plans to suppress that Demonic Qi if it suddenly goes out of control."

"As expected of Evangeline," commented Eugene, indicating that he was also fully aware of Shin's origin.

They long sent Arthur away earlier in disguise of accompanying one of Nathan's subordinates to fetch a capable Mentalist from the Magical Ace Academy, so they didn't have to worry about anything listening to them.

And to make sure that no one would eavesdrop on their conversation, the two experts even created a barrier inside the room to isolate themselves from the outside.

"I can never comprehend what is running inside the heads of that couple," complained Nathan with a frown before adding. "If they are these concerned about their son, isn't it better for them to take care of him themselves?"

"It is more like Adam pulling one of his crazy stunts according to his insane arrangements," commented Eugene.

He then paused for a moment before continuing. "Are you sure it is fine to hide everything from this kid? I don't think it will end up good if he really finds out about everything."

"Especially with that kid of condition," he added while pointing at the violent Demonic Qi within Shin's dantian.

"That is why we have been warned repeatedly by that ungrateful bastard," responded Nathan while sighing. "That is also why we are delaying everything."

"And you also need to remember how desperate the World Government is to catch Adam. Not only does he have a peerless talent and strongest physique, but also because of his real origin," he added as the long-forgotten emotions suddenly filled his eyes.

Then Nathan continued. "I know that he is a monster but calling him someone who shouldn't have to appear in this world is a little too much, I think. It is not like he has a choice when he is brought into this world after all."

Hearing that, Eugene couldn't help but smile bitterly before adding. "And that expedition makes everything worst."

Both Eugene and Nathan clenched their fists. Not because they could remember what happened, but because they lost any recollection regarding that incident.

By erasing the memories of his friends and comrades, Adam saved all of them from carrying the burden that they supposedly carrying together.

"Imagine how the World Government will react when they learn that Adam has an offspring? They will surely go crazy and do everything they can to seize this child," said Nathan as anger slowly filled his head.

"Not only will they make this child as research material, but they can also use him as a bargaining chip to lure out those two," as Nathan said these words, the immense anger that he was trying to suppress was slowly getting out of control.

He could still vividly remember how the high-ranking officials of the World Government saw their group as a toll after all of the achievements that they had done or them. He could also see the greed in their eyes when the group reported the result of their expedition.

Then that terrifying incident happened.


Nathan came back to reality after Eugene patted his shoulder. The swordsman used his Sword Qi to calm the raging Internal Qi from Nathan, which was also close to exploding.

"I clearly understand what you feel, but you also have to think of what Adam had said when he caused that incident. He told us to wait patiently until the day of prophecy arrives," said Eugene as he tried to calm Nathan down.

"We can let their sacrifice go in vain, can't we?" he added when he saw that the Dragon King finally came back to his senses.

It was at that moment when they sensed some changes in Shin. They could visibly see the sudden changes in the movements of the Mental Energy protecting Shin. They started moving in a single direction at a rapid pace.

Along the way, they were also cleansing and unclogging every meridian they went through. Not long after, they gathered and surrounded Shin's dantian, seemingly planning to seal it off.

Seeing that, both Nathan and Eugene suddenly became anxious. It was because they could guess what was going to happen next.

And sure enough, they were right.

That Mental Energy created a sphere around Shin's dantian, sealing it off completely.  And alongside it, the two experts could sense the immediate change in Shin's body. His Martial Arts attainment was rapidly declining and slowly disappearing.

The two experts wanted to do something to prevent it from happening, but since they could see Shin causing this himself, they could do nothing but observe and wait patiently.

A few moments later, Shin's Martial Arts completely disappeared, not leaving a single trace behind.


And immediately after that, Shin started showing some signs of waking up.

Shin slowly opened his eyes and was immediately greeted by the familiar ceiling of his room. He stayed like for a few moments, making the two experts beside him more anxious.

Nathan wanted to quickly ask Shin what happened but he suppressed his curiosity and patiently wait for the young man.

It took quite some time for Shin to turn his head that the two and greet them with a slight nod. He wanted to stand up and greeted him formally, but the intense pain in his body was preventing him from doing so.

"You should stay in bed since your just undergone a partial reformation," said Nathan, making Shin nod his head.

"So, what happened?" asked Nathan, unable to suppress himself anymore.

It was understandable since Shin had just broken through another stage of his swordsmanship and successfully advanced towards the next level of Yin-Yang Swordsmanship. Seeing that he now had lost his Martial Art attainments, he couldn't help but feel regretful.

Shin released a helpless sigh before replying. "I will report to you later, Uncle. For now, all I want is to have a peaceful rest."

Nathan observed for a few more moments before nodding his head. "I understand."

"I asked one of my subordinates to look for a capable Mentalist from the academy to take a look at your condition. That person is an old friend of our family, so you don't have to worry," he added.

"Thank you, Uncle," responded Shin before closing his eyes.

Seeing that Shin was going back to rest, Nathan and Eugene silently left the room.

To make sure that no one was around, Shin waited for a few more moments before opening his eyes once again.

He stared blankly at the ceiling of his roomed and thought about the events that just happened. His memory was still a little hazy but he could at least put a few things together.

"Uno, huh?" muttered Shin as he discovered something about himself that he didn't expect.

First, he learned that he was actually not Uno. It was the name of the mysterious entity residing within his Sea of Consciousness and possessing a similar appearance as himself.

He was not sure how long he knew Uno and long they were together, but he was sure that they both lived and survived in the Black Serpent Mafia Training Camp. Though, Uno was more active than him during the times after the incident when he thought Alyssa died.

They seemed to be a pair of people living within a single body.

"An alter ego," muttered Shin as he became aware of his current situation.josei

Aside from that, he also learned that he altered some of his memories and forget about the rest due to his trauma. He even had a heated argument with Uno before the final test in the camp happened.

Shin thought he had gotten some answers but it looked like he now had more questions instead, just like why he couldn't remember anything beyond his life in Black Serpent Mafia.

Shin stayed like that for a long time while also sighing very often. He wanted to go back within his Sea of Consciousness, but the place where Uno was located was currently sealed.

All he could do right now was to patiently wait while also honing his Mentalism Techniques.

"You want me to train my Mentalism, huh? Now that we have different disciplines, I doubt the outcome is going to be the same as those days," muttered Shin while wearing a smirking smile.

In the meantime, David, who was now standing behind Shin's door, smiled mysteriously as if he was looking forward to something.


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