Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 860

Chapter 860

Chapter 860: Chapter 45- Rika – First Date Part 3 (VOLUME 5)




Now that the movie was over, it was time for us to go to the mall. Of course, girls like me and Lyssa loved to go shopping. We wanted to get new clothes and things like that all of the time. I just never expected that guys like Clovio and Warrick would want to go there.

Well, guys like to shop as well, but would they have fun with me and Lyssa? Men liked to shop for different things than women. I would want a new outfit, new shoes, an accessory and things like that. Well, that wasn’t all. I would also like anime and video games, but was I really supposed to let the guys know that? Did guys like girls that like things like that?

The first store that we went to when we were at the mall was a dress shop. The university was having a homecoming week soon, and the sororities were having some formal parties. I wasn’t completely sure if I should pledge to one or not. Doing so meant that I would be moving into the sorority house and all that. I was nervous about that, but I thought that it would be nice, in its own way of course.

“You two are so beautiful, and those parties are coming up. You mentioned that you wanted to look into them. So, why don’t we look for a dress for you. I will even buy it for you.” Clovio was grinning as he made the offer.


“I appreciate you willing to help me find a dress, Clovio, but I can’t ask that you pay for it. I will be able to pay for it myself.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” I knew that he didn’t have a lot of money and was most likely going to be working alongside his classes for extra money. He was going to be having a hard enough time of things without him paying for the dress.

“Yes. I am sure.” I really did appreciate the thought though. It was way more than I expected from him or anyone else.

“Well then, allow me to look for something that I think that you will like.” He was so excited when he ran off into the store that I couldn’t say no. He really did want to be part of this with me.

“They are so sweet, aren’t they?” Lyssa came up beside me as Warrick followed Clovio into the back of the store.

“Yeah, they really are. I can’t believe that all of this is happening to me. To us. This is just so amazing. I swear it’s almost like Clovio is too good to be true. Well, aside from that little incident at the movies.” I could laugh about it now, even though I had been scared before.

“I liked the movie.” Lyssa smirked as she thought back to what we had been doing.

“Ha ha. As if. All you did was play tonsil hockey with Warrick. At least I saw the end of the movie.”

“Well, I had fun at the movies, so that is the same thing.” With a bright blush on her cheeks, Lyssa walked toward the back of the store, where Clovio and Warrick were.

The two men were looking for dresses that they thought would be perfect for me and Lyssa. They didn’t know us that well, so I didn’t really have faith that they would find something that we would like. But I was wrong.

“Oh my, Clovio! This is amazing.” He had found me a dress that went all the way down to my ankles, but was still sexy. It was a mix of modesty and sex appeal, if I was being honest. That was the only way to describe it. The top of the dress was in a halter style so that it covered my chest decently enough. There was still just the slightest dip in the front so that the tops of my breasts were visible. Just a little bit of cleavage really. The back of the dress was the most revealing. It tied behind my head but other than that, it was open until it reached my waist. There was also a slit up the side, but it was modest and only went to the knee. The color of the dress was silvery gray that seemed to shimmer a little when I moved in it. It was perfect for the sorority party that was coming up.

“This dress looks perfect on you.” He was looking at me with eyes that were filled with heat. I could tell that he thought I was very beautiful and sexy in it.

“Thank you.”

Warrick had picked a black dress that was shorter but also still modest for Lyssa. She was gorgeous with it on. It was a little less sexy, better for a girl that was a little more of a tomboy just like Lyssa. And I knew that she loved it as much as I loved my dress.

“How are you two so good at picking out dresses for women?” I eyed the men suspiciously.

“We worked before we moved here. There was a dress shop in the town that we lived in and that was where we worked after school. So, I guess you could say that we have experience with it.” They had such different lives than us that it was hard to believe at times.

“Well, I am just glad that you are so good at it.” I spun as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Now that we had dresses the next logical thing to do was find shoes to match. This was a point where Clovio and Warrick just stood around and offered their opinions to us.

“Rika?” Clovio called out as I was trying on a pair of heels.

“Yeah?” I looked over my shoulder at him.

“Can I be your date to the party?” He was looking at my heels and not my eyes. I think he was just a little too nervous and shy to look at my face at that moment.

“Of course.” I felt like that was obvious. “Who else would I go with?” There was a little hint of laughter when I said that. Still, he beamed at me with so much pride and happiness that I could feel it.

“Thank you.”

Shoes were picked out to match the dresses. With that done, we were able to start shopping at other stores. The guys wanted to go into a store that sold lots of different things. They had movie and anime themed things. There were girly things, emo, and so much more. There was a lot of fan merch that we could get in there as well. And it was a store that I was familiar with. I have come here at least once a month since I was like thirteen.

I needed to keep it together. I needed to not show my true dweeb self at the moment. And I was doing so well too. That was until I saw something that had just been released.

“No way! Is this what I think it is?” I rushed to a display that was set near the middle of the store.

“What is that?” Clovio asked as he came up behind me. I was not paying attention and was totally fangirling at the moment.

“This is the new Senshi okami no ojo merch. It’s an anime that started a few years ago about a girl who is the princess and ruler of a clan of warrior wolves. It’s my favorite anime.” I was still staring at the figures in front of me when what I had just done finally dawned on me. “O..oh, I..I mean,’s not like I watch anime all the time or anything like that. Ha ha.” I laughed nervously at the end of that. I had just blown my cover. He was going to know the real me now.

“It’s OK to like it, Rika. People like what they like. Maybe I will watch it too. If you like it that much, then it must be good.” He stepped closer to the stack of goods. “Let me get this for you. You wouldn’t let me get the dress, so let me pay for this.” He took the Kosei figure out of my hand. “I want to get you a gift to remember this night by.” He didn’t wait for my response. He just took the figure to the cashier and bought it while I stared at him in disbelief. H..he didn’t mind that I liked anime? He didn’t think that it was wrong?

The date was coming to an end after we were done shopping. The guys walked us back to my car and told us good night.

“Thank you, Rika. I am so happy that you came out with us.” Clovio was holding my hand as I was standing next to the car door. “Can I uhm, can I kiss you goodnight?” He was leaning in close again. I didn’t have the ability to speak at the moment so I just nodded my head at him. He seemed happy about that as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. josei

This kiss was somehow way better than the last ones. He backed me against the car and put one hand on the roof of it while putting his other hand on the back of my head. He was holding me in place while running his thumb across my hair. It was sending shivers through my body that I knew that he could feel, considering that he was pressed against me as well.

The kiss was way more than I expected, but I was not upset by it at all. And when he pulled away from me, he pressed his forehead against mine.

“Goodnight, Rika. I will see you in class on Monday.”

“G..goodnight, Clovio.” I was breathless and a little unsteady on my feet.

All I could do for a moment was watch him and Warrick walk away. It was like I had just had my entire mind blown and my world reshaped. I was not ready for this, but it was happening to me regardless.

“That. Was. Fantastic.” That was all that I could say. There was nothing else to it. And it was completely true too.

A little dazed and a little breathless, Lyssa and I got into the car and just sat there for a moment. It wasn’t until we looked at each other and laughed that we were able to break ourselves out of the stupor that we were in.

“I think that I already love him.” Lyssa definitely looked like she was in love.

“That’s good. Hahh.” I sighed for a moment. “I wish that Clovio was my mate. He is so amazing.”

“Maybe he is, it just hasn’t happened for your wolf yet. Who knows?” I knew that she was just being optimistic. I didn’t mind though. I hoped that she was right. He was a really great guy.



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