Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 639 - 56- Reece – Calls (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 639 - 56- Reece – Calls (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 639 - 56- Reece – Calls (VOLUME 4)




After Gabriel left the room, it was once again just me and my Little Bunny. I wanted to just hold her and fix everything that way. A warm, loving hug would make the whole thing go away. Well, not this time. Not ever really, but it always made us both feel better.

Now, a hug didn't make either of us feel better. My Little Bunny was still trapped in that slumber and when I held her, I was reminded of the fact that she wasn't here with me. It was so hard, so painful, but I wouldn't stop being here for her. Even this was a form of supporting her in one way or another.

I had to leave her side though. I needed to call people and make some connections. And yes, I could do it telepathically, but we all agreed years ago that if it wasn't an emergency then we wouldn't invade like that. It wasn't polite for anyone to be interrupted in what they were doing at the moment.

No, instead I decided to head down to my office and call Crawford, the leader of the warlocks and head of the Aerie Convento. I know that Gloriana was more likely to have answers for me since she was much older and had a larger wealth of knowledge to draw upon, but I also knew that Gloriana would keep me on the call for a lot longer than Crawford would.

The entire way to my office, I practically dragged my feet. I know that anyone who saw me would think that I was being guided by an old and depressed ghost or something. Unless they knew what had happened, which ninety-nine percent of the staff didn't, they wouldn't understand what was going on.

Yes, I knew that I was going to be telling people about my Little Bunny's condition, but those would be people that I could trust. I wasn't going to make it public knowledge or anything.

I sat at my desk and brought up the large screen that was on the wall for video conferences. I brought up the contact information for Crawford on my computer and sent the call electronically to the device that I was facing.

The speakers were giving off a pleasant sounding soft ringing (one that I picked out personally because most rings were annoying) and the screen had a rippling effect that was showing the Trinity symbol that adorned my Little Bunny.

After less than a minute, the screen changed and I saw a high tech, sleek office that reminded me a lot of mine. I had known that Crawford had taken inspiration from me when he was forced to modernize and start running the Aerie Convento like it was a business.

"Hello Reece, how are you?"

The man on the screen was barely recognizable to the man that I met all those years ago. With his immortality and the reverse aging that a lot of people were going through, Crawford now looked like a man in his late thirties or early forties. Instead of looking wizened and old, he seemed spry and full of energy. Instead of white hair, Crawford now had a dark auburn that suited his younger, barely lined face. His eyes, once hooded and hard to see with excess skin, were shining bright and twinkled like little green orbs. He was definitely liking his new lease on life that he had gotten from Trinity.

"Hello Crawford, I hope all is well." I didn't smile but I tried to look halfway pleasant at least. Talking to people was the last thing that I wanted to do right now, but I had no other choice.

"I am doing fine, boy, but I can see that you are not. What is it that has you pulling such a long face?" Crawford could apparently read my mood very easily. That most likely went back to the days that we all spent together in the Abbey in France.

"Well, to be honest, it's Trinity."

"HAHA! What has she done now? Did she call you a new dog name or something?" He was laughing happily and that was the last thing that I felt like doing. However, I did my best not to show him how much that laugh of his was grating on my nerves. It wasn't personal towards him, I just felt so miserable.

"No, there is something wrong with Trinity, and I was hoping that you could help me." josei

"Huh? What is it? What's wrong with Queen Trinity? How can I help?" That shift in Crawford's mood was so drastic that I had to wonder if it gave the man whiplash or something. He went from laughing to serious in the blink of an eye.

"Somehow, in a way that none of us can figure out, her soul has left her body. That was confirmed by the vampires that we have with us." I was being vague, but I knew that he would understand what I was saying. And that he did, his response told me that.

"So, neither Shawn nor Dietrich were able to see her soul? How is that even possible?" I watched as Crawford put his hand to his head and collapsed against the back of his chair. There was pure shock written on his face.

"No, they couldn't see her. She is alive. According to Griffin she appears to just be sleeping, but we can't wake her up. According to Shawn and Dietrich, she has no soul. I am one hundred percent sure that her soul being gone is what is keeping her asleep. The problem is, where is her soul and why is it gone?"

"Yes, that does seem to be the biggest issue here. I have never seen this happen before, but I will search the archives. If I find anything, anything at all, I will call you right away."

"Thank you, Crawford. I knew that I could count on you. Oh, and Crawford." I called his name one more time when I remembered something important. "Please don't tell anyone what is going on with Trinity. If someone asks, make up a story about what is going on, alright. I don't want word getting out that the Goddess Queen has fallen ill. It would spread panic among the people."

"Yes, of course Reece. I understand. I will keep this secret with my life." He made a fist with his right hand and put it against his chest as he spoke.

"Thank you, Crawford. Again. I already thanked you, but I needed to do it again." I gave him the closest thing to a smile that I could manage before I told him goodbye and ended the call.

I knew that Crawford would throw his all into the research, the same way that Gabriel was going to throw himself into finding a way to bring my Little Bunny home. They were both good men and they did their jobs thoroughly.

I also knew that Crawford would enlist Eldrige and his men Henrich and Lionel. Not to mention all the other witches and warlocks that were at his command. He would call them all and he would call the witch doctors, the Djinn, the genies, the gypsies, all of them.. He would see to it that this issue didn't rest until it was settled.

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