Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 511 - Trinity – The Execution (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 511 - Trinity – The Execution (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 511 - Trinity – The Execution (VOLUME 3)




At that moment, I saw the spores flying into Reece's face. They flew into his eyes and up his nose. It was my own mate that she was trying to send after me. Did she know that he was my mate? She had to have known.

"Kill her, wolf-boy. Kill her and end this whole mess."

Reece didn't fall to his knees like Trevor did, but he did put his hands against his eyes. I saw that he was wiping at them. It looked like he was trying to get something annoying out of his eye, perhaps he had an eyelash in his eye or something.

As the entire crowd watched on to see what Reece was going to do, I was just standing there calmly. I knew that I didn't have anything to worry about right now. I would just break the spell if I had to.

All of a sudden, Reece started to laugh. It started out soft and low, confusing everyone that was watching on. However, after about a minute the laughter became so powerful that Reece was holding his side as if there was a stitch in it and he was having trouble standing up.

"What? What is this? Kill her already!" Hibiscus demanded as she yelled at my husband.

"Sorry, psycho whore, I won't be doing your bidding. Not now, not ever." Reece countered her command with a laughing denial.

"What? How is this even possible? How are you immune to my spell?"

"I don't think I was fully immune. It took a second, well, more like a microsecond, to put your thoughts from my head. But like Trinity told Queen Gloriana, the love that Trevor had was stopping the spell from taking full effect. Well, let's just say that I love Trinity more than Trevor loves Queen Gloriana. I am not saying he will never love her as much as I love Trinity, but I have been with my wife and mate for years now. I would never, and I do mean NEVER, hurt her. It doesn't matter if you bespell me or not. My heart knows the truth and it always will."

"Awe, I love you too Reece. You're so sweet, even in situations like this." I grinned at him.

"I know. And you know what, I wouldn't say no to one of those true love's kisses just to make sure that the spell is fully out of my system." He wiggled his eyebrows at me when he said that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe when this is all done and over with." That caused a heated look to flash across his eyes. He was never going to change, no matter what. Deep down he will always be my horndog of a mate, Fido.

"I can wait." That almost made me laugh, I wanted to counter with something like 'I doubt that', but I didn't have the time to waste right now.

"ENOUGH!" Hibiscus screamed so that the attention was back on her. "If he won't kill you for me, then I will just bespell everyone until you are dea-."

"Hush!" Hibiscus's voice was cut off just before I heard Alloy's angry voice followed by the sound a metal scraping against something solid.

When I looked away from Alloy's angry face, I saw that there was a barrier over Hibiscus's mouth that looked to be made of several different types of metal. Alloy had silenced her and any other attempts that she would make at bespelling the others.

Even though her mouth was covered, I could still hear Hibiscus attempting to scream. However, the sound was muffled and nowhere near as deafening as she was trying to make it. Her face was red with the effort she was giving to that muffled scream, but I could barely hear it. josei

"That will keep her quiet. And she should be thanking me." Alloy looked at her with angry eyes. "I didn't include silver in that muzzle of hers, so it won't burn her."

"That was very nice of you." Sterling put a loving arm around Alloy and pulled him close.

"You see, Hibiscus, even people you tried to kill are giving you the consideration that you are most definitely not deserving of. However, they are good people, and you are not, so they will do that nicety for you."

There were tears in Hibiscus's eyes when she looked at me then, it was clear that she never thought that she would lose.

"Aunt Glory, Athair mòr, I think the two of you have some work to do." I turned to look at them and saw that neither of them were going to object to my words. They looked like they knew exactly what needed to be done. "As members of the royal family, you need to execute Hibiscus."

"Yes, Trinity, you are right." Athair mòr looked somber but his voice was even.

"This is something that we need to take care of right here, and right now. Where everyone can see that the danger is gone." Aunt Glory nodded and took a step toward me.

"However, there is someone that you're forgetting about." Athair mòr gave the slightest of grins as he got closer to me.

"And who might that be?" I asked him with confusion filling my voice.

