Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Accepting a Bitter Reality

It was the middle of the night. Kai was inside his bedroom in the academy’s boy’s dormitory, looking up at the moon.

“Luna… the moon.” he muttered. “In the memories I received, you were the moon that shone in the darkness and the one that led us against the demons. In this timeline, we somehow fell for each other, but… among the things the me of that future gave is his feelings for somebody else. And right now… I’ afraid I… I can’t accept your feelings as long as his feelings for that person still lingers. That’s just wrong of me.”

Kai was really frustrated. He liked Luna, that one was for sure, but his feelings had been pretty messed up ever since he received the memories of his other self. After all, that person had loved the fallen fox goddess Nyxtriel. He felt like he would be cheating Luna if he accepted her confession.

“But I think I hurt her even more with my response.” he murmured to himself. “I’m really an idiot.”

"That you are." josei

While wallowing on his own emotions, he didn’t notice a figure enter his room through the open balcony. Once the figure made themselves known, a knife was already pointed at his throat.

“I thought I told you to never let your guard down.” the figure was Archduchess Celestine. “If I was after your life for real, you would’ve been dead.”

“I apologize for that.”

“Always be on your guard, I can’t lose a good asset like you.”

Kai couldn’t help but scoff fondly at her words. His imperial uncle was right; the archduchess will always put people to good use.

“Anyway, have you apologized to Luna?” the archduchess suddenly asked.

“Yes. Although I think, I may have hurt her more than I expected.”

“It’s part of growing up. She’s not stupid to wallow on that.”

‘Wasn’t she the one who said she couldn’t stand any of her charges heartbroken?’ he wondered but never really spoke it out loud.

“Also, have you thought of it? My proposal.”

A month after he received the memories of the future of a parallel world, Archduchess Celestine recruited him to join the Dark Palace. He had been given time to think about it and the day he spoke to Luna was the last day of it.

“Yes. I will join the Dark Palace.”

The archduchess only smiled. “Welcome to the Dark Palace, Ao.”

‘Ao? Must be my codename as an agent of the Dark Palace. I never thought the shadow organization guarding Praiji is actually real.’

“And since you’re officially a member and under my command, I can tell you this; your information about an army of demons moving from the south has been confirmed. They're estimated to arrive in Azte City in the last day of the Grand Academy Games.”

“I see. So the involvement of the Ferhusto Kingdom is indeed-“

“-True. We have evidence that they’re working with the demons and are the ones responsible for the demon army’s approach without us detecting. Good thing you told me. The emperor has issued orders to protect the capital and its citizens discreetly. As members of the Dark Palace, it is also our duty to support them in the shadows.” she smirked. “Expect to be used to the fullest, Ao.”

“Yes, Mistress.”


“I’m sorry!” I yelled while bowing towards my comrades in the G.A. Games. “I’m sorry for my attitude this afternoon as well as for acting up! I’m also sorry for messing up the strategies for this afternoon’s match!”

I already steeled myself when I decided I’d apologize to Torii and the others. I mean, I was pretty stupid during the match, losing control like that because my emotions got the best of me. Aunt Zaira, even Elthesia, used to tell me that I should always have good control of my emotions. They can be the source of my strength but they can also be the reason of my fall down.

-But then again, I’m currently a growing teenager with raging hormones.

“If… if you do not want me in the team anymore, I will withdraw from the team and ask Senior Leo for one of the reserves to fill my spot.”

I also readied myself for the worst.

But instead of hearing a scolding or maybe even a hit (especially from Freya), I felt arms envelop me and patted my back. I looked up and saw Senior Anastasia who was looking at me with a smile.

“As powerful as you are, you actually know how realize your mistakes, reflect on it and to apologize. That’s good.” she let out a chuckle which really surprised me. “We already talked among ourselves. If you returned before our next match started and realized your mistakes as well as apologize, we will forgive you. Senior Leo and Professor Tresde also agreed to that.”

“Really? But I-“

“You’re an important member of our team, it’s not easy to replace you and work with someone else all of a sudden.” Senior George said and patted my head.

“So? Have you settled what has been troubling you?”

I stiffened at that. All of a sudden, I felt an overwhelming pain and sadness on my chest and before I knew it, tears were falling from my eyes.

“Yes. And I think I just got rejected.”

I heard Senior Anastasia comforting me, saying soothing words to calm me down. Even Freya and the stone-faced Torii came closer and started consoling me.

“HUH? REJECTED YOU? WHO DARES REJECT YOU AND HURT YOUR FEELINGS?! I’LL GO AFTER HIM AND CHOP HIS HANDS!” Senior Trent suddenly yelled which caught our attention and stopped me from crying. He was currently being held back by Senior George and Senior Daniel, stopping him from chopping Kai’s hands.

-I should ‘never’ tell him.

I have always known Senior Trent would be a bit protective of me since we were the last members of the Lyxi Clan and I was supposedly its current queen.

-At least he didn’t call me ‘your majesty’.

<”LUNA!”> Vyfal jumped on my arms and started nuzzling my face.

“I’m sorry I worried you.”

It was a nostalgic feeling, being comforted when I’m sad. Ever since I started living in the mortal realm, I had always been tough without a care in my surroundings. I did not have time for trivial stuff like getting sad and whatnot. I was too focused on making sure I survived and becoming strong so I can face strong enemies.

That night, I fell asleep with Vyfal in my arms and the female members of our team on my side.

And for the first time in years, I dreamt about my previous family; the Fox Clan of Liada. It wasn’t the usual nightmares that would plague me when I was younger, but a happy and warm memory of my family when they were still alive and we were together.

It was a little hard to mend a broken heart, but I realized that I wasn’t actually totally rejected. Senior Anastasia said it was a little mean for me to wait but I said that I would only wait if my feelings remained the same. It meant I had the right to move on and be free to love someone else if I got over him.

I think that was a win-win situation to be honest.

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