Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: The New Challenge

The attack of the demons in Mt. Tala Island spread like wildfire in Praiji Empire.

During the two week ‘Semestral Break’, as Sebastian had called it, what thought to be a rumor became official news announced by the government. I’m thankful what really transpired in the island was still kept mum and that people only knew the teachers, the archduchess and the Four Guardians of Praiji were the ones with the biggest involvement in slaying the infiltrating demons.

I was still a little curious as to why the demons came and arrived in the island undetected. I took the liberty to come up with my own conclusions.

One was that the demons wanted something from the dungeon located inside the volcano. I knew the dungeon was already conquered but it was one of those that did not collapse and instead released the monsters it had inside in the island. Peter told me it was the reason the island was under supervision.

As to how the demons entered the island without even anyone noticing was that someone deliberately let them in. Someone high up in the food chain obviously. It didn’t take too much effort and investigation to do that. It was the first thing that came up in my mind while thinking about my question. I know it was a dangerous guess and I could obviously get into trouble with it, but there was no other explanation.

There’s a traitor within the higher-ups of the Praiji Empire. Somebody who had the means and capability to pull the strings from behind the scenes. And if I had to guess, Aunt Zaira probably already figured that one part as well. As to why, well that one, I had no idea. As well as for the who.

The citizens of Praiji were obviously not thrilled to know about the return of demons. Some started to panic and some started to question the imperial government about it.

Well, it was in history that the demons were wiped out shortly after the founding of the empire, and the news that demons were suddenly back obviously did not sit well with them. The government tried their best to quell the citizens’ fear and panic and it worked. For now.

Demons were humanity’s most fearsome foe, so it was definitely something to be scared about. Their ancestors, the Devils brought us the same trouble in the Celestial Realm back then too. So I suppose the situation was one of those sayings; what is the tree will also be the fruit.

I used to not understand that saying, even when I was still living as Nyxtriel, and I never thought I’d learn its meaning when I became mortal.

I’m not sure if everyone already took a guess or they just did not want to acknowledge it, but the demons in the island was just the beginning. A storm is on its way and I never expected to be at the center of it. josei


Two weeks in after the start of the second semester, was suddenly summoned to the conference room in the administration wing. I was a worried about the sudden call. I thought it had something to do with the events during the last semester which to be honest was kind of scary.

My participation during the fight was only known to the teachers and the students of the Magic Arts Department, but nevertheless the students were curious, well more like nosy, about our ordeal. To be honest, it wasn’t something to make fun of, especially when we were close to dying, but the students from other departments found it interesting since it was the first time in a long time to spot demons.

If they only knew.

The last dungeon break was caused by a demon, but nobody seemed to know about it.

I walk as silently as I could once the Headmaster gave me the permission to enter the room. I noticed that there were already a few students inside the office, seated around the conference table. I knew some of them, that being Torii, Senior Trent and Senior Leo, and I headed to the vacant seat next to Torii.

“What is going on?” I asked Torii in a whisper.

“I’m not sure either. Leo, Trent and I were pulled out of our class.” answered my adoptive sister in a monotone voice.

Minutes passed and I sensed two familiar auras enter the room, followed by two unknown ones. The door opened, and Freya and Professor Tresde entered followed by two others. I met Freya’s gaze but she looked as confused as I was and shrugged her shoulders with a roll in the eyes.

-Seriously this girl.

“Great! We’re all here! Take a seat so we can start.” the Headmaster announced. “Student Council President, if you will?”

“Yes sir.”

-Oh, so he knows.

“This year, the Grand Academy Games, an important event for our beloved school and glorious empire will be held. And for the first time in many years, our nation will be hosting it!”

I could see and literally feel the excitement in the room, but…

-What’s the Grand Academy Games?

To be honest, I felt stupid not knowing a lot of things. I wasn’t as interested as my sister of the Mortal Realm back then, and survival was more important in the Celestine Territory more than anything else, Still is actually, and I didn't have much information on the outside world.

“How can you be so stupid not knowing what the Grand Academy Games is?” I hear Freya hiss. She was conveniently seated beside me.

“Can you just tell me?”

“Fine. Listen very well you ignorant fool…”

That was just a joke on her side. I hope.

“The Grand Academy Games is an academic event that happens every two years. Various top schools from every continent will be participating in it where the strongest school will come out on top. Last time, there were twelve participating schools. I wonder how many schools will participating this time. Anyway, the G.A. Games will last for about a week and has numerous events. But…”

“But what?”

“Usually, only the third years and fourth years participate in it. Why is there a first year like you and me in this discussion? Not to mention a second year.” Freya pointed to a black haired boy that was sitting across us.

“Good observation Junior Freya.” Senior Leo suddenly said which got mine and Freya’s attention. “It was a tradition to send only third years and fourth years for the games since the events can be... dangerous."

I noticed the hesitation there, but he continued; "But there was never really a rule to have participants from the lower years. Only the fifth and sixth years were not allowed to participate for obvious reasons. This year, we have invited three of the most talented individuals from the lower years.”

The Headmaster stood up and started introducing us. First was Daniel Jarnthe, a second year student of the magus knight course of the Military Arts Department.

“He is an excellent student even among the second years and it is not wrong to say that he is the most powerful among his entire year. He can wield earth magic and has excellent combat skills.”

Freya and I were introduced next.

“Students Freya and Luna were two of the ones who fought the demons during the Mt. Tala Island Incident. They have fought and defeated a demon together, and it is not wrong to say that they are the most talented among their year level. Luna especially is someone I recommend especially in terms of monster hunting which is one of the events during the G.A. Games.”

“The students present have been handpicked to represent our school and our nation during the G.A. Games. You are the icing on the cake, the cream of the crop!” Senior Leo announced. “And our emperor wishes yet another win in this year’s Grand Academy Games.”

-I guess we can’t really decline?

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