"You, Trinity." Aunt Glory added. "You are as much part of the royal family as we are. Mother Danu has officially recognized you and blessed you. You are my niece and Valerian's great great great granddaughter. You are powerful enough to be right there with us."

"Thank you, Aunt Glory." I blushed at her words.

"Do not thank us, Trinity, it is the truth. Now, join us and the three of us will end this now.

After the three of us surrounded Hibiscus we could hear that she was trying to speak, screaming muffled words at us.

"Alloy, let her speak for a moment." Aunt Glory spoke softly and sweetly which, given the current situation, was a little off putting. I wouldn't say anything though, I was preparing to kill the woman that was still trapped in my magic as well.

"Yes, Queen Gloriana." Alloy nodded and removed the metal from her mouth.

"Now, Hibiscus, you may speak your peace. Tell me for what reason it was that you did this? Why did you hurt and murder your fellow Fae? Why did you try to murder me and frame my niece?"

"You want to know why?!" Hibiscus screamed at her. "It's because you stole the only future that I wanted."

What future was that?" Aunt Glory asked her with indifference in his voice.

"I love Curtis. I always have. Ever since the first time that I met him, I have been in love with him. But he wouldn't give me the time of day. He wanted to wait for his chance to be the Queen's consort before he would settle down with anyone. He said that I had to wait until his chance was up before he would even look at me again. I loved him and then when you were done with him you locked him away."

"I locked him away because he had committed many crimes while under my authority. He entered into my private quarters and took advantages that he was not privileged to. That was why he was imprisoned. He would have been set free soon enough. He would have been free to be with you since you were the only one that probably would have looked at him in that way since he had disgraced himself."

"No, you would never have let us be together. You were always angry that I had love in my heart for someone and you were nothing but an unhappy shrew." Hibiscus was intentionally being rude because she knew that her future was limited and there was nothing for her to lose.

"I am sorry you thought that way, Bissy. I loved you like a sister, and it pains me to be doing this."

"Wait, before we kill her, I want to know something." I stopped Aunt Glory from raising her hand as delivering a blow to the woman.

"What the fuck do you want, mongrel?" Hibiscus snapped the words at me.

"Watch your mouth, you cunt." Reece growled at her.

"Fuck off, dog boy."


"Enough!" I yelled at the two of them so they would stop their arguing. "I will take care of her, Reece, stand down." He finally stepped back and tried to calm down. "Now, Hibiscus, tell me how you got the magic that you have now. You and the others told me that you barely had any magic to speak of."

"I have always had the power of words. I just never told anyone. If I did, it would have been stripped away from me years ago when we locked away our darkness. As for the other power, I made a deal with the devil to get it." She cackled like the joke was the best thing in the world.

"I am serious, Hibiscus. Answer the question."

"You got my answer. I will say no more." She glared at me. "Accept it and kill me or keep me alive to ask more, that is your choice."

I looked to my side and saw Athair mòr and then Aunt Glory, both of them nodded at me telling me that it was time to end this.

"Fine." I looked back at the condemned woman. "Hibiscus, you have been found guilty of your crimes against the Fae. For that you are sentenced to death."

"I would do it again. I would do it all again if I had the chance."

It was clear that Hibiscus had lost all touch with reality. She repeated those words and cackled like a movie version of a witch or villain as the three of us approached her. I knew that Aunt Glory would most likely use her light magic for the execution. Athair mòr would be using his water magic for his part of it. That left me to round out the three with nature magic.

I released the whip from Hibiscus's body and then it was all over in the blink of an eye without so much as a drop of blood landing on any of us. It was quite the gruesome sight to behold though, to be honest. Aunt Glory had sent a spear of pure light piercing through Hibiscus from the ground up. Athair mòr had turned all of the blood in her body to ice and made it stab out of her in sharp, pointed icicles. And I, well, I made vines sprout from the ground, wrap around Hibiscus's arms and legs and pulled them from her body.

The only thing holding Hibiscus up in the air for the others to see was that spear of light that Aunt Glory had pushed through her. As I looked at the body a little more, I had to think that it was just a particularly disgusting looking scarecrow or something.. I had to admit, a display like this would keep just about anyone away.

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