Child of Destiny

Chapter 829 A Dedicated Path (Part 3)

Chapter 829 A Dedicated Path (Part 3)


"Let's talk about your unique body constitution and the future that lies ahead, shall we?"

The moment when Professor Henry heard those words, he was unable to keep his calm anymore and quickly tried to stop Granny Luvenia. "I think it is not the right time for him to know about that yet."

Hearing those words, the old lady quickly turned to him and gave him a sharp glare. "This is my patient, so it is my obligation in regard to his health."

"I know that this kind chose your department to learn from, so just do your job when he enters the academy."

"I don't care how you are going to teach your students but don't get involved in how I am going to treat my patients," she added with a warning tone.

'Tsk! I know that this is going to happen which is why I accompanied her after hearing what happened. But it looks like there is still no way stopping her,' thought Professor Henry helplessly, fully knowing how stubborn this old lady was.

"Fine! Disclose it to him, he will be bound to know about it sooner or later anyway. It will just make me change the learning courses that I already prepared solely for him," said Professor Henry with frustration.

Shin looked at them with full confusion as he was not sure how he was going to react. They were definitely talking about him, but for some odd reason, it seemed like they were not talking about his opinion at all.

It was at that moment when Granny Luvenia suddenly turned to him. "It is still up to you, little one. Do you want to know your full potential now, or do you rather want to wait until you are 'ready' for everything?"

Shin was silent for a moment before turning to Professor Henry. A determined look was present in his eyes. He just discovered the alter ego within him, so there was no better time to uncover some truth about him than now.

He turned to the old lady and nodded his head, indicating that he was ready for it.

Granny Luvenia gave him a gentle smile before speaking. "There are three secrets on your body. Though, I am pretty sure that you are already aware of one of them, so I will start with that."

"You currently possessed all three types of Seed of Hatred which is pretty much impossible to have. And this is my first time encountering such a case."

"Theoretically speaking, you should have lost your mind already. But because of your bloodline which grants you monstrous willpower, your body was able to carry such a burden."

She paused for a moment and gave Shin a meaningful look before continuing. "I am also surprised that you are able to digest conquer the first two seeds and turn their powers into yours."

'But I am not actually the one who did it though,' thought Shin as he was now aware of Uno's existence. And after connecting all the dots together, he was sure that it was Uno who defeated the two seed demons and steal their powers.

Then Granny Luvenia continued. "The only problem is the last seed that is sealed within your heart. From what I can see, it has been there since the day you are born. You must have inherited it from either of your parents."

"The fluctuations that it has is pretty strong, indicating that this seed carries a very powerful Demonic Qi. It even has the ability to devour you anytime despite how powerful your bloodline is."

"I can understand why your parents sealed it. After all, it can turn you into a demon right after you are born."

She then summoned her Mental Energy and projected a particular scene on top of her hand. She was showing Shin how the seed was affecting his body.josei

"This seed is a very dangerous one, if it comes in contact with a strong Demonic Energy, it will suddenly go out of control and will try to break free from its seal."

"This makes your current situation very serious," she added with a heavy tone.

The scene projected from her hand suddenly changed and two people appeared, one represented Shin while the other represented someone else. "Originally, you are currently in a safe state, but after you borrowed the powers from the seal to seal off your dantian, you unknowingly weakened its powers."

Shin couldn't help but frown his brows as he could easily understand what she was trying to say.

Then Granny Luvenia continued. "That seed is a sensitive one, the moment when it senses a strong Demonic Qi from another person, it will be awakened and try to break from the now weakened seal."

"Which is why I suggest you avoid anyone who carries a Demonic Qi with a certain level."

"It is fine if the other party only has the same level of power as your two other seeds since they were more than enough to help you isolate the first seed."

"They now belong to you and are currently under your full control, so you can use their powers to create a screen that can ward off any outside influence."

She paused for a moment to slightly changed the projected scene once again where the other person carried a similar seed of hatred as Shin.

"But it is going to be a completely different case if the other person has a seed as strong as yours, or worst, much stronger."

"Seed of Hatreds can attract each other, which is why it can sense a nearby seed around you. They will try to urge you to devour those seeds and steal their powers while the other side will also do the same."

"If you are not careful, then you may lose yourself to the urge and turn into a complete demon."

"Your seeds are fine for being together and not devouring each other since they have been residing within you for a long time already. What's more, that seal within you is creating a balance between them to avoid any kind of conflict from arising."

"So, unless your first seed goes berserk, you will be fine. But that doesn't change the fact you are like a ticking time bomb."

Granny Luvenia put away the projected images and turned back to Shin. "Listen little one, there are only two ways for most people to escape this kind of predicament, either they became a very strong Mentalist who was strong enough to suppress that demonic power or became a powerful Demonic Practitioner that had the ability to control it."

Shin couldn't help but knit his brow deeply when he heard the part of her words. Growing as a Mentalist was understandable but becoming a Demonic Practitioner was a little out of his character.

Seeing the expression on his face, the old lady gave him a gentle smile before explaining. "I know Demonic Practitioners don't have the best reputation since they are commonly misunderstood because of the existence of Evil Practitioners."

"They may sound similar but they are actually not the same since there are a few things that separate them from each other-..."

Granny was saying those words when Shin suddenly added. "Morals and limitations."

For someone who possessed Demonic Qi, it was natural for Shin to know about things related to it. He knew what it meant to be a Demonic Practitioner and all of them were much stronger than other experts on the same level from the other disciplines, but he didn't think being one of them was an option for him.

Most of the Demonic Practitioners were known for being a bunch of lunatics since they were going to do everything just for the sake of power. But from what he knew, they also knew their limitations. They knew when to stop and if something was not beneficial for their growth anymore.

After all, they were going to lose themselves if they blindly slaughter everything on their path. This was the reason why most of them still had their morals, they put a certain boundary on when to continue and when to stop their actions.

This was what separated them from Evil Practitioners, who knew nothing but slaughter. These practitioners committed a lot of immoral things just to achieve their goals.

Demonic Qi was still a part of nature. It was just another side of the coin. But Evil Qi was entirely different, it was so impure that it corrupted its users and slowly ate their souls.

Being a Demonic Practitioner was still good and all, but Shin still didn't think that he could go on that path. What's more, he was already on a path that perfectly suited him, so he was not sure about this choice.

So, what was left for him was the obvious choice laid in front of him, being a strong Mentalist who was powerful enough to suppress that darkness within him.

Shin was about to tell them his answer when Professor Henry suddenly stopped him. "There is no need to rush for your answer, kid."

"Those choices are only available for ordinary practitioners, not for someone as special as you," he added, making Shin realize what they were trying to say.

They were basically saying that he could also become a Demonic Practitioner aside from the other disciplines that he already had.

But that would also destroy the balance that his body already had.

As if he was able to hear Shin's thoughts, Professor Henry suddenly added. "You don't have to worry about that since your fear is not going to happen. Moreover, I will also prepare a specialized course for you to keep that balance."

"You will be learning a particular Martial Art Discipline that is equivalent to Demonic Practice. This course will still follow your Yin-Yang Martial Arts, so it will not ruin your foundation."

It was at this moment when Granny Luvenia cut in. "And that is where your other secret steps in. A special and unique ability that only you possess."


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