Child of Destiny

Chapter 849 Upgraded Lycanthrope

Chapter 849 Upgraded Lycanthrope


Arthur looked at the 'unfamiliar' person in front of him, failing to hide his surprise. What he saw was a Wolfkin wielding a pair of sabers of different colors, a black and a white one.

But despite the unfamiliar appearance of that person, Arthur could still feel the sense of familiarity with that Wolfkin. And after taking a closer look, he couldn't help but exclaim. "You! What the heck happened to you!"

His index finger was trembling uncontrollably while pointing at that person. "Don't tell me you can now change between two bloodlines, you bastard!"

Shin, who now had the appearance of a Wolfkin for some unknown reason, rolled his eyes at Arthur before replying. "What are you talking about? This is just the improved version of my Equipment Skill."

The corner of Arthur's mouth suddenly twitched when he heard those words and took another look at Shin. 'An Equipment Skill? Then why does he look so cool with that?'

Shin's current appearance was really different from how he looked earlier. He still had grey hair, but its length was not pretty long as it was extending all the way to his waist. Then a pair of dog ears on his head.

He was also not wearing anything on top, making his upper body completely bare and showcasing his properly trained muscles, especially his abs. Then his arms were covered with grey furs, extending up to his shoulders.

He was wearing martial-artist pants and a pair of black Tai Chi shoes to complement it.

A Wolfkin instead of being a werewolf. It was the improved version of his 'Lycanthropy' skill attached to his equipment set.

Shin didn't know how Black Hammer did it but the chief blacksmith of the Hand of Midas Trading Firm indeed did a great job on rebuilding the [Dusk and Dawn Equipment Set]. Truly worthy of his title as being the best blacksmith in the game.

In this form, Shin could do a lot of things compared to his Werewolf form. He had more freedom in this form since this humanoid form removed all of the restrictions that the previous form had.

His skills were also no longer limited to dark or shadow-related elements when using 'Lycanthropy'. He could use all of the skills under his arsenal regardless of their elements.


Equipment Set Skill: Lycanthropy

Description: Used the power of the Wolf God hidden within your equipment and cast it into your body.

After changing form, you would be able to wield the powers of a certain 'Fenrir' who shook heaven and earth from the distant era.

Effects: Double all of your Stats.

+50% to all resistance.

+20% movement speed.

+10% power to all of your skills with dark attributes.

Duration: 15 Minutes

Cooldown: 2 hours

Extra Passive Skill:

-  Wolf Sovereignty: This had a significant effect when fighting wolf-related monsters, particularly suppression.

Note: this skill would vary defending the rank of the monster, the stronger the monster, the less effective it would be.

-  Berserk: The more damage you took, the stronger you become.

Note: 2% increase in damage for every 5% of HP loss.

Extra Skill Note: more skills would be unlocked after meeting certain conditions. (Required a Master Blacksmith or higher rank Blacksmith to further improve this set).

Restrictions: You will not be able to use this skill for at least daily if you use the 'Reaper State'.


This was one of the shapeshifting and buffing skills that Shin had.

Just like the description implied, his [Dusk and Dawn Equipment Set] now possessed two types of transformation skills, the 'Lycanthropy' and 'Reaper State'.

Each of the states was powerful and might even be better than his 'Nephilim Ascension' to a certain degree, especially when it came to special occasions. But it didn't mean that neither of them was better than the other.

These Berserk and Transformation skills had a charm of their own which fitted certain situations. And right now, the 'Lycanthrope' Transformation Skill was the best choice that Shin had in their current predicament.

Shin ignored Arthur's envious gaze and quickly charge forward. It was because the Alpha Wolf was already planning to attack Cloe once again.

He swung the [Dusk Blade] and [Dawn Blade] in front of him, doing a quick sword shuffle during his charge. And after a brief moment, he quickly summoned his special Elemental Spirits to possess his sabers.

"Blackie! Whitie!"

With his shout, a majestic white male Tigerkin in an elegant king's robe appeared behind him alongside a seductive female Tigerkin with black furs and a scorpion tail.

They briefly showed behind him before turning into specks of lights that fused with his sabers, Whitie with the [Dawn Blade] and Blackie with the [Dusk Blade].

'Elemental Spirit Possession (Light Reaper): Sacred Vanquisher'

'Elemental Spirit Possession (Dark Reaper): Abyss Conqueror'

The sabers on his hands took drastic changes in their appearance, taking a few features from the elemental spirits that fused with them. Their current appearance and color completely complimented the auras that were covering them due to the combat technique that he was using, the Eclipse Wielding.


