Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Demonized Confrontation

“What should we do then?” Senior Trent asked as we watched the remaining Cedi representative fight for his life.

“Distract it while I take the survivors elsewhere.”

“Just you? I mean-“

“I’ll take them to a safe place and apply medical treatment on the heavily injured one. You don’t have to kill the monster yourself. It would be better to actually run away from it.”

“Why not?”

-Is this guy serious?

“Senior, that thing’s like powered up because of the crystal. You can’t fight that alone especially when it’s abilities are boosted to be Class S!”

I already guessed that the monster was strong in the first place, but with the crystal’s addition, apart from having its power boosted, it’s also nearly impossible to kill. Unless you know where to hit.

“So I just have to get rid of the crystal right?” Senior Trent with a smile.

My eyes widened in surprise. He actually figured it out!

“And besides, I’m not alone. Senior George will be assisting me. Just focus on getting those students out of there.”

I just sighed. He already looked like he was set on bringing the demonized monster with a gold tag, so I just agreed with him.

I watched in atop a tree branch as Senior George shot the monster with an arrow that exploded upon impact. At the same time, Senior Trent zoomed in with lightning tendrils around his body and weapon. I immediately readied myself.

Once Senior Trent drove his halberd to the monster’s side, which resulted on the monster crashing to some trees, I used Flash Steps to get to the surviving students. I also used my internal energy to strengthen myself and immediately grabbed the two with my arms. I started running away from the area of the monster.

There weren’t any resistance from the two so they were either too shocked to react or both were passed out.

We reached one of the safe zones in the forest and immediately brought them down to the ground.

Well only one was unconscious while the other one was pale and shivering. I immediately recognized them; Katherine li Binsha and Patrick Gernuv, both were third years.

“It… it killed everyone else like nothing. I- I…”

“Sshh. It’s okay now. You’re okay now.” I said with a smile and patted his shoulder. “This is one of the safe zones. No monsters will come here. You’ll be safe here, so try and calm down okay? I’ll go take a look at your friend and then you.”

Senior Patrick just nodded and I went to his teammate’s side. I checked the injuries immediately and took note of the gash on Katherine’s forehead and the bump at the back of her head.

-She probably has concussion. She has a broken leg and her left arm popped out of its socket. josei

I knew how to apply first aid. I also trained in medicine and alchemy so I thought I should be able to handle their injuries.

It took a few minutes to fix Senior Katherine’s shoulder and apply some medicine on her cuts. I also put a splinter on her broken leg so it wouldn’t get more damaged. Senior Patrick was also easy to treat. He was very compliant and he only had a few cuts and bruises. His worst injury was a gash on his back, probably from the monster’s horns.

“Senior Patrick, I have to return to my teammates. I will have to leave you here.” I said after treating their injuries.


“You’ll be safe here. Just wait until the time limit is over. We will be transported back to the entrance of Timog Town.”

“What about my dead teammates?”

I couldn’t help but feel sorry to Senior Patrick. He was really worried about his teammates.

“The committee will be retrieving their dead bodies.” I gave him a sad smile. “Senior Patrick, my teammates and I will fight that monster. We will avenge your friends, okay?”

“Please do so.”

I watched as he buried his head to his knees and started crying.

“I’ll see you later Senior Patrick.”

I ran outside the safe zone and returned to where I left Seniors Trent and George, hoping they didn’t end up like the other Cedi students.

I released a sigh of relief when I saw both my seniors still alive and kicking. Well, Senior George was running around with his bow in hand, his forehead bleeding. Senior Trent on the other hand still had his halberd on his hand, but I noticed the blood on his uniform. His chest was bleeding and I could see him breathing heavily.

I immediately rushed to his side and checked his injuries.

“You don’t have to Luna. I’ll be fine.” he said and attempted to push me away.

“Yeah right, like I’ll ever let that happen. Stay still and let me heal you.” I growled at him. “I told you to just run away! That thing’s a Class S now! It’s not something we can deal easily like the other monsters!”

I gave him a pill to stop the bleeding and another pill to restore his vitality. I then put bandage on his injuries which thankfully immediately stopped bleeding after he drank his pill.

“You’re the one with experience on this one. What should we do? That thing just keeps on reviving no matter what Senior George and I do.”

“That’s what the black crystal is for.” I grimaced. “We all try to get its attention and whoever gets an opening to strike its forehead, we do it. Understand?”

“Yes your majesty.”

“And don’t call me that.”

I fought the urge to elbow him because of his injuries. I managed to convince him not to call me or treat me like a queen just a few weeks ago, which I’m very thankful for. But Senior Trent just sometimes liked being an ass.

Senior Trent made a dash forward, lunging at the monster whose attention was at Senior George. I jumped high up in the air and brought my blade towards its head. My eyes widened as it managed to repel Senior Trent’s attack and deflect my swords with its horns.

-This is bad. Not only did the monster become stronger, it has also become smarter. Aunt Zaira, what the hell is this? Is this part of the event? Or is something else going on?

I crashed to a tree when the monster suddenly caught my foot and flung me aside. I groaned when I landed on a tree trunk rather harshly. From the corner of my eye, I saw Senior Trent also get thrown to the side. Unfortunately for him, the monster decided to go after him, worse, he got knocked out.

-We should’ve really just run.

I was regretting ever agreeing with Senior Trent in fighting the demonized creature which seems to be getting more powerful by the minute.

“Senior Trent will die at this rate.”

I engulfed myself with fox fire and lunged at the monster. I jumped on it back and plunged my swords that were encased with the same bluish-white flame. I could feel the temperature rising, but it wasn’t really bothering me.

The monster roared in anguish and started thrashing around in an attempt to get me off its back, but I kept my swords planted firmly and released more of my flames.

All of a sudden, it got hold of my arm and flung me aside once more. I landed harshly on the ground and cradled my dislocated arm. I winced as I put weight of my then sprained ankle. The monster charged at me with anger on its eyes.

-Damn it. I can’t get away.

I stood feeling hopeless at what was about to come.

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