Child of Destiny

Chapter 970 The Truth Behind The Project Genius

Chapter 970 The Truth Behind The Project Genius


Professor Henry was reading a particular file sent to him by the investigation unit that he personally built. It was a special group that was responsible for secretly making investigations on the matters that he assigned.

After reading the entire report, he couldn't help but frown deeply. "So, they are finally making their move."

At that time, Benedict entered the room and put a couple of apparatuses on the shelf. And when he saw the worry on the professor's face, he couldn't help but ask. "Is there something troubling you, Professor?"

Professor Henry looked at Benedict for a moment before smiling bitterly. And after a few moments of silence, he suddenly asked. "Little Benedict, have you heard about the recent case concerning young talents?"

Benedict thought for a moment before replying. "About the mysterious disappearance of young talented people, Professor? Yes, Sir. I've heard about it from my elder sister."

"What do you think about it?" asked the professor.

Benedict didn't immediately reply as he thought about it deeply. A moment later, he finally answered. "I think this is a very serious matter. From what I've heard, those young people who disappeared are the most talented individuals from the other schools."

"Those schools may be inferior compared to our Magic Ace University, but they still have a pretty high standard. Ordinary students may not be able to get admitted to those schools if they are not up to it."

"And since the target of whoever is behind this case are those talented individuals, there is most likely a huge conspiracy going on."

He paused for a moment as he recalled something before continuing. "Perhaps, the incident of 'Project Genius' is happening once again. If that is really the case, then this is a very serious problem."

Professor Henry gave the young man an approving smile before asking. "How much do you know about the 'Project Genius'?"

Benedict gave the professor a confused look before replying. "From what I know, it is a project meant to create artificial talents for normal people or Martial Artists and Mentalists with average talents."

"It is supposedly a noble project, but it is later discovered that the researchers behind it are actually doing immoral acts in the dark. They are also secretly creating super soldiers using the bodies of the young and talented men that they have captured."

"It is at that moment when the real organization responsible for the project is actually the Hextech Laboratory, an evil organization doing immoral and inhumane research in the dark."

Professor Henry nodded his head before commenting. "You are very much informed. You even have very detailed information about it even if it is a confidential case."

"But you have forgotten about something important," he added before taking a brief pause. "The super soldiers produce on that projects are mindless people specifically built for mass destruction."

"Their genes may be from the young people that have been captured during that time to inherit their talents, but the model used for the bodies of those super soldiers are actually from Doctor Frankenstein."

He took another pause when he reached this point before asking. "Do you know what that means?"

The expression on Benedict's face immediately turned serious when he heard those words. He clearly understood what the professor was trying to say.

Doctor Frankenstein was a devil who committed countless immoral acts by experimenting on people. It was said that it was for him to create a perfect vessel that could both hold Martial Arts and Mentalism in perfect harmony.

Even if he managed to achieve it in the end, the lives that were lost in exchange were significantly huge. It was said that the sacrifices paid for the success of his research were equivalent to the lives of the people living within a huge city.

This was one of the main reasons why he was being hunted by the World Government.

If the super soldiers that were created during Project Genuis were indeed modeled based on Doctor Frankenstein's body that could hold both Martial Arts and Mentalism, then the threat that they had was really huge.

Such super soldiers were perfect weapons for destruction.

While Benedict was currently lost in his thoughts, Professor Henry suddenly opened his mouth and added. "Actually, those are only a few of the reasons why Project Genuis is terminated."

"There is actually another reason why the World Government is scared of the success of the project, especially when they learned who is really behind it," he added with a mystifying tone.

Benedict looked at the professor with a confused expression, not sure what the latter wanted to say. And after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked. "What do you mean by that, Professor?"

Professor Henry stroked his beard for a moment before answering. "As the name implied, Project Genius is supposedly a project to create a 'Genius'. An artificial genius – a perfect genius without a flaw."

He stopped talking when he reached the point as if he was hesitating. He then raised his head and looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes. He seemed to be trying to remember something from the past.

Benedict waited patiently as he knew that Professor Henry was going to tell him something important.

After a long silence, Professor Henry finally opened his mouth. "Long before the World Research Center is founded, when I am still an average and young researcher, there is a bright scientist who was very famous around the world."

"He is Doctor Victor Singed, my teacher," he added after a momentary pause.

Then he continued. "He is usually a noble person who is dedicating his research to the advancement of humanity. All of his projects contributed to almost everything that we have now."

"But one day, when a mysterious person visited him, my teacher suddenly changed. He started doing some odd research that is very hard to understand. He was even hiding some things behind the backs of his co-workers."

"He hid those researchers even from me, who is the student that is always on his side. It was as if he was afraid that the research that he is doing will be discovered by someone else."

Benedict was quite confused why Professor Henry was telling him this story but he still listened attentively as he knew that there must be a meaning behind it.

"Later, I learned that he is actually creating an artificial life. It is not your typical creation of life that required a fertilization of a baby."