Shin left a pair intervening trail of lights on his path as he continued to sword shuffle during his charge. And when he reached the ideal ranged that he had in mind, he suddenly leaped forward, spun in the air,  and executed two different skills with each of his sabers.

'Extra Skill: (Modified) Falling Lightblade'

'Extra Skill: (Modified) Destructive Slash'


Shing! Shing!

Lupus was already looking warily at Shin since the time he was blocked earlier. It also scented the familiar smell coming from the latter.

The Alpha Wolf even felt some pressure earlier when Shin first appeared in his Wolfkin Form. But it was only for a brief moment since Lupus managed to brush it off immediately. Instead, it felt a little uncomfortable due to its bloodline, it looked like something was provoking it.


Due to that unseen provocation, Lupus seemed to forget about Cloe and started charging at Shin instead. And when it saw Shin jump toward it, the Alpha Wolf raised its front paw and swung it at Shin with great force.


The air surrounding the two exploded due to the powerful collision. The violent gust of wind created by it cleared the snow on the ground below them and scattered them in every direction.


Their collision seemed to create a small blizzard due to the veil of wind and snow blocking the view of the others.

Shin was sent flying outside of the blizzard. He seemed to underestimate the strength of this King Class Monster Boss a little. Even with the boosts that he was getting from 'Lycanthrope' and 'Elemental Spirit Possession', he was still a little inferior with it.

"It becomes much stronger than earlier," muttered Shin as he immediately figured out why he lost in terms of strength.

No matter how careful the others from not to kill the surrounding wolves, it was impossible for them to always had perfect control over their spells and skills with such a chaotic battlefield, they were bound to accidentally kill a wolf or two during their attacks.

Fortunately, they only need to hold this for a dozen more seconds before Cloe finished setting up the Holy Field.


The veil of scattered snow in front of Shin was suddenly split-open as a giant wolf appeared from behind it, opening its jaws and planning to crush him with them.


Shin was still completely calm despite being in a state where he couldn't counterattack nor protect himself.

He was not even in a hurry to escape his current predicament since he knew that he was not in danger yet.


The veil of snow beside the Alpha Wolf was also broken as a huge dragon head made of fire suddenly broke through it and bit the exposed neck of the giant wolf.



A huge number appeared on top of Lupus' head appeared as it got bitten by the flame dragon. But given it had an astronomical amount of HP, that kind of damage was pretty negligible.

Fortunately, the force behind that attack was more than enough to push the Wolf Boss away from Shin, giving him enough time to prepare a strong skill.

"If you can't handle it properly then, stop acting cool as if you are the main character or something," At that time, Arthur finally arrived beside Shin, mocking him.

He now switched back to his 'Lava Walker' form. Since Shin was not assisting him, he could now solely focus on facing the Alpha Wolf, no longer concerning himself with protecting the others while fighting.

Shin laughed at Arthur after hearing that remark. "What are you talking about? Without me cleaning up your mess, then his operation is completely been ruined just now."

"And thanks to me acting as bait, you finally able to land a clean hit on that Alpha Wolf," he added, chuckling.

"Tsk! Cover me!" Arthur couldn't refute those words and decided to avoid them instead. He charged ahead and cased after Lupus who was pushed not too far from them.

Shin laughed again when he saw that before coordinating with Arthur. He finally released the skill that he prepared just earlier when he was conversing with the latter.

He locked on the position of the Alpha Wolf before swinging his saber downward with all his strength.

'Grim Reaper Skill: (Tier 2) Ragna Blade'


Lupus immediately sensed the threat behind Shin's movements. It ignored its burning furs, due to the previous attack, causing a series of "-1000" on top of its head.

It wanted to move away from its current position to escape the impending doom. But unfortunately for it, Shin already locked the skill on it which was why it was impossible to get away from it.



A powerful energy wave fell from the sky and crushed the body of the Alpha Wolf, devouring a significant amount of health bar.


It was also at that moment when Arthur appeared in the air, holding his spear with a throwing posture. That spear suddenly grew in size as a blazing flame covered its entire body.


When Arthur threw the spear toward the ground, it suddenly turned into a blazing dragon that flew down straight to where the Alpha Wolf was located.

'Dragon Knight Skill: (Tier 2) (Modified) Dragon Slaying Harpoon'



The attack further impaled the giant wolf on the ground, making the already large crater on it much larger.



Then a huge explosion occurred, forming a towering pillar of fire that shot toward the sky. The surrounding snow was also evaporated due to the immense heat behind the two consecutive explosions.

"That guy's skills always been flashy no matter what it is," commented Shin with a bitter tone while looking at the disappearing flares of fire in the air.


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