Class Villainess

Chapter 157 - Love Letters (3)

Chapter 157 - Love Letters (3)

"Ah, I seriously don't understand him. It's better to just ignore him completely… for now. Focus on the mission first to take down those bastards Thomas and his gang."

I hurriedly separated the letter for Miss Alba and for myself. One more thing that I noticed was the scent of the perfume in the letter and envelope. 

The one intended for Miss Alba had a scent of perfume that Mason Hall always wore most of the time. It was fresh and woody, very typical of a well-groomed young man. 

But the one intended for me… has a stronger scent mixed with a tinge of mellow. It gave off this mature yet romantic scent of a man. 

"What is this all about, though? Does Mason want to tell me that he is already an adult? Heh, but we're still in high school, and this perfume… is very new to me."

Mason's perfume was usually strong enough to let you know that he was around but humble enough not to hurt your nose. It showed that he wanted to look good, but not in a showing-off kind of way. 

But I've never smelled this scent from Mason. It was a bit too mature for a high schoolboy. 

However, I also had a feeling the scent was actually familiar. I didn't know from whom I had ever come in contact with this scent, but it was definitely familiar.

"I feel like the scent is quite rare as well. This scent is definitely a mix between two perfumes…."

Man, I was confused as heck. But I knew I wouldn't get any answer dilly-dallying like this. I had a mission to complete today. 

I texted Elise first since she was the one who would instruct Mona. 

Emmy: Elise, I got it.

I waited for a moment for a text back from Elise.

Elise: Huh? What do you mean?

Emmy: I got the love letter and autograph from Mason Hall. With this, we can definitely bait Miss Alba.

Elise: Wait, WHAT?! How come you can forge the love letter and autograph so easily? Did you do it by yourself? Or you're hiring a professional? 

Emmy: Uh… I did it by myself. I'm quite talented at this.

Elise: Can you send a picture first? I'm also curious. 

I took a picture of the letter's content and then sent it to Elise. Then it took another minute for Elise to reply.

Emmy: Picture sent. 

Elise: Holy shit! Wow, this looks totally legit! 

Elise: I got a friend who had Mason Hall's autograph, and it's so difficult to copy. Maybe Mason Hall doesn't want anyone to fake his autograph. 

Elise: and that autograph at the bottom is near perfect—No, it IS perfect! That's basically Mason who sign that!

Well, it was Mason himself who did this. But I knew that Elise wouldn't believe me, so I just played along and proceeded with the plan. 

Emmy: The letter is ready, but there is no date in the letter, not even an invitation. So the one who delivers this must tell her about the supposed meeting with Mason Hall, you know, the day where we're going to execute everything. 

Elise: Understood. I think Mona can do that. Don't worry whether she will get involved or not. I could brief Mona first, telling her to say it lightly, as if she was just delivering a message to Miss Alba from someone else. 

Elise: But my question is… with all of the tools needed already in our hands. What will we do next? What's your next plan, and when will we execute the plan to take those bastards done?

Emmy: Well, I will ask Noah about the procedure to bait those bastards, Thomas, and his gang, with money. You know, because they have that weird service to do everything as long as they got paid. 

Emmy: I will use that to bait them, and when I get them, I will determine a good date for it. Miss Alba's letter should be delivered during the lunch break during the D-Day, so she will come cluelessly and excitedly to the spot, thinking Mason is there to kiss her. 

Elise: Do you really need money to bait them? You can just tell him that someone he knew wanted to share his sex tape, so he has to come at the D-Day, or the sex tape will be leaked everywhere. 

Emmy: No, I cannot do that. First, it will ruin the surprise factor.

Emmy: Second, Thomas will immediately hunt Noah if we do that. He won't even need to come. He could just search for Noah everywhere because it seemed that he only had one sex tape, and it was with Noah. 

Elise: Ah, you're right. 

Elise: Then, you should give the letter to me as soon as possible, then I will keep it and give it to Mona when we've determined the date.

Emmy: Yes, I will talk with Noah first today about the plan. The text you later, Elise. 

Now that everything had been prepared, the only thing we needed to do was the execution. 

Baiting those three stooges, and then delivering the letter to Elise so she could give it to Mona, and then determining the good day. 


During the lunch break, I texted Noah.

Emmy: Noah, I got everything we need. Where are you right now?

Noah: Everything? Uhm… I was hiding behind the club room as always. Thomas and his gang were still searching for me as always. 

Noah: If possible, can I stay inside your club room again?

Ah, really, those bastards couldn't stay put for at least one day. Especially Thomas, he seemed eager to bully Noah these days. It appeared that he was truly worried that Noah would leak their sex tape. 

I assumed that Thomas must've been in paranoia right now. He was a total homophobic and probably always talked about how disgusting gay people were. 

If he got caught having a sex tape with another man, then his reputation was done for. He would never recover from that.

That was a valid excuse that would drive someone to paranoia, a great opportunity for me to strike while it was hot. 

I texted Noah to wait in front of the pottery club room as I was heading there. When I arrived, I saw Noah hiding behind a locker near the bathroom not far from the pottery club room. He must have been in a big paranoia as well, fearing for his life as he kept getting picked on and beaten by Thomas. 

I opened the Pottery club room and told Noah to come in.

Then, I locked the door from inside and closed the curtain, so nobody would realize there was someone here. 

I turned on the heater for Noah and asked one thing first, "Noah, do you think Elise can be trusted?"



"What makes you suspicious about her?" Noah asked.

"I'm not suspicious about her…." Honestly, I wasn't suspicious about her. I was just being my cautious self. I got a bit of suspicion about why she wanted me to deliver this letter to her before giving it to Mona.

When I could just ask Noah or bring it to Mona myself. 

"I'm just worried that she has a hidden agenda about this whole mission."

"I don't think so, Em," Noah replied without much thought. "Mona and Elise have been best friends for so long. Although I'm not as close to Elise, Mona and Elise helped each other really well."

"What you need to know is… Mona and Elise are a little closed off. They don't really let someone enter their friendship. That's why they only accept requests from each other, just like with you and Mona before. If it's not Mona who persuaded Elise to tell you about everything, then she would need to tell."

"Ah, I see…." 

"So, from what I got here, Mona and Elise were such a bestie that they will not trust anyone else, right?"

"Indeed. Even when I was dating Mona, they would still have their own way of hiding things from me. Basically, they will never allow anyone inside their very small circle."

Ah, now I understood why Elise wanted me to deliver the letter to her first before she gave it to Mona. I was just a bit worried that she wanted to plot something behind me, and it would be very unfortunate because I truly think of her as my partner.

"Well, now that everything has been cleared, we have all the tools needed to take Thomas, Jorge, and Jackson down. All we need to do is to bait them with that money," I said. "Noah, tell me, how can I get in contact with them?"

"I mean, I can give you the contact, but… do you have the money, Em?"

"I do. I have more than enough, don't worry about it."josei

"… how much?" He asked.

I grinned as I was going to tell him the astronomical amount that I got.

"I have 2 grands as a bait."

"2 GRANDS!?"

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