Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The Grand Academy Games - Obstacle Course

The day had finally come. The first day of the Grand Academy Games had arrived and a parade was planned to showcase the participants from the different schools and countries. Of course, before we could proceed to the planned welcoming ceremony, all eight teams, each with seven participants, had to go through an obstacle course.

The entire city was modified with the use of magic and we had to go through the obstacle to get to the end.

The obstacle course event was not part of the G.A. Games events but it was how the sequence and number representation would be decided.

My team and I were at the starting line, in the North Gate together with the participants from Ice Palace Academy of Nephir Kingdom from the Northern Continent.

I knew it was important to focus in the incoming event, but my mind was plagued with my meeting with Andrei. The names he told me lingered in my mind; Hilda Hysi and Spirit Ball.

Spirit Ball, I had no idea what that is, but from the name I could already guess it was some sort of magic item. Then there was Hilda Hysi. From the last name, Hysi, it seemed like whoever that was, is related to my current host. Unfortunately Andrei did not elaborate and left me hanging.

-And he wants to be friends? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

“What the hell is wrong with you?” nudged Freya who was looking at me with a confused look.

I looked around and saw everyone, even those from Ice Palace Academy, looking at me strangely, like I lost my mind or something. I probably did for a moment there.

“Did I say that out loud?” I inquired shyly.

“No, you were screaming.” Freya replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

I couldn’t help but recoil in embarrassment. I mean. I did not want them to know since I had the image of a tough girl. But then all of a sudden I screamed out of frustration.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Anastasia who had a worried look on her face.

“Are you okay? Did you get enough rest and sleep yesterday?”

“I’m fine Senior Anastasia. I just have something on my mind, but I’m fine.”

“I see. Well, don’t overwork yourself okay?”

“Yes Senior!”

Senior Anastasia was like the group’s mom. She also looked the part too, not to mention she was the oldest among us. She was caring and would always look after us every time we finished training. She was also a good cook and her food was heavenly!

Senior George was the happy-go-lucky type who’s always on everyone’s good side. He’s a fun guy with skills but he’s definitely not someone one should anger. He had that glint in his eyes, like he’s hiding something dangerous behind his smiles. It was also the feeling I get from him but I did not dare ask.

Senior Daniel was the example of model student. He’s powerful, smart and easy to get along with. He’s friends with almost everyone and has a very likable temperament. But he made me uneasy at times and I couldn’t help but put my guard up around him.

Well those were just what I observed on the three new people I was spending my time with. Torii, Freya and Senior Trent did not need any observations since I already knew them. Professor Tresde told me to get to know my teammates so that I could be at ease during the events.

If only it was that easy.

“Come on already, we’re starting.” Senior Trent said as he held Senior George by the cuff of his neck. The latter was about to go to the other team to bother their female population.

Did I forget to mention that George was a terrible ladies man? Women seemed to be one of his motivations, but he prefers older women and those with huge boobs. His words, not mine. josei

Senior Anastasia started apologizing to the white clad students who were only looking at us with cold expressions.

-The live up to the name of their school.

At the sound of an explosion, we all sped towards inside the city with only one goal in mind; reach the end faster than anyone.

Apart from the sequence for the events, starting points would also be given to the team based on their ranking. Ten points would be given to the first team to finish the obstacle course, then nine points to the second team, eight points to the third team, and so on, following that pattern.

The starting point was not something we would pass up of course and I’m pretty sure everyone was aiming to be on first place. But the obstacle course race was not something to be underestimated even though it was our ‘home ground’, as Bernard called it.

One disadvantage to the obstacle course was; no use of magic, skills or abilities. Which means; we had to finish the obstacle course by ourselves with no aid whatsoever. Unfortunately for us, we were used to using magic (energy on my part) in our everyday life, even at strengthening ourselves.

-And we were never told about this!

The first obstacle was a balancing beam where we had to cross it. Torii, Freya and I passed it with no problem but the others had to do it like three or four times before they succeeded. And since the condition was for all members to reach the end, we had to wait for the four of them.

Cooperation is not something I dislike, it’s just sometimes I feel like it’s easier to move by my lonesome and succeed at it. When I was still living in the Celestial Realm, my family, especially my sister, always said that the strength of an individual is the most important. It was the reason I became gung-ho on gaining strength but I did not mind taking orders from my sister.

When I became mortal, I realized that working together as a group is as essential and efficient as working alone. I used to dislike humans because of their weakness, but my sister coaxed me into liking them and had neutral feelings towards them since then. But there was one thing I noticed, humans, even if they lost everything, would seek a group and would become stronger with that group. Utilizing that when I became Luna was probably one of the biggest achievements I could ever consider.

The Grand Academy Games had a high death rate ever since it was established fifty years ago, but the games had always been a seven-man team.

Teamwork, something I learned when I became mortal and I couldn’t believe it would be something I’d cherish as I go on with my life.

I also realized that I had been very easy going with everything that had unfolded in my life. Dealing with the obstacle course, I couldn’t believe I would feel that sense of achievement I never thought I would ever feel.


“On number seven with four points, Praiji Imperial Academy!” announced the emcee which was met with applause by the spectators.

“I can’t believe we only got four points!” I heard George grumble. “It’s because Trent went dawdling during that rope climbing thing!”

“Ha? How is that my fault? Didn’t you flunk during crawling exercise? Can you even crawl properly?” Trent retorted in the same vigor.

Teamwork is an important thing for a group to succeed, but it was something we had to work on, on the duration of the games.

-But, this is not bad.

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