Child of Destiny

Chapter 879 Falling Into A Trap Or Taking Advantage Of The Schemes (Part 5)

Chapter 879 Falling Into A Trap Or Taking Advantage Of The Schemes (Part 5)


Shin just contacted Owen and learned that the two encountered a group of mysterious individuals on their side.

At first, they thought that those people were from the Corrupted Cult. But after learning that that group of players was using a Demonification Skill, Shin immediately said that they were from the Demonic Churches.

Shin kept in contact with Owen as he told the others about the situation. Then they later learned that those mysterious people were Sweepers.

The group wanted to help the two since they knew how troublesome those people were. And if Owen and Chaotic Luck were too outnumbered by the opposing side, then they were going to be in danger.

But Owen told him that they were going to be fine. He told Shin that the Sweepers that they were facing were not that strong. Well, at least not as scary as Shin, Arthur, and Leonard, not even close.

After confirming that they were confident that they were able to hold on their own, Shin turned to the others and spoke. "Looks like we have another group that we need to be wary of."

The others quickly knitted their brows as they immediately recognized their situation. Their current quest was already troublesome enough, especially when they were encountering a lot of powerful monsters. And on top of that, it seemed like they were going to face much stronger ones as they continued to move ahead.

Their situation was going to be more and more dangerous if they let such unknown variables hide in the dark, while they were continuing their quest. It might even risk the failure of the quest if some accidents happened.

"Maybe that is the reason why Diablo is in this place?" muttered Zero after a deep thought.

Shin and the others turned to him before Lawless voiced out their thoughts. "What do you mean by that? Do you think that the Pandemonium Descendants have some business here and that guy Diablo is lurking in the air to stop them?"

Zero nodded his head and answered. "Most likely. The conflict between him and the Pandemonium Descendants is already been unsolvable and they were doing their best to get rid of each other, so I will not be surprised if that organization appeared here now that Diablo is here."

"Or it can be the other way around. Diablo may have an important quest in this place and the Pandemonium Descendants are here to stop him. He is like a thorn in their side, so they are going to do in their power to prevent him from getting stronger."

Shin nodded his head and added. "Either way, we can be sure if they can affect the outcome of our quest, so we can't let them roam freely now."

"It is still fine earlier since Diablo is only a single person, he can't deal with all of us alone. But it is not different since the Pandemonium Descendants are finally involved. We can no longer ignore them."

He then paused for a moment and continued. "Moreover, there is still the Corrupted Cult and we don't have any information about their movements. We don't even know if they are working with the Pandemonium Descendants."

"After all, the last time we clashed against them in the Blind Abyss Empire, Immortal seemed to be working with the members of the Demonic Churches."

Arthur clicked his tongue and asked. "So, are we going to set aside our quest again and deal with them first?"

Shin nodded his head and answered. "That should be our best choice. Let's pause our progress for the time being and clear out all of the hidden variables before continuing."

Arthur was really getting annoyed at these opponents. They were always getting in their way whenever they had an important quest that needed to be cleared.

The others didn't have anything to say about it since they also agreed with Shin. They needed to clear all of the obstacles first so that they could continue on their quest smoothly.

Faker turned to Shin and asked. "So, who is our main target? Diablo or the Pandemonium Descendants?"

Shin thought for a moment before answering. "We still don't know their purpose for coming here, so it is better if we investigate it first. Who knows we can turn either of them as cooperation partners."

Shin was originally planning to lure Diablo to their side and asked him to work together since he also had a conflict with the Pandemonium Descendants.

But when it came to this kind of situation, no one would know who could give them the more benefit.

Shin was not as well-informed as Diablo when it came to the Pandemonium but it didn't mean that he was not familiar with them.

After clashing with the organization a couple of times and reading a little information about them earlier, he discovered that they were having a large-scale operation if they were mobilizing a large number of Sweepers.

Shin already suspected this before, to his opinion, the Sweepers might not only have the job of assassinating the top players and delaying their progress. He was thinking that they were also responsible for clearing out the path for the organization whenever they were doing an important quest or something similar.

He was considering cooperating with them.

If the quest that the Pandemonium Descendants had was really related to the one that they are doing, then it would not hurt to have the help of such a powerful organization, especially in this kind of situation.

As long as he was careful and laid out a good plan where both sides could benefit, it might be worth the risk.

Shin was also not afraid of getting backstabbed since he already had a contingency plan that would be able to deal with that situation.

'I'm sure that Lycan would be present at the final stage of this Empire Quest, the Pandemonium Descendants will not dare to touch us if we have such a powerful NPC on our side,' thought Shin as he considered the possibility.

He didn't even consider that the Pandemonium Descendants were not going to agree with his proposal. After all, he was familiar with this kind of business talk.

For such a large organization, they would prioritize the benefits that they could receive first before thinking about their grudges.

But if the quest that the opposing side had was in conflict with their Empire Quest, then there was no need to question it, they would have no choice but to fight.

Or if the Pandemonium Descendants were really working with the Corrupted Cult. There was no need for negotiation if this was the case, after all, the latter wanted them to fail this quest in the first place.

But if they were not, then Shin could also use the force of the Pandemonium Descendants to deal with the Corrupted Cult. He knew that the cult and the Demonic Churches didn't have the best relationship and they were sometimes taking advantage of each other.

They could take advantage of that situation if it really happened.

This thought also applied to Diablo. They still don't know what this guy was up to, so Shin was thinking of knowing their purpose of coming in here before everything.

Shin turned to Faker and continued. "Let's investigate first. We have to know what they are after before making a decision. Who knows, one of them can help us later."

"Are you seriously thinking of cooperation with those guys?" commented Arthur from the side as he could understand what Shin was thinking.

"Forget about the fact that we can trust them or not, but do you think they are going to accept whatever proposal you have?" he added in a sarcastic tone.

Shin shrugged his shoulders. "We can never be sure."

He then turned to the others and asked. "What do you guys think?"


The others didn't care too much since they still trust Shin. Though, there were still others who were thinking about it like Lawless, Faker, and Black Hand.

They could also see what Shin was trying to do and they knew that they were not going to lose much from it. They might even get the most benefit if everything worked out.

"It may be worth trying it," muttered Black Hand.

After seeing that everyone seemed to agree with him, Shin immediately start making arrangements. "Alright! Ara and Alucard, form a two-man group and work together as we are tracking our opponents. "

"Don't immediately engage in a fight and contact us immediately when you encounter them. Retreat, if you are forced to fight them."

"Remember, our priority is not to fight them but to learn more about their plan," he emphasized.

He then turned to the others and continued. "Brother Faker, Zero, and I are going to move independently."

"The rest are going to move together and wait how the situation is going to escalate. We will keep in touch with each other, so always be ready."

"We still don't know how many people the other side has," he added before waiting for the others to organize themselves.

"Let's move!" he said after a few moments.


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