"Up until now, I still haven't fully understood how the teacher managed to do it, but he indeed succeeds in the end."

"I can still vividly remember how happy my teacher was when he succeeded. Even if I don't fully understand what he is thinking at that time, I am also happy for him."

"But what surprised me during that time is the words that he said. He said that he successfully created a perfect human."

"Not only that, from what I remember, he called the artificial baby the 'Perfect Vessel'. I don't know what exactly it means during that time, but I somewhat have a rough idea."

Pausing for a moment, Professor Henry took a deep breath before continuing. "Then, somehow,  the World Government seemed to discover the success of my teacher's research and want to get their hands on that baby."

"But later, when they are planning to seize the 'Perfect Vessel' for themselves, they discovered that the entire laboratory is destroyed and all of the data regarding the research are deleted completely. As for my teacher, he is found dead on the site."

"I am not present during that time since I am doing another project alongside my friends. I only receive the news when we are about to head back after our research," he added with a bitter tone.

"I don't know if what the reports said is true and I also can't trust the World Government given that I am familiar with how they handle things."

"In truth, I am actually suspecting that the World Government killed my teacher and steal all of his hard work. I become sure about this suspicion of mine because of what happened next – all of the colleagues of my teachers and other co-workers are found dead in their research laboratories while all of the data that they have are found stolen."josei

"I only managed to survive since I am just an ordinary apprentice. Moreover, my friends are always with me in those times, afraid that something is going to happen to me."

"Aside from me, there is also a couple of scientists and researchers who managed to survive and go in hiding."

Reaching this point, Professor Henry released a bitter sigh before continuing. "Later, one of the head scientists leading that laboratory gathered everyone and built an organization."

Hearing this part, Benedict came to a realization and blurted out. "And that is the Hextech Laboratory of today."

Professor Henry smiled at him and nodded his head. "Doctor Frankenstein is one of the heads of the laboratory where my teacher is working. And when they learned the real reason why their colleagues died, they became enraged and started fighting World Government."

"But since they knew that they will not be able to oppose such a powerful organization as the World Government, they started using their research as their weapon, which make the latter wary of them. Especially when Doctor Frankenstein showcased his powers."

"Even though I don't agree with the path that they choose for revenge, I can't blame them completely since I fully understand where are they coming from."

Benedict then remembered something and carefully asked. "But, Professor, if you are the student of Doctor Victor, then why is the Hextech Laboratory not looking for you?"

Hearing that, Professor Henry flashed a lonely smile before answering. "Because they all thought that I have already died. Aside from my teacher, they also found another person in the destroyed laboratory with the same physique and appearance as me. They all thought that it was me."

"Eh! How can that be?" asked Benedict in confusion.

The professor shook his head and answered. "I also don't know. But I am guessing that my teacher already foresees what is going to happen to him and makes some preparations."

"In truth, he is actually the one who send me to accompany my friends to help them. When I realize what happened, it is already too late."

Then Benedict asked once again. "But isn't it impossible for the colleagues of your teacher not to recognize who you are? Especially that you are currently a famous person, Professor."

Professor Henry naturally knew what Benedict was trying to say before answering. "Naturally, I am not stupid enough not to think about that. I've taken a miracle elixir that made me alter my appearance completely."

"Though, we paid quite a heavy price just to get our hands on that elixir," he added as the lonely smile that he had become more noticeable.

But that smile only lasted for an instant before he regained his usual composure. He then continued. "As for the so-called 'Project Genius', it is to recreate the 'Perfect Vessel' that my teacher had created during that time."

"In a sense, you can say that Doctor Frankenstein used his body to become the prototype of that vessel. The results just happen to be more successful than what he is expecting, which leads to what he is right now," he added.

Benedict finally understood the series of events. But at the same time, he was also quite confused. Due to that, he turned back to the professor and asked. "But, Professor, isn't this matter too important? Why are you telling it to me?"

Hearing that, Professor Henry gave Benedict a gentle smile before answering. "Out of all of my students, you are the one who resembles me the most, so I see myself in you."

"As for the reason why I choose you to share this secret, just take it as me entrusting it to you. Hold into it and remember everything that I've said as well as everything that I've taught you."

He then paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing. "Based on the course of the events, something big is about to happen. And I may even be forced to participate in it in the future."

"Are you in danger, Professor?" asked Benedict in a hurry, showing his worry.

Professor Henry gave him another gentle smile. "Foolish child, I am always been in danger due to the researchers that I am overseeing."

"What I am doing right now is just a contingency plan if everything goes wrong. We may not even have to use it. Besides, we still have plenty of time to prepare, more than a year or two at the very least."

"As for the other reason I am sharing it with you, you will naturally understand it when the time is right," he added with a mystifying tone.

After that, he waved his hand at Benedict, telling the young man that he could leave. He no longer wanted to answer any questions or share anything.